For an overview of each section, please check here.
※If you are using a smartphone, you can’t see the detailed data page.
Map Info Area

1.This section shows information about your map.
Click the title of the map to go to Viewer.
2.Click “Collapse” to collapse this section.
Weekly Report
Clicking “Weekly” on the left panel will scroll down to “Last Week’s Behavioral”.

1.This section shows the number of map views in the past seven days.
The number of “views”, “embedded map views”, “visits”, and “iframe visits” are shown numerically in the table on the left and graphically on the right.
2.This section shows the number of landmark (spot) views in the past seven days.
The number of “landmark (spots) clicks” and “visits on landmarks (spots)” are shown numerically in the table on the left and graphically on the right.
User Behavior Data
Clicking “User Behavior Data” on the left panel will scroll down to “User Behavior and Movement”.

1.You can set the period to show the aggregate data.
The “Last Week’s Behavioral” data is not subject to the period setting.
2.This section shows the data from the heat map.
This section is only available for users who are on the Basic feature、Premium feature.
The heat map shows the route the users have moved on the map.
In the upper right corner, you can change the display settings of landmarks (spots) and the radius of the heat map.
3.This section shows the user’s behavioral data.
“Traveled distance” and “average traveled distance” are shown numerically in the table on the left and graphically on the right.
Click “Download” to download the data in CSV format or XSLX (Excel) format.
Detailed Data
Clicking “Detailed Data” on the left page will scroll down to “Map page/embedded Views, Landmark clicks, Referrals”.

1.This section shows the number of page views and iframe views.
The number of page “views” and “embedded map views” will be shown numerically in the table on the left, and the number of page “visits” and “iframe visits” will be shown graphically on the right.
Click “Download” to download the data in CSV format or XSLX (Excel) format.
2.This section shows the number of page views, page visits, embedded map views, and iframe visits.
N/MAP shows the number of users who used the map within the range of the map.
ALL shows the number of users who used the map, including those who used the map outside of its range.
3.This section shows the number of clicks for ALL and IN/MAP_landmarks (spots).
The number of clicks and the ranking for each landmark (spot) is shown in the table.
If you click “Download,” you can download the data in CSV format or XSLX (Excel) format.
4.This section shows referrals.
The table shows the number of page “views”, page “visits”, “embedded map views”, and “iframe visits” for each referral.
User Details
Clicking “User Details” on the left panel will scroll down to “User browsing status”.

1.This section shows the number of users by time period.
The number of users in each time period is shown both in a table and graph.
2.This section shows information about the device.
You can check the information of the devices the users use.
The number of page “views”, page “visits”, “embedded map views”, and “iframe visits” for each device is shown both in a graph and table.
Click “Download” to download the data in CSV format or XSLX (Excel) format.
3.This section shows information about the OS.
You can check the information of the OS the users use.
The number of page “views”, page “visits”, “embedded map views”, “iframe visits” for each OS is shown both in graphs and tables.
Click “Download” to download the data in CSV format or XSLX (Excel) format.
4.This section shows information about the language.
You can check the information of the languages the users use.
The number of page “views”, page “visits”, “embedded map views”, and “iframe visits” for each language is shown both in graphs and tables.
Click “Download” to download the data in CSV or XSLX (Excel) format.
5.This section shows information about the region and country.
You can check the data of the user’s region and country.
The number of page “views”, page “visits”, “embedded map views”, and “iframe visits” for each region and country is shown both in graphs and tables.
Click “Download” to download the data in CSV format or XSLX (Excel) format.