Vienne (1640)

Bird's-eye view of Vienna from North. Second, unmodified edition of 1640, based on the first edition of 1609.Copperplate print and etching, composed of 3 x 2 sheets. Original size: 795 x 1595 mm.
Title: VIENNA AVSTRIAE Wienn In Oesterreich. The text
is flanked by the coat of arms of the dukedom (left) and the city Vienna
(right). The fine print at the bottom-right reads Vißcher excudit. I. Houfnagel fecit.. The logo at far bottom-right contains a dedication to Kaiser Ferdinand III.Characteristic features:・One of earliest bird's-eye views of a city, as opposed to the previously dominating profile views.・Detailed display of the city and its sourrounding landscape・Shows the then still medieval appearance of the city before the paradigm shift to baroque style.
・Shows the nearly finished fortification of the city, intended as a
defense against the Osman Empire. (The part of the old city wall facing
the danube side isn't yet strengthened / rebuilt)
update date: 2019.01.21