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  2. How to use Stroly
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  4. Data Report
  5. >
  6. About the aggregated data on Data Report

About the aggregated data on Data Report

This section explains the data used in Data Report.

Views Number of times your map was viewed.
Embedded map views Number of times your map embedded in an iframe on a website was viewed.
Visits Number of people who used your map.
iframe visits Number of people who used your map embedded in an iframe on a website.
Landmark clicks Number of times the landmarks (spots) were clicked.
Number of visits on Landmarks Number of people who clicked the landmarks (spots).
Traveled distance Distance traveled by users on your map.
Average traveled distance The average distance traveled by users on your map.
ALL・IN/MAP ALL: Inside and outside your map
IN/MAP: Inside your map
Referrals What websites users accessed before entering your map.

Hover the mouse over the (?) next to the data name to see the description of each data.