Hello, this is Uchiyama of the Stroly development team.
Next week is the Golden Week holidays. This year, the holidays are all over the place, so many of you may not be able to take a long vacation, but why don’t you use Stroly’s map to find a spot near you?
I am wondering if I should go back home, but if not, I would like to find a nearby place on Stroly’s map and go there.
The photo is a shot of the sky from my house, as I have been so lazy that I didn’t take any photos. It is sunny well!

Update Information for Stroly Viewer v17.1.0
OpenStreetMap tile design has been changed
The OpenStreetMap tile design that can be displayed in the viewer has been changed to a design suitable for city walking.
The new tile design is based on Mapbox Streets Japan, making it easier to see subway lines and stations in urban areas.
Please explore the city with Stroly, which makes it easier to walk around the city during GW.

Stroly My Page v4.15.0 Update Information
The map of the board to which you belong is now displayed in the list.
Previously, only maps created by you were displayed, but with this release, maps of boards to which you belong are now also displayed in the list.
OpenStreetMap tile design has been changed
As with the viewer, the OpenStreetMap tile design has been changed to be more suitable for city walking.
At Stroly, we strive to achieve an exciting user experience by continuously developing new features and improving existing ones. Please look forward to future releases.
The entire staff is looking forward to hearing from our users.