Yamato Town Recommended Sightseeing Map

Yamato Town Recommended Sightseeing Map thumbnail

We've created an illustrated tourist map of KUMAMOTO Yamato Town featuring tourist spots, restaurants, souvenirs, and events! Be sure to check it out when you're touring the town! There are also some excellent soba restaurants and shops where you can taste Yamato Town-made ice cream that are not on the map! ! Be sure to stop by!

update date: 2025.03.25


Number of spots : 69spots

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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 興梠ブルーベリー園 興梠ブルーベリー園

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    ブルーベリー摘み取り 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町菅尾1344-1 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス 駐車場 営業時間 - 入場料・入館料 定休日 - TEL 0967-83-1165 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • ブルーベリー農園片倉 ブルーベリー農園片倉

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    ブルーベリー摘み取り 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町滝上429 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス 駐車場 営業時間 - 入場料・入館料 定休日 - TEL 0967-83-0649 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • ECO九州ツーリスト ECO九州ツーリスト

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    九州の秘境・絶景ポイントを御案内 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町馬見原824 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス 駐車場 営業時間 - 入場料・入館料 定休日 - TEL 0967-74-4330 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • 青葉の瀬 青葉の瀬

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    カヌーやボート遊び、陶芸体験 (陶芸は予約制) 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町緑川3715 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス 駐車場 営業時間 - 入場料・入館料 定休日 - TEL 0967-82-3511 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • 清和の恵み工房ブルーベリー摘み取り園 清和の恵み工房ブルーベリー摘み取り園

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    ブルーベリー摘み取り 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町井無田723-1 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス 駐車場 営業時間 - 入場料・入館料 定休日 - TEL 0967-82-3488 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • なかはた農園 なかはた農園

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    イチゴ狩りとイチゴスイーツのお店 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町白小野168 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス 駐車場 営業時間 - 入場料・入館料 定休日 - TEL 0967-72-9222 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • スポット画像未設定

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  • Nakamchi-shimo Nakamchi-shimo 大造り物

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    仲町下(なかまちしも)連合組の大造り物 Thank you for visiting the Nakamachi-shimo team's otsukurimono! Every year, teams from across Yamato craft these incredible floats for the Hassaku Festival held on the first Saturday and Sunday of September. The festival is a held to pray for a bountiful harvest and the otsukurimono—the festival's main attraction—are built using only natural materials such as bark, leaves, grass, and bamboo, all gathered by hand. The process of construction takes about two months, culminating in a grand parade through the streets of Yamato. After the festival, each otsukurimono remains on display for a full year, until it's replaced by the next year's creation. The Nakamachi-shimo team strikes the perfect balance between hard work and fun. What sets them apart is their unique approach: instead of starting with a theme, they first decide on what they want to build and then craft a clever, often pun-filled theme around it. These playful themes are usually born from the team's lively post-construction gatherings, where creativity flows freely, courtesy of a drink or two (or ten!). While their otsukurimono are known for being dynamic and highly original, the real joy for the Nakamachi-shimo team comes from the camaraderie and fun they share throughout the building process. Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町浜町字古町205番地2及び同206番地 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Uragawa Uragawa 大造り物

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    浦川(うらがわ)連合組大造り物 Thank you for visiting the Uragawa team's otsukurimono! Every year, teams from across Yamato craft these incredible floats for the Hassaku Festival held on the first Saturday and Sunday of September. The festival is a held to pray for a bountiful harvest and the otsukurimono—the festival's main attraction—are built using only natural materials such as bark, leaves, grass, and bamboo, all gathered by hand. The process of construction takes about two months, culminating in a grand parade through the streets of Yamato. After the festival, each otsukurimono remains on display for a full year, until it's replaced by the next year's creation. The Uragawa team is one of the largest and most dedicated teams in Yamato. Their size allows them to devote extra time and attention to intricate details, resulting in breathtaking works of art. They're also known for keeping their float completely hidden during the building process, preserving the tradition of surprise and competition. Uragawa's floats often depict grand, larger-than-life figures from history or mythology, designed to awe spectators with their impressive scale and craftsmanship. Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町浜町字古町180番地4 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Suidocho, Shiromicho& Shinmachi-kami  Suidocho, Shiromicho& Shinmachi-kami 大造り物

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    城見町(しろみまち)・水道町(すいどうちょう)・新町上(しんまちかみ)連合組の大造り物 Thank you for visiting the Shiromicho, Suidocho & Shinmachi-kami team's otsukurimono! Every year, teams from across Yamato craft these incredible floats for the Hassaku Festival held on the first Saturday and Sunday of September. The festival is a held to pray for a bountiful harvest and the otsukurimono—the festival's main attraction—are built using only natural materials such as bark, leaves, grass, and bamboo, all gathered by hand. The process of construction takes about two months, culminating in a grand parade through the streets of Yamato. After the festival, each otsukurimono remains on display for a full year, until it's replaced by the next year's creation. This team, made up of members from multiple neighborhoods, is renowned for their remarkable speed, often completing their otsukurimono in half the time it takes other teams. Their secret? A lively team spirit, where each major construction milestone is celebrated with a well-earned drinking party! Known for their creativity, this team typically crafts floats depicting creatures from the natural world, from frogs and insects to larger-than-life figures like King Kong. They're also known for their innovative use of materials—don't be surprised to spot something unique, like seashells, incorporated into their design! Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町浜町字新町109番地4、109番地6、109番地8 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Gebao Gebao 大造り物

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    下馬尾(げばお)連合組の大造り物 Thank you for visiting the Gebao team's otsukurimono! Every year, teams from across Yamato craft these incredible floats for the Hassaku Festival held on the first Saturday and Sunday of September. The festival is a held to pray for a bountiful harvest and the otsukurimono—the festival's main attraction—are built using only natural materials such as bark, leaves, grass, and bamboo, all gathered by hand. The process of construction takes about two months, culminating in a grand parade through the streets of Yamato. After the festival, each otsukurimono remains on display for a full year, until it's replaced by the next year's creation. The Gebao team is famous for its otsukurimono that bear striking resemblances to popular anime characters and figures from pop culture. Their floats are known for their playful, adorable designs that capture the hearts of children and adults alike. They also frequently design their floats so that kids can ride in or on them as they are paraded throughout town during the festival. Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町下馬尾字村ノ後211番地1 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Okawa-machi & Shimo-Okawa Okawa-machi & Shimo-Okawa 大造り物

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    大川町(おおかわまち)・下大川(しもおおかわ)連合組の大造り物 Thank you for visiting the Okawa-machi & Shimo-Okawa team's otsukurimono! Every year, teams from across Yamato craft these incredible floats for the Hassaku Festival held on the first Saturday and Sunday of September. The festival is a held to pray for a bountiful harvest and the otsukurimono—the festival's main attraction—are built using only natural materials such as bark, leaves, grass, and bamboo, all gathered by hand. The process of construction takes about two months, culminating in a grand parade through the streets of Yamato. After the festival, each otsukurimono remains on display for a full year, until it's replaced by the next year's creation. The Okawa-machi & Shimo-Okawa team is known for its competitive spirit, with a sharp focus on winning awards—and in 2024, their hard work paid off when they won the coveted Grand Prize. Their otsukurimono often depict real or legendary animals in dramatic poses with impressively lifelike expressions. One of the team's signature techniques is the intricate decoration of their floats using thousands of meticulously placed bamboo rings, adding texture and depth to their creations. Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町城平字西前田854番地1及び同854番地4 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Shinmachi-naka Shinmachi-naka 大造り物

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    新町中(しんまちなか)連合組の大造り物 Thank you for visiting the Shinmachi-naka team's otsukurimono! Every year, teams from across Yamato craft these incredible floats for the Hassaku Festival held on the first Saturday and Sunday of September. The festival is a held to pray for a bountiful harvest and the otsukurimono—the festival's main attraction—are built using only natural materials such as bark, leaves, grass, and bamboo, all gathered by hand. The process of construction takes about two months, culminating in a grand parade through the streets of Yamato. After the festival, each otsukurimono remains on display for a full year, until it's replaced by the next year's creation. The Shinmachi-naka team is renowned for its larger-than-life floats, often crafting towering standing figures that dwarf many of the other otsukurimono. Some of their creations reach heights of over 5 meters, so tall that during the festival parade, helpers must use poles to lift power lines just to let the float pass through the streets. In addition to their impressive size, the Shinmachi-naka team adds a unique touch by incorporating fresh leaves into their floats. These leaves remain vibrant and green during the festival, but over time, they darken and change color, giving their otsukurimono an evolving, natural beauty long after the festivities have ended. Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町浜町78-1 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Nakamachi-kami Nakamachi-kami 大造り物

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    仲町上(なかまちかみ)連合組の大造り物 Thank you for visiting the Nakamachi-kami team's otsukurimono! Every year, teams from across Yamato craft these incredible floats for the Hassaku Festival held on the first Saturday and Sunday of September. The festival is a held to pray for a bountiful harvest and the otsukurimono—the festival's main attraction—are built using only natural materials such as bark, leaves, grass, and bamboo, all gathered by hand. The process of construction takes about two months, culminating in a grand parade through the streets of Yamato. After the festival, each otsukurimono remains on display for a full year, until it's replaced by the next year's creation. The Nakamachi-kami team may be one of the smallest teams participating in the Hassaku Festival, but their dedication is second to none. With only two to three members, they pour themselves into the labor-intensive process of float construction, often working nearly full-time to bring their creations to life. Unlike other teams, Nakamachi-kami builds their float in full view, allowing visitors to witness their craftsmanship in action. This transparency isn't just for show—it’s also a practical choice to escape the heat of a fully enclosed workspace! Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町浜町字古町173番地3内 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Shimoichi Shimoichi 大造り物

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    下市(しもいち)連合組の大造り物 Thank you for visiting the Shimoichi team's otsukurimono! Every year, teams from across Yamato craft these incredible floats for the Hassaku Festival held on the first Saturday and Sunday of September. The festival is a held to pray for a bountiful harvest and the otsukurimono—the festival's main attraction—are built using only natural materials such as bark, leaves, grass, and bamboo, all gathered by hand. The process of construction takes about two months, culminating in a grand parade through the streets of Yamato. After the festival, each otsukurimono remains on display for a full year, until it's replaced by the next year's creation. The Shimoichi team holds the distinction of winning the most awards of any otsukurimono team, and they take immense pride in their ability to select the perfect materials to craft incredibly lifelike creations. Despite their decorated history, Shimoichi's true aim isn't to collect accolades—it's to honor and preserve the time-honored traditions of the Hassaku Festival. Unlike some teams, they focus on the challenge of recreating real animals and historical figures with stunning accuracy, rather than crafting imaginary creatures or characters. Their commitment to realism and tradition sets them apart, making their floats a highlight of the festival every year. Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町下市16番地(山都町観光文化交流館隣接) Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Soyokaze Park Roadside Station - Hotel Windy Soyokaze Park Roadside Station - Hotel Windy 宿泊施設

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    HOTEL WINDY Hotel Windy, offering comfortable accommodations with breathtaking views of Mt. Aso and the Kyushu Mountains. The hotel also features cottages that can accommodate up to five people, making it a great base for exploring Aso, Takachiho, and the rest of central Kyushu. Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町今297 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours 予約受付:10:00-17:00 Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number 宿泊予約:0967-83-0880 Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Yamato Town Hall Yamato Town Hall 公共施設

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    山都町役場 Welcome to Yamato! Adorably nicknamed "the bellybutton of Kyushu" due to its location smack dab in the middle of the island, Yamato is a quiet yet lively town where you'll find plenty to see, do, and eat! Agriculture lies at the core of Yamato’s culture, with the annual Hassaku Festival—featuring incredible floats crafted from natural materials like bark and bamboo—celebrated to pray for a bountiful harvest. The town is also home to the Tsujunkyo Aqueduct, a 19th-century engineering marvel that transformed the region by bringing water to a once-barren plateau, enabling agriculture to thrive. Yamato is famous for its rich produce, especially its rice and tomatoes. Local farmers’ markets and roadside stations are stocked with fresh, seasonal vegetables, and you can find delightful souvenirs like jams and dressings made from locally grown ingredients. Don’t miss the opportunity to try the local sake and shochu, crafted from high quality Yamato-grown rice. Whether you're a foodie looking to savor delicious meals and sake tastings, or an outdoor enthusiast seeking hiking trails, starlit skies, and lush landscapes, Yamato has something for everyone. Enjoy your time in this gem of Kyushu! Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町浜町6 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours 8:30-17:15(Except Sat., Sun.,national holidays and year-end and New Year holidays) Admission Fee Regular Holiday 定休日 毎週土、日曜日、祝祭日,年末年始 Phone Number 096-772-1111 Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 観光スポット


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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Gorogataki Waterfall Gorogataki Waterfall 観光スポット

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    Welcome to Gorogataki Waterfall, a breathtaking natural wonder just downstream from the iconic Tsujunkyo Bridge! Here, water that has just flowed under Tsujunkyo cascades 36 meters down in a powerful rush. Your first stop is a footbridge that offers a stunning overview of the waterfall. From this vantage point, you'll find yourself above the treetops, with the waterfall in full view—but be prepared for a bit of vertigo, as it's hard to gauge just how high up you really are! If you're feeling adventurous, take the side path that branches off before the bridge and leads to the base of the waterfall. Be warned—the stairs are steep and can be quite the workout! After rain, the path becomes slippery, so be sure to wear proper footwear for the descent. Once at the base, you'll be treated to a spectacular up-close view of Gorogataki. Legend has it that some of the stones scattered along the river were remnants of a failed attempt to build Tsujunkyo that were washed downstream by the current. While the descent might be easier than expected, don't forget—you’ll need to tackle the same steep climb to return to the top! Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町長原 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours - Admission Fee Regular Holiday - Phone Number 0967-72-1115 Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Soyokaze Park Roadside Station - Soyokaze Farmer's Market, Ma'am (Restaurant), Hotel Windy Soyokaze Park Roadside Station - Soyokaze Farmer's Market, Ma'am (Restaurant), Hotel Windy 観光スポット

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    そよ風物産館 道の駅_そよ風パーク_HOTEL WINDY Welcome to the Soyokaze Park Roadside Station! This sprawling complex includes not only the roadside station, but also a full buffet restaurant, a well-equipped hotel, cozy cottages for rent, and spacious play areas and sports fields. It's the perfect place to relax and enjoy the local atmosphere. Many visitors begin at the Soyokaze Park Farmer's Market, where you can savor fresh, local produce. The Soyo area, the easternmost region of Yamato, is especially known for its delicious blueberries. During blueberry season, you can enjoy them fresh, but even off-season, you'll find a variety of blueberry-inspired treats, including jams and locally made blueberry wine. If you're in need of a quick bite, the market also offers bento boxes and creamy vanilla soft-serve ice cream. Just up the road is Hotel Windy, offering comfortable accommodations with breathtaking views of Mt. Aso and the Kyushu Mountains. The hotel also features cottages that can accommodate up to five people, making it a great base for exploring Aso, Takachiho, and the rest of central Kyushu. Don’t forget to stop by Ma'am, the buffet restaurant located just below the hotel. Here, you’ll find over 20 delicious dishes, all lovingly prepared by local "baa-chans" (grandmas). The restaurant is open for lunch and is a perfect stop while you're exploring the area. Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町今297 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours (道の駅)9:00~17:00 (レストランマアム)11:30~14:30 (LO14:00) (Hotel受付)10:00~17:00 Admission Fee Regular Holiday - Phone Number 物産館:0967-83-1665 宿泊予約:0967-83-0880 Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Seiwabunrakumura Roadside Station - Seiwa Farmer's Market, Seiwa Bunraku-kan Seiwabunrakumura Roadside Station - Seiwa Farmer's Market, Seiwa Bunraku-kan 観光スポット

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    清和文楽館 清和文楽館 Welcome to Seiwabunrakumura Roadside Station, home to the captivating art of Seiwa bunraku puppetry! Bunraku, which dates back to the 1600s, is a form of traditional Japanese theater similar to kabuki, but performed with intricately crafted puppets. Each puppet is controlled by up to three highly skilled puppeteers, who masterfully bring its hands, feet, head, and even facial expressions to life. At the Seiwa Bunraku-kan, you can explore a small museum dedicated to the local Seiwa style of bunraku. Most Sundays, you can also catch a live performance, with additional shows during holidays and vacation periods. This is the only dedicated bunraku theater in all of Kyushu, making it a must-visit for theater enthusiasts! Adjacent to the Bunraku-kan is the farmer’s market and restaurant, both part of the Seiwabunrakumura Roadside Station. The market offers a wide variety of fresh, local produce, including Seiwa’s renowned chestnuts, as well as a selection of jams, condiments, sweets, and other local treats. The restaurant serves up delicious staples like curry and soba, along with regional favorites such as dago jiru (dumpling soup). When the weather is nice, enjoy your meal outdoors at one of the tables overlooking the large grassy area—a perfect spot to relax and soak in the peaceful surroundings. Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町大平152 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours 営業時間は変わる可能性がありますので、直接対象店舗へお問い合わせください。 物産館:9:00~17:00 レストラン、喫茶・軽食:11:00~15:00 資料館:9:00~16:30 Admission Fee Regular Holiday (Open on public holidays)Tuesdays Closed Day of maintenance Closed Phone Number 0967-82-2727 Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 観光スポット


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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 観光スポット


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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 観光スポット


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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Yamato Town Hall Yamato Town Hall 観光スポット

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    通潤橋 道の駅 通潤橋 Welcome to Yamato! Adorably nicknamed "the bellybutton of Kyushu" due to its location smack dab in the middle of the island, Yamato is a quiet yet lively town where you'll find plenty to see, do, and eat! Agriculture lies at the core of Yamato’s culture, with the annual Hassaku Festival—featuring incredible floats crafted from natural materials like bark and bamboo—celebrated to pray for a bountiful harvest. The town is also home to the Tsujunkyo Aqueduct, a 19th-century engineering marvel that transformed the region by bringing water to a once-barren plateau, enabling agriculture to thrive. Yamato is famous for its rich produce, especially its rice and tomatoes. Local farmers’ markets and roadside stations are stocked with fresh, seasonal vegetables, and you can find delightful souvenirs like jams and dressings made from locally grown ingredients. Don’t miss the opportunity to try the local sake and shochu, crafted from high quality Yamato-grown rice. Whether you're a foodie looking to savor delicious meals and sake tastings, or an outdoor enthusiast seeking hiking trails, starlit skies, and lush landscapes, Yamato has something for everyone. Enjoy your time in this gem of Kyushu! Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 観光スポット


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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • The Tsujun Irrigation Channels and the Rice Terraces of the Shiraito Plateau The Tsujun Irrigation Channels and the Rice Terraces of the Shiraito Plateau 観光スポット

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    Welcome to the Rice Terraces of Shiraito! From this vantage point atop the Shiraito Plateau, you’re treated to a stunning view of the terraced rice fields that stretch across the landscape. What you see today would not have been possible without the incredible feats of engineering carried out in the 1800s, including the construction of the Tsujunkyo Bridge and an underground irrigation channel. Before Tsujunkyo was built in 1854, the plateau had very little access to water, and inhabitants had to carry water up from the rivers that flowed in the valleys encircling the plateau. To remedy this, Tsujunkyo was built as an aqueduct to carry water from a neighboring plateau, and a second irrigation channel was dug underground to divert water to Shiraito before its contributing river goes over a large waterfall. These remarkable irrigation systems transformed the once-dry plateau into fertile rice paddies and farmland, allowing the people of Shiraito to thrive. Even a century and a half later, these historic public works continue to support the lives of the residents of Shiraito. Address 展望台から見える景色 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Seiwabunrakumura Roadside Station -Seiwa Bunraku-kan Seiwabunrakumura Roadside Station -Seiwa Bunraku-kan 観光スポット

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    清和文楽館 Welcome to Seiwabunrakumura Roadside Station, home to the captivating art of Seiwa bunraku puppetry! Bunraku, which dates back to the 1600s, is a form of traditional Japanese theater similar to kabuki, but performed with intricately crafted puppets. Each puppet is controlled by up to three highly skilled puppeteers, who masterfully bring its hands, feet, head, and even facial expressions to life. At the Seiwa Bunraku-kan, you can explore a small museum dedicated to the local Seiwa style of bunraku. Most Sundays, you can also catch a live performance, with additional shows during holidays and vacation periods. This is the only dedicated bunraku theater in all of Kyushu, making it a must-visit for theater enthusiasts! Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町大平152 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Hours / 9:00 - 16:30 Admission Fee Regular Holiday (Open on public holidays)Tuesdays Closed Day of maintenance Closed Phone Number 0967-82-3001 Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 観光スポット

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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 観光スポット

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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Seiwa Kogen Observatory Seiwa Kogen Observatory 観光スポット

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    Welcome to the top of Yamato: the Seiwa Kogen Observatory! The "star" of the observatory is the massive 2.5-meter-long, 50-centimeter diameter Newtonian telescope that acts as your looking glass into the heavens. Unlike most observatories, where telescopes peek through narrow dome openings, here the entire telescope deck slides open, offering an unobstructed view of the cosmos in all its glory. Thanks to local regulations minimizing light pollution, the number of stars visible to the naked eye is nothing short of breathtaking. Your experience is elevated by the "star sommelier," who will guide you through a tour of the constellations. With the help of a laser pointer, they’ll identify celestial highlights while sharing fascinating insights about the universe above (in Japanese or English). If you’d like to make your stargazing adventure even more memorable, consider staying overnight in one of the 10 private cottages, each accommodating up to five guests. There is also an on-site yakiniku restaurant where you can savor the flavors of Japanese beef and local game meat like deer and boar, a true Yamato specialty. Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町井無田1238-14 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access 高速道路(小池高山IC、松橋IC)より高千穂方面へ60分、南阿蘇村より40分、道の駅清和文楽邑から15分 Parking Business Hours 14:00~22:00 レストラン:12:00~15:00(宿泊予約のある日は20:00まで営業) *当面、一般のお食事は予約制とさせていただきます。 宿泊の宿チェクイン:15:00~17:30 Admission Fee Regular Holiday 火曜日 *宿泊予約のない日や天候不良の日は臨時休業する場合がございますので予めお電話    にてご確認のうえご来館下さい。 *冬期はご予約のみの営業となります。 Phone Number 0967-82-3300 Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 観光スポット


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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 観光スポット


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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 観光スポット


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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 観光スポット


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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Soyokyo Gorge Soyokyo Gorge 観光スポット

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    Welcome to Soyo Gorge, a stunning natural wonder nestled deep in the mountains of Kyushu! This picturesque, Y-shaped canyon was sculpted over millennia by the Gokase and Sangasho rivers, revealing layers of geological strata left behind by ancient eruptions from the Aso volcano. Just beyond Soyo Gorge, the Gokase River continues its journey through the famous Takachiho Gorge in neighboring Miyazaki Prefecture. The gorge itself is an impressive 150 to 200 meters deep, 300 meters wide, and stretches for about 14 kilometers. Soyo Gorge is a year-round destination for nature lovers, drawing visitors in the spring when the sakura trees bloom, and in the fall when the vibrant autumn foliage paints the landscape in brilliant colors. For those looking to immerse themselves in the beauty of the area, there are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy, from kayaking on the river and hiking the scenic trails to canyoning adventures and exploring footpaths. Whether you're here for the breathtaking views or to dive into outdoor adventures, Soyo Gorge has something for everyone! Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町長崎 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours - Admission Fee Regular Holiday - Phone Number 0967-72-1115(商工観光課) Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Mieru Terrace Mieru Terrace 観光スポット

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    通潤橋ミエルテラス 通潤橋カレー Welcome to Gorogataki Waterfall, a breathtaking natural wonder just downstream from the iconic Tsujunkyo Bridge! Here, water that has just flowed under Tsujunkyo cascades 36 meters down in a powerful rush. Your first stop is a footbridge that offers a stunning overview of the waterfall. From this vantage point, you'll find yourself above the treetops, with the waterfall in full view—but be prepared for a bit of vertigo, as it's hard to gauge just how high up you really are! If you're feeling adventurous, take the side path that branches off before the bridge and leads to the base of the waterfall. Be warned—the stairs are steep and can be quite the workout! After rain, the path becomes slippery, so be sure to wear proper footwear for the descent. Once at the base, you'll be treated to a spectacular up-close view of Gorogataki. Legend has it that some of the stones scattered along the river were remnants of a failed attempt to build Tsujunkyo that were washed downstream by the current. While the descent might be easier than expected, don't forget—you’ll need to tackle the same steep climb to return to the top! Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町下市184-116 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours 物産館 9:00から17:00まで 食事処 いしばし/11:00から15:00まで(LO14:30) 史料館 10:00から16:00 Admission Fee Regular Holiday 定休日 毎週火曜日(放水日・祝祭日を除く)  物産館 12月30日から1月3日まで  食事処 いしばし/12月28日から1月3日まで  史料館 12月28日から1月3日 Phone Number 0967-72-4844 Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 観光スポット


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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 観光スポット

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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Tsujunkyo Roadside Station - Oruri (Farmer's Market) & Arch (Restaurant) Tsujunkyo Roadside Station - Oruri (Farmer's Market) & Arch (Restaurant) 観光スポット

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    道の駅 通潤橋 物産館オオルリ 道の駅通潤橋レストランアーチ Welcome to Tsujunkyo Roadside Station! Opened in January 2024, just after Tsujunkyo Bridge was designated a National Treasure, this roadside station is a perfect stop whether you're arriving in Yamato or grabbing last-minute souvenirs before heading home. Conveniently located next to the Yamato-Tsujunkyo exit on the Kyushu Chuo Expressway, it offers both convenience and a taste of local charm. To the right, you’ll find the Oruri Bussankan—a farmer’s market and souvenir shop brimming with Yamato’s finest. As one of Japan’s top producers of organic goods, Yamato offers a variety of seasonal organic fruits and vegetables, along with bento boxes and ready-to-eat foods for those on the go. Locally made organic jams and salad dressings make excellent gifts for friends or family. Across from Oruri is Arch, a casual restaurant and café that showcases Yamato’s local meats and produce in every dish. Their hamburg & steak meals and curry are favorites, highlighting fresh seasonal vegetables. They have a full menu available during lunch, then a limited menu of curry, drinks, and soft-serve ice cream during cafe hours. Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町城平660 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours 物産館「オオルリ」:9:00~18:00 レストラン「アーチ」:11:00〜18:00(ランチのLO14:00 カフェのLO17:00) Admission Fee Regular Holiday - Phone Number 0967-72-9900 Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Yamato Bunka no Mori Yamato Bunka no Mori 観光スポット

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    やまと文化の森 Welcome to Yamato Bunka no Mori! Since its opening in 2018, this vibrant center becomes the headquarters for the Hassaku Festival during the festive season. It’s also a convenient place to park your car before exploring the festival floats scattered around town—all within a short, enjoyable walk from Bunka no Mori. The surrounding area exudes retro Japan charm, making it perfect for a leisurely stroll. Beyond the festival, Yamato Bunka no Mori serves as a hub for the town’s cultural and community activities. There’s always something exciting happening, whether it's an exhibition by local artists, live music performances, or workshops where you can try your hand at traditional crafts (reservations are usually required for workshops). Each month brings new events and opportunities to immerse yourself in local culture. It’s also a fantastic starting point for discovering Yamato, with friendly staff on hand to offer insider tips on hidden gems and must-try restaurants. Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町下市16 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours 9:00~17:00 Admission Fee Regular Holiday 月曜日(祝日の時は翌日) Phone Number 0967-72-9400 Official Website Official Website SNS

  • Tsujunkyo Bridge Tsujunkyo Bridge 観光スポット

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    通潤橋 通潤橋 Welcome to Tsujunkyo Bridge, Japan's largest stone aqueduct! Stretching 78 meters across and standing 21.3 meters high, Tsujunkyo is a remarkable feat of engineering and stonemasonry. Completed in 1854, this stunning aqueduct was officially recognized as a National Treasure in 2023. The mastermind behind Tsujunkyo was Yasunosuke Futa, a local official determined to solve the water shortage on the Shiraito Plateau (the area on the right side of the river when facing Tsujunkyo) by building an aqueduct across this small valley. His idea faced a great challenge, however: the water source and the Shiraito Plateau were at higher elevations than the proposed aqueduct could be built. By fully enclosing the aqueduct between the higher elevations of the plateaus, he realized he could utilize the principle of an inverted siphon to essentially "pump" the water up from the aqueduct to Shiraito using gravity alone. He achieved this by building three pipelines out of hundreds of hollowed out stone blocks, painstakingly sealed together with mortar. The project required tremendous perseverance and skill, but the resulting irrigation transformed the plateau, bringing prosperity to its people. A must-see highlight of Tsujunkyo is its periodic water releases, when water is powerfully expelled through holes at the aqueduct’s apex. Due to the lower elevation of the waterway, dirt and debris collect within the aqueduct and the water releases are done periodically to purge its interior. If you're up for a bit of a hike, don't miss Gorogataki Waterfall, the path to which starts just across Tsujunkyo on the Shiraito side! Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町長原 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours 【時間/定休日】特になし(見学自由) Admission Fee 【利用料金】無料 ※橋上見学は有料、通潤橋前の物産館「虹の通潤館」にてお申込みが必要 Regular Holiday Phone Number 0967-72-1115 Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 観光スポット


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  • Tsujunkyo Roadside Station - Arch (Restaurant) Tsujunkyo Roadside Station -  Arch (Restaurant) 飲食店

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    Across from Oruri is Arch, a casual restaurant and café that showcases Yamato’s local meats and produce in every dish. Their hamburg & steak meals and curry are favorites, highlighting fresh seasonal vegetables. They have a full menu available during lunch, then a limited menu of curry, drinks, and soft-serve ice cream during cafe hours. Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町城平660 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours 11:00〜18:00(LO for Lunch14:00、LO at the coffee shop17:00) Admission Fee Regular Holiday - Phone Number 0967-72-9900 Official Website Official Website SNS

  • ゆずの木 ねむの木 みずたまの木 ゆずの木 ねむの木 みずたまの木 飲食店

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    自然の中で味わうピクニックランチがオススメ! 全席屋外席(雨天日と冬季は店内席有り)【完全予約制】 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町尾野尻819-2 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス LINEクイズラリー 駐車場 営業時間 11:00~18:00 入場料・入館料 定休日 - TEL 0967-82-2685 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • 食彩の里 ふしみ 食彩の里 ふしみ 飲食店

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    「ミニコースと選べるおそばのセット」が人気 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町柳井原929-1 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス LINEクイズラリー 駐車場 営業時間 11:00~14:30 入場料・入館料 定休日 火曜日 TEL 0967-83-1720 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • よこまち梅太郎 よこまち梅太郎 飲食店

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    ランチの種類も夜の居酒屋メニューも豊富 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町浜町172-3 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス LINEクイズラリー 駐車場 営業時間 11:30~13:00 17:00~23:30 入場料・入館料 定休日 月曜日 TEL 0967-72-3661 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • STOCK kitchen&things STOCK kitchen&things 飲食店

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    彩り豊かなランチが味わえる 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町大野325-1 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス LINEクイズラリー 駐車場 営業時間 11:00~15:00 入場料・入館料 定休日 月・火 TEL 080-9201-0405 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • 富士ラーメン 富士ラーメン 飲食店

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    火の国ラーメン、チャンポンが人気 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町野尻1028-1 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス LINEクイズラリー 駐車場 営業時間 11:00~19:00 入場料・入館料 定休日 日曜日 TEL 0967-72-3993 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • 飲食店


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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 飲食店


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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • みさどん みさどん 飲食店

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    麺類、どんぶり、定食など種類も豊富 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町城平340 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス LINEクイズラリー 駐車場 営業時間 11:30~14:00 17:00~22:00 入場料・入館料 定休日 火曜日 TEL 0967-72-2680 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • Soyokaze Park Roadside Station - Ma'am (Restaurant) Soyokaze Park Roadside Station - Ma'am (Restaurant) 飲食店


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    Don’t forget to stop by Ma'am, the buffet restaurant located just below the hotel. Here, you’ll find over 20 delicious dishes, all lovingly prepared by local "baa-chans" (grandmas). The restaurant is open for lunch and is a perfect stop while you're exploring the area. Address 熊本県上益城郡山都町今297 Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours (道の駅)9:00~17:00 (レストランマアム)11:30 ~ 14:30 (14:00 ラストオーダー) Admission Fee Regular Holiday - Phone Number 0967-83-1665 Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 本さつまや 本さつまや 飲食店

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    食を通して山都の四季を感じることができる。 ジビエ料理も人気!【完全予約制】 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町浜町132 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス LINEクイズラリー 駐車場 営業時間 - 入場料・入館料 定休日 - TEL 0967-72-0006 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • 飲食店


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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS

  • 藤乃家 藤乃家 飲食店

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    通潤橋を眺めながら食事ができる。夜は要予約制。 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町下市166-4 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス LINEクイズラリー 駐車場 営業時間 11:30~14:00 入場料・入館料 定休日 月・火 TEL 0967-72-0350 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • 飲食店


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    Address Google Map Check with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number Official Website Official Website SNS


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    山都町初!JUGAADなドーナツ屋! 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町馬見原102-1 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス LINEクイズラリー 駐車場 営業時間 10:00~16:00 入場料・入館料 定休日 不定休 TEL - 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • Bagus Bagus 飲食店

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    地元の米や野菜を使い、中華料理を提供 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町下市42-1 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス LINEクイズラリー 駐車場 営業時間 11:30~14:00 17:00~22:00 入場料・入館料 定休日 不定休 TEL 0967-72-3628 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • café218 café218 飲食店

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    ボリュームあるプレートランチが人気! 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町大平270 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス LINEクイズラリー 駐車場 営業時間 11:30~18:00 入場料・入館料 定休日 火曜日 TEL 0967-72-9176 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • やむらかん やむらかん 飲食店

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    うどんが付いてボリュームのある定食が好評 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町浜町135 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス LINEクイズラリー 駐車場 営業時間 11:30~14:00 17:00~22:00 入場料・入館料 定休日 不定休 TEL 0967-72-3714 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • アパルトマン アパルトマン 飲食店

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    コーヒーとアイスクリーム、手作り焼き菓子が楽しめる 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町下市57 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス LINEクイズラリー 駐車場 営業時間 11:00~17:00 入場料・入館料 定休日 水曜日 TEL - 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • パン工房ヤマGEN パン工房ヤマGEN 飲食店

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    九州産の小麦粉、天然酵母のハード系のパンが人気 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町大野332-1 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス LINEクイズラリー 駐車場 営業時間 10:00~16:00 入場料・入館料 定休日 月・火 TEL 0967-83-1021 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • イノウエ菓子店 イノウエ菓子店

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    地元産の種類豊富な果物と野菜を生かした和洋菓子店 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町浜町180 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス 駐車場 営業時間 9:00~19:00 入場料・入館料 定休日 なし TEL 0967-72-0145 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • 肉のみやべ 肉のみやべ

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    馬肉たっぷりで黒コショウが効いた馬肉のコロッケは絶品 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町馬見原61-3 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス 駐車場 営業時間 9:00~18:00 入場料・入館料 定休日 水曜日 TEL 0967-83-0032 オンライン販売:可 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • 山の未来舎Cafe BunSuiRei 山の未来舎Cafe BunSuiRei

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    酪農家が営むカフェ。自家製ソフトクリームが大人気! 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町菅尾242 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス 駐車場 営業時間 11:00~17:00 入場料・入館料 定休日 月~金 TEL 0967-83-1077 公式HP 公式HP SNS

  • 丸重ミート 丸重ミート

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    冷めても柔らかくジューシーな「矢部のケンチキ」が人気 住所 熊本県上益城郡山都町城平614 Googleマップ Googleマップで確認する アクセス 駐車場 営業時間 9:00~19:30 入場料・入館料 定休日 なし TEL 0967-72-0292 公式HP 公式HP SNS