Mapscape at KYOTO, Panorama(GROWTH KYOTO KAWARAMACHI presents)

"GROWTH KYOTO KAWARAMACHI," a fully furnished incubation office provided by Sumitomo Realty & Development, offers a new style of office space. Leveraging the company's extensive network of urban offices, it delivers a cutting-edge working environment designed to support business growth and innovation.
update date: 2024.12.19
このマップ(地図)を見るNumber of spots : 49spots
Coworking and incubation facility
Tamariba is an event and exchange space where startups, students, researchers, creators, and freelancers can communicate their ideas and passions and interact casually. If the event satisfies the two keywords 'innovation' and 'open', you can easily hold the event for free. Every Wednesday, KRP-sponsored events are also held. Address134 Chudoji Minamimachi, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-City, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Coworking and incubation facility
“Toberu” is a social incubator with residences operated by Phoenixi Co.. Ltd. The incubator is a place to improve self-efficacy where people dedicate to startups and/or early-stage companies and those who support them in a free exchange of ideas and experiences. Our incubator was born for the future where the entire city of Kyoto with such multifaceted nature as openness and closeness, history and modernity, functions as an ecosystem. Address32 Yoshidatachibana-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8303 Japan Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Open Innovaion Cafe 「KOIN(Kyoto Open Innovation Network)」
Coworking and incubation facility
We provide the opportunity to gain various awareness for entrepreneurs who seek new businesses or think about new businesses and students interact with various people across fields and boundaries, such as senior managers, creators, and university researchers.In addition, we support entrepreneurs to utilize the strengths of the Kyoto Economic Center, where industrial support organizations and economic organizations get in one place, and the support system can respond to a wide range of consultations. Please use in various scenes of new business creation.Time: 7: 30-21: 00 / Wi-Fi, Power outlet available Address3F , Kyoto Economic Center,78 Kankobokocho shijodori muromachi higashi iru shimogyoku Kyoto (600-8009) Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Innovation Hub Kyoto
Coworking and incubation facility
Innovation Hub Kyoto is a residential facility of startups aiming to commercialize the research results of the medical field of Kyoto University. The main features are various laboratories (BSL-P2 experiments are possible), animal research facilities, and a common equipment room that matches the growth of startups. In addition, to provide a place for exchange of human resources in different fields that is indispensable for creating innovation, the IHK Exchange Meeting, which gathers researchers, students, startups, and large companies, is held every month. In addtion, we hold a program "HiDEP" aimed at developing entrepreneurs in the medical healthcare field. AddressMed-Pharm Collaboration Building, Kyoto University, 46-29 Yoshida-Shimo Adachi-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Innovation Creating Community (STC3)
Coworking and incubation facility
STC3 is located on the 8th floor of ASTEM(Advanced Science, Technology & Management Research Institute of KYOTO).As an activity base for entrepreneurs and companies considering new business development, we provide business environment where they can open an office without initial costs by coworking space and small offices. We also hold regular seminars conducted by professionals who support entrepreneurship and business activities (available 24 hours 365 days). Address134 Chudoji Minamimachi, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-City, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Startup Capital Kyoto
Coworking and incubation facility
An initiative to support foreign entrepreneurs in Kyoto. The Kyoto Overseas Business Center (Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto City, JETRO Kyoto, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kyoto Sangyo 21, ASTEM) is in charge of the operation, with JETRO Kyoto serving as the contact point for people from overseas.JETRO Kyoto will provide comprehensive support for people from overseas starting a business in Kyoto, including not only obtaining a startup visa, but also setting up a corporation after obtaining the visa, opening a bank account, switching visas, examining business models, business development and so on.In addition, in order to promote the use of startup visa, they promote Kyoto's ecosystem to overseas countries through SNS (LinkedIn, FB) and events. AddressKyoto Keizai Center 3F, 78 Kankoboko-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Coworking and incubation facility
It is an economic organization with about 12,000 companies in Kyoto city.Please use the support menu that suits the company from seed stage to later stage ! It's free.・ Management consultation・ Professional consultation・ Subsidy support / loan support・ Founding school・ Pitch AddressKyotoKeizaiCenter 7F, 78 Kankoboko-cho, Muromachi Higashi-iru, Shijo-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8565, JAPAN Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Creation Core Kyoto Mikuruma
Coworking and incubation facility
This facility has been established as an industry-academia-government collaborative industrial base aiming at research and development and commercialization of new products and technologies in wellness fields such as health, environment and life sciences. The IM(Incubation Manager) with abundant business experience is stationed at the facility, and with high expertise in the technical field and abundant network, we support industry-academia collaboration such as joint research & technology collaboration with universities, and matching support between companies. In terms of management, we will provide an appropriate support menu so that we can solve the problems of each company. We aim to be a place that enables dreams. Address448-5 Kajii-cho, Seiwainguchi-Agaru Higashigawa, Mikuruma St.,Kamigyo Ward, kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Kyoto Makers Garage
Coworking and incubation facility
Kyoto Makers Garage, or KMG as it is commonly known, is a makerspace marked by its independent spirit and DIY culture.Rapid-prototyping tools, such as 3D printers, CNC machines, a laser cutter and more, are available to the public. Tools can be reserved hourly after completing one of the hands-on training courses. Monthly membership plans are available for frequent users at ¥10,000 but are not required for training or tool usage. Ongoing events and workshops include KMG’s 3D Printing Meetup, IoT and hardware programming workshops, and themed hackathons. KMG is a service of Monozukuri Ventures, a Kyoto-based VC firm that backs and supports both domestic and international hardware startups. The makerspace is also supported by Kyoto City and local business partners. Address73-1 Sujakuhozocho, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto 600-8846 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Coworking and incubation facility
KRP OPEN INNOVATION CLUB, a paid member system for corporations that created a new business through cross-industry collaboration, launched by Kyoto Research Park Co., Ltd. in June 2019.Regular members of this club play a central role, and in addition to supporter members and academic members, the Company and related organizations collaborate and cooperate to engage in activities aimed at creating new ideas and new businesses. Address5th floor Building No.9 KRP 91 Chudoji Awata-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-City, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Kyoto Reserch Park
Coworking and incubation facility
A science park operated by the private sector, which is rare in the world. Established in 1989.Industrial support organizations of Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City located inside. About 480 companies and institutions, and about 5,000 innovative human resources are gathered in the rental lab offices of this district. Address134 Chudoji Minamimachi, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-City, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Startup company
SHIRU CAFE, a platform for connecting students to companies without holding back, organizes small-group exchange meetings and events to support students.who have little opportunity to work on career formation or job hunting from the early stage. Approximately 500,000 students at 18 stores nationwide have been using it annually as a place to open up future possibilities for even the first-year college students to casual exchange with the members of society. Companies using SHIRU CAFE can disseminate corporate activities through the promotion of corporate logos and the distribution of commercials on the digital signage inside the cafe. SHIRU CAFE is run by student staff and supports companies from the student's perspective through activities such as setting company exchange meetings to be able to draw the student's attention. Address313 Imadegawa-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Startup company
Through a single interface, online sellers and logistics companies can manage the end-to-end shipping process, and get shipments ready for pick-up in just a few clicks. AddressKyoto, Nakagyoku, Yaoyacho 117 604-8072 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Startup company
Our company is an AI startup from Kyoto University that aims to realize creative AI by using the advanced AI technology "GAN" that has attracted attention around the world, with the mission of "expanding the world frontier with AI". We conduct research and development and social implementation of creative AI, which is unprecedented "AI to create something". Utilizing our GAN algorithm, we will jointly develop and commercialize products and services with NTT Docomo and other large companies in various industries. “Whole-body model generation AI” announced in April 2019 has attracted worldwide attention. AddressKyoto University International Science Innovation Building36-1 Yoshida Honmachi Sakyo-ku Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Baseconnect Inc.
Startup company
Baseconnect was founded in January 2017 with the goal to “connect the world’s data and create a world where essential data can be accessed directly”. We aim to develop the next generation search engine (Knowledge Engine) that will allow people to directly access information as soon as they desire it. We are currently continuing to expand in the business sector and provide a service called “Musubu”, which specializes in increasing the efficiency of sales operations. Musubu is a sales support tool that provides access to a database of over one million companies that can be turned into sales leads lists. As of January 2020, it has been adopted by an accumulative total of over 30,000 companies. We are now aiming to develop a complete sales management cloud service. Address1-5 Mibushinmeicho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8861 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
ProtoStar Inc.
Startup company
Protostar is a company that supports challengers, including startups, entrepreneurs, corporate new business managers, and intrapreneurs. Our goal is to support challengers and increase their chances of success. By doing so, we aim to achieve a "better era" that these challengers aspire to create. As a "venture capital without investment," we provide services and support that act like infrastructure rather than offering financial investment, working with challengers to solve societal issues. AddressGROWTH Kyoto Kawaramachi 8th Floor, Kyoto Kawaramachi Garden 68 Shinmachi, Higashi-iru, Shijo Kawaramachi, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 600-8001, Japan Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Stroly, Inc.
Startup company
Stroly is a map platform designed to let users enjoy local stories while strolling through different areas. Its name comes from combining "Story" (representing the unique narratives of regions and places) with "Stroll" (representing walking). The platform provides essential digital maps for real-world exploration, offering highly customizable and visually appealing map designs. Through these maps, users can share local attractions and issues in real time, while analyzing behavioral data for promoting tourism and enhancing marketing efforts. Address109 Kankai-cho, Inokuma-dori, Shiokoji-agaru, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 600-8258, Japan Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
emol Inc.
Startup company
For the purpose of mental health care, we are developing a system to clarify mental problems by chatting with AI and lead to solutions to the problems.We provide this chat system with AI, iOS app "emol" for general consumers and web service "emol work" for business.This chat system with AI can provide simple counseling and coaching based on CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), and can clarify mental problems that could not be embodied.We provide this solution for the general consumers and for business to clarify their mental problems. Address3th floor Building No.4 KRP 93 Chudoji Awata-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-City, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
aceRNA Technologies Co., Ltd.
Startup company
“RNA Switch” refers to mRNA consisting of a sequence that recognizes miRNA and marker genes such as fluorescent protein and suicide gene. There are 2,657 types of miRNAs listed in-house based on the database. It has been reported to control various mechanisms of action of biological phenomena, but its function has not yet been clarified. We have RNA Switch libraries for all of these miRNAs, and by using these, it is possible to detect active miRNAs that work uniquely in cells, and elucidate the functions of miRNAs. I think it is useful for.By using cell type-specific active miRNAs found by this technology, (1) selection and purification of myocardial cells and insulin-producing cells used for regenerative medicine induced to differentiate from iPS cells / ES cells, (2) as a disease-related miRNA search tool It can be used to develop short-stranded nucleic acid drugs for detected miRNAs or to apply to mRNA drugs. Address46-29 Yoshidashimoadachi-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
medilabo RFP, inc.
Startup company
A pre-IND stage company focused on designing and developing innovative medicine partnering with academia in Neurology.Product in DevelopmentML1808: Nasally administered anti-dementia drug (prescription drug)ML1911: Nasally administered polyphenol for forgetfulness (non-prescription drug)“Why develop?”Dementia – Global PandemicCases of dementia, currently 50M, are set to triple by 2050. Dementia is unique because the family loses the person they loved before physical death. Dementia has a physical, psychological, social, and economic impact, not only on people with dementia, but also on their families, caregivers and society at large.“Is it possible?”Yes, process has been elucidated, drug candidates have been discovered, and a great team is ready.Process: It’s been elucidated how and when toxic proteins, such as Aβ and tau, function. In response, the FDA has defined prevention and treatment of dementia with early conditional approval for preventive intervention.Drug candidates: We discovered small molecules inhibit toxic proteins and confirmed they can be safely and efficiently delivered to the brain by intranasal administration.Team: In addition to the management team, we work with specialists in biomarkers, global dementia study, nasal spray and intellectual property as a team. AddressSanjo CHOHJU building 4F, 24 Umetada-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
EneCoat Technologies Co.,Ltd.
Startup company
Enecoat Technologies is a startup established by Kyoto University in January 2018, and we develop perovskite solar cells, regarded as the front-runner in next-generation solar cells. The company was launched with the full support of Kyoto University based on research seeds studied over several years by the Wakamiya Laboratory at the Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research. Address91-102, Miyagaki Cho, Kamigyo Ku, Kyoto Shi 602-0853,【Contact】 Uji Development Center : 1-25, Nishinohata, Okubo Cho, Uji Shi, Kyoto Fu Uji Venture Company Training Plant, 4th Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Anamorphosis Networks Co., Ltd.
Startup company
Under the mission of "reconstruction the common sense through the innovation," we are developing software using the latest AI and image processing technologies.All the we developed software is OPEN to the public from our website for free. Anyone can quickly and easily do proof of concept(POC) just by downloading.list of OPEN POC software:・Visual inspection software for quality control.・Object detection software for security cameras.・Time-series forecasting software for sales forecasting.・Optical Character Recognition software for automatic scoring.・Automatic number counting software for steel pipes.Publication information:・August 17, 2020: Software for quality control published in Nikkei newspaper.・November 10, 2020: OPEN POC certified as Kyoto Smart Product in 2020.・November 12, 2020: Software for steel pipes published in Nikkan Kogyo newspaper. Address36-1 Yoshidahonmachi,Sakyo-ku,Kyoto-shi,Kyoto-hu104 International Science Innovation West Building F1606-8501 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Toregem BioPharma、Co., Ltd.
Startup company
Toregem BioPharma is a Kyoto University venture company established based on the research results of Dr. Katsu Takahashi (dentist), Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kyoto University. Toregem BioPharma was started with the aim of creating and developing a game changing tooth regeneration drug that helps teeth to grow. CEO of Toregem BioPharma is also a dentist (Clinician and researcher). Our research has been showed medium-sized animals can grow teeth using the drug.Lack of permanent tooth buds results in congenital anodontia (CA). Currently there is no therapeutic drug to treat congenital tooth defects. Our research lead to the development of an antibody drug to treat CA that can be locally administered to grown permanent tooth buds leading to tooth regeneration (TR). We aim to establish antibody treatment as a therapeutic option for TR from soft-tissue.Toregem BioPharma’s vision is to introduce a game changer in tooth regeneration technology for a healthy oral care in all age groups of people globally. Thereby, contribute to the realization of a healthy and prosperous society for people around the world. Address104 International Science Innovation Building Kyoto University36-1 Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Stem Cell & Device Laboratory, Inc.
Startup company
We are developing cellular devices for drug discovery research based on human iPS cell-derived neurons, skeletal muscle cells, and others, as well as pharmacological evaluation systems utilizing these devices.Having received business recognition and special certification under the National Strategic Special Zone Law from the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, we have been granted regulatory exemptions. These exemptions provide a special exception to the prohibition on the commercial use of human blood-derived materials, which are regulated under the Blood Law. As a result, we are the first and only company in Japan authorized to create iPS cells using blood from patients with rare hereditary diseases, differentiate them into neurons or skeletal muscle cells, recreate the disease pathology at the cellular level, and explore candidate therapeutic compounds that may improve the condition. Address11th Floor, Office One Shijo Karasuma, 480 Torihoko-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Rege Nephro Co.,Ltd.
Startup company
Rege Nephro Co., Ltd. (President: Toshihiro Ishikiriyama) is a regenerative medicine venture established in 2019 from Kyoto University. Our mission is to provide the world's first radical treatment for chronic kidney disease, and its founder is Professor Kenji Osafune (Director and Chief Scientific Advisor) of the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University. iCAP, JAFCO, Fujifilm, JST, Kyogin Lease Capital, etc. have invested. Chronic kidney disease is the last frontier area in Japan, where there are 13 million patients, but there is no radical cure. The nephron progenitor cells(NPCs)discovered by Osafune are expected to have the effect of repairing injured kidneys, and transplantation of NPCs under the kidney capsule may prohibit the exacerbation of renal function. Now that the effect in mice has been demonstrated, we are proceeding with development with the aim of starting clinical trials in 2023. We plan to raise Series A funding in 2021. We at Rege Nephro want to eliminate patients suffering from dialysis. AddressMIC bldg.Graduate Shool of Medicine, Kyoto University 53Kawahara-cho,Shogoin, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
AlhaNavi Pharma Inc.
Startup company
AlphaNavi Pharma is a pharmaceutical venture company founded in January 2019 by two employees of Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma with the support of Kyoto iCAP. AlphaNavi Pharma has licensed the manufacturing, development, and sales rights for ANP-230 from Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma, aiming to commercialize ANP-230 as a treatment for conditions such as paroxysmal extreme pain disorder (PEPD) in children.Overview of AlphaNavi Pharma Co., Ltd.:1. Establishment Date: January 20192. Head Office: 36-1 Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto (Located within Kyoto University International Science Innovation Building)3. President and CEO: Yoshihiro Koyamada4. Osaka Office: 33-94 Enokicho, Suita City, Osaka (Inside Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Research Institute)5. Business Activities: Research and development of selective voltage-gated sodium channel inhibitors (new pain treatments) such as ANP-230. Address36-1 Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Regional Fish Instiute, Ltd.
Startup company
With the increase of population and expansion of middle-class income sector, the world is facing a problem called "protein crisis" where the demand of protein will exceed its supply in the near future. Regional Fish Institute, Ltd., a foodtech startup originated from Kyoto University, aims to solve this problem by improving the productivity and value-add of aquatic products by applying "high-speed breeding” to aquaculture. While traditional breeding method usually takes about 30 years to establish one breed, our technology can do this in only 2-4 years. We also plan to install "smart aquaculture" using AI/IoT to promote automated/remote operation.With our distinctive core technology in hand, we hope to contribute to upgrading the aquaculture industry by providing new breeds of fish seeds that meet the needs of consumers and aquafarmers. AddressYoshida-Honmachi, Sakyok-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 606-8501 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Ocean Eyes Co., Ltd.
Startup company
We provide two FishTech services for fishing and marine industries.Fishers Navi : Fishing ground determining support system. SEAoME : Highly accurate sea condition prediction system for each customers. OceanEyes is a technology venture company that provides a suite of FishTech technologies as a service, developed with the goal of realizing sustainable ocean use using cutting-edge information technology such as pattern recognition and ocean simulation data assimilation. We aims to achieve “A society in which fishers can continue their fisheries in a stable manner in the future” and “A society in which the earth’s rich marine resources are sustainable” through its R&D and business activities. Sustainable fisheries is one of the United Nations SDGs and is recognized as a global issue. Address104 Kuvic, International Science Innovation Building, Kyoto University,Yoshidahonmachi,Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Biome Inc.
Startup company
BIOME is collecting distribution data of living-organisms around the world to create a business platform for biodiversity markets. To collect the distribution data, we developed an AI system which can identify the name of (almost) all species in the world. One of our product is smartphone application which can provide an opportunity to enjoy the real world like a game. Users can easily know what the name of organisms they found and virtually collect them with this app. AddressShijohorikawa Building 7F, Ayahorikawacho, 296, Shimogyō-ku, kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
ExaWizards Inc.
Startup company
Based on the philosophy of "Solving social issues through Artificial Intelligence for future generations", we are developing AI products and putting them to practical use in a variety of fields, including nursing care, medical care, HR, finance, and robotics. Members include AI engineers, domain experts in care and other domains, strategic consultants, software and hardware engineers, researchers, designers, policy experts and other cross-disciplinary people. With Japan's super-aging society, we not only develop products based on a thorough understanding of the needs and challenges of each field, but also expand our services to overseas locations as we engage in global business. Address2F, Tanakamonzen-cho 73, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8225 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Enishia, Inc.
Startup company
■ BackgroundWith the aging of society, the work to cope with outpatients and hospitalization of chronically ill patients is increasing, and the shortage of doctors has resulted in overwork of doctors and has become a serious problem. There is a need to create an environment where busy physicians can concentrate on the tasks they need.■ Our serviceWe have obtained a patent for creating a summary of an electronic medical record that records patient information etc. using artificial intelligence (AI) in order to reduce the document creation work that is not a medical practice but burdens doctors. We are developing it. Being able to keep a summary of each medical record will make it easier to check the medical treatment of the patient, and will make it possible to create a summary at the time of discharge and a medical certificate in a short time.In addition, when creating summaries from medical records, normalization and structuring are performed using state-of-the-art natural language processing technology. This enables more advanced utilization of medical records that cannot be utilized as big data at present due to variations in expression. Address46-29,Yoshida simo adachi-cho, Sakyo-ku,Kyoto,606-8501,JAPAN Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Startup company
RUTILEA Co., Ltd. aimes to solve social issues by open source softwares. Our company develops open source softwares, hardwares, and apps which help visual inspection. In Auguest 2019, our company released open source softwares named SDTest which makes visual inspection automatic, and 400 companies, especially the manufacturing industry, have already downloaded this open source software. In addition, we are developing the numerical calculation environment by Python called 'CURTA'. Developing those, RUTILEA Co., Ltd. assits productivity improvement and development of many industries and companies. AddressEbisu building F3, 82, Shimotsutsumicho, Kyoto Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8396 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
iHeart Japan Corporation
Startup company
iHeart Japan Corporation is developing allogeneic regenerative medicinal products derived from iPS cells, and selling research tools for cardiotoxicity and efficacy. We aim to realize regenerative medicine for heart failure and release patients from waiting heart transplantation . Address210 Creation-Core Kyoto Mikuruma, 448-5 Kajii-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, 602-0841 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Atomis Inc.
Startup company
We are conducting business using the ultimate porous material "Porous Coordination Polymer(PCP) /Metal Organic Framework( MOF)" discovered by Kyoto University. In addition to manufacturing and sales of these materials, we are developing the next-generation high-pressure gas cylinder CubiTan® and biocompatible bioPCP™ as unique new applications. AddressCreation Core Kyoto Mikuruma♯208,448-5 Kajii-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-0841, Japan Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
AdInte co.,ltd.
Startup company
Our vision - Scientify retail, machinery and agriculture using IoT and AI.AdInte specializes in Web Advertisement based on DSP and private DMP Using AIBeacon, an IoT hardware device developed by AdInte and patented in Japan and overseas, our business centers around AIBeacon’s real-movement data which allows the distribution of tailored information and advertisement to increase the rate of customer acquisition at real stores. In this technology area AdInte is attracting attention as a provider of one-stop high-precision OMO marketing, data collection, store and customer analysis, segment extraction, PR and customer acquisition. Address347-1 Shijo-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
mono-revo, inc.
Startup company
Production Engineering Start-UpMission:To make a global digital network of small factoriesDescription of Business:We provide manufacturing process management systems by SaaS and IoT options for small lot production.Each service is based on the way of the “Toyota Production System ” as known as the lean production system and developed to fit for small lot production.It makes users' process management high leveled standardized digitally and be able to connect processes between users to realize digital supply chain management platform.Service Content:Our manufacturing process management system provided by subscription supports user's production scheduling and progress management to reduce management cost and increase productivity. AddressMachigashiracho 112, Nakagyo Ku, Kyoto 604-8206 Japan Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
BugMo Co., Ltd.
Startup company
Developing autonomous edible cricket farming system and cricket-based ingredient for each application.We focus on customizing the flavor and the nutrition of crickets for each application.In farming, our self-automated farming system incorporated with block-chain technology helps farmers to make high-quality produce at stable cost and to have the access to the market.Our goal is every one in the world has the equal access to the high nutritious and tasty food. Address97 Kainokamichou, Kamigyoku, Kyoto (JPN) Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Dari K Co., Ltd.
Startup company
Dari K is a pioneer of bean-to-bar chocolate and consistently plays a role from upstream to downstream in the supply chain, i.e., from cacao cultivation to processing, chocolate production and sales, in Indonesia. Based on the philosophy of "change the world with cacao," the company has built a triple-win business scheme that rewards all cacao producers, consumers and companies. In recent years, Dari K is working towards expanding the possibilities of using cacao beyond chocolates, such as developing the world's first freshly-ground cacao drink machine, with the cooperation of a major electronics manufacturer. Address72-2, Shichiku Nishitakanawa-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto-city Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Shokuichi Co., Ltd.
Startup company
We have visited hundreds of fishing ports and seen the landing status, market prices, and conditions at each port. We work directly with over a dozen of them nationwide. Customers can respond to the receipt of the central wholesale market, from a listed company of a restaurant operated by a private store, regardless of size.Based on our experience and relationships with various fishing ports, we can offer fresh fish and processed products to restaurants for raw material procurement-processing and delivery of private brand products.Our fresh fish ranges from locally consumed varieties to more common fish. We handle a wide range of processed options including, but not limited, to fillet, dried fish, pickled fish, delicacies, etc. We also handle our own processed products unique to each area that can be great for gifts! AddressThe fourth floor Kanmen2biru121 Takatsuji Omiyacho Shimogyo-ku,Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu 600-8387 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Startup company
“Let’s stop borrowing precious resources from our future”.――This is our message. We are trying to help popularize agriculture that is less damaging to our environment. We want to make a form of agriculture which lasts 100 years, and achieve an environmentally sustainable society.As one of the method, we provide agricultural produces. About 250 of our partner farmers are based in Kansai-area, and 90 % of them are beginners in the agriculture field. Our business may be one of the first in Japan to be based on partnership with agricultural beginners. Address21 Nishi-sichijo-Yawata-cho, Simogyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto, 600-8888 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
connectFree Corporation
Startup company
connectFree Corporation develops and provides solutions that are simpler, safer and more free-spirited, in line with today's current situation where computer processing power has been dramatically improved. The safe compiler and language "ZEN ™", the secure communication system "EVER / IP®", and the secure product main board "NETBOY®" are driving the world's innovation from Japan. AddressDaisanTagen BLD 6F, 83 Kankoboko-Cho Karasuma-NishiShimogyo-Ku Kyoto-Shi Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Megakaryon Corporation
Startup company
Megakaryon Corporation was established in 2011 with the aim of utilizing the technologies developed by Kyoto University and the University of Tokyo for producing platelets from human iPS cells for clinical application. By developing large-scale manufacturing of human iPS-derived platelets with no risk of infection, we aim to supply platelets to medical facilities around the world both in developed countries where declining birthrate and increased ageing population cause a concern due to decreased number of blood donations, and in developing countries where there is already a shortage of donated platelets. Address215 Bldg #2, Kyoto Research Park 134 Minamimachi, Chudoji, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600-8813 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Myoridge Co. Ltd.
Startup company
The demand for iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes is growing every year in all fields. However, various problems such as maturity and drug responsiveness are preventing the practical use of iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes. The protein-free method developed at Kyoto University is a technology that can solve these problems. Address#305 Med-Pharm Collaboration Building, 46-29, Yoshidashimoadachi-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 606-8501 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
AFI Corporation
Startup company
The company sells and develops products for food testing, clinical testing, and bio-research based on the innovative electric filter technology "AMATAR™" that uses image analysis technology was added to electrical characteristics analysis and microfluidic control. In addition, the company also sells the microbe contamination risk monitoring system "ELESTA PixeeMo™," which mainly targets the food, beverage and cosmetics fields. It has also developed a label-free cell separation device "ELESTA CROSSORTER™" that can be used for CTC, exosomes, iPS cells, etc. The company acquired “ELESTA PixeeMo™”AOAC-PTM certification on January 14, 2020 . Address46-29,Yoshida simo adachi-cho, Sakyo-ku,Kyoto,606-8501 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
mui Lab, Inc.
Startup company
mui Lab is a Calm Technology and Design Startup from Kyoto, Japan. The company was founded in 2017 as NISSHA Group’s internal entrepreneurial project and became an independent business in April 2019 through a management buyout. We believe “technology” can become synonymous with “unintentional” and bring out the best of humanity. We strive to harness the power of cutting-edge engineering to create a harmony among technology, the humans who use it and the nature surrounding them. mui Lab conducts global business from its headquarters in Kyoto, a city known for its successful blending of traditions and technology. mui Lab has presented its work on various global stages, including Milan Salone (2018 & 2019) and Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2019, and has garnered worldwide media attention. The company’s flagship product, the “mui” panel, has been recognized worldwide for its sophisticated design and novel concept, garnering the Best of Kickstarter Award 2018 and CES Innovation Award 2019 Address294-1, Tawaraya-Cho, Nakagyo-Ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Atmoph Inc.
Startup company
Atmoph develops “Atmoph Window” smart digital windows, which use 4K images of beautiful scenery and realistic audio filmed and recorded by Atmoph itself to generate instantly the feeling of being in another place. Thanks to their simplicity, which makes it possible to create a virtual window simply by hanging them on the wall, they have been well received among a wide range of individual and corporate customers, for use not only in private homes but also in cafes, salons, offices, guesthouses, and residential care facilities. Address75-6 Yanagihachimancho, Nakagyo-ku, LS Kyoto 3F Kyoto, 604-8101 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
BackTech Inc.
Startup company
A health-tech startup from Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, “Pocket Therapist" is a health management solution that supports everything from visualization of labor productivity to measurement against shoulder stiffness and back pain based on medical evidence. Won the best award at Health 2.0 Asia 2018, a global healthcare conference. “Pocket Therapist” has been introduced mainly by listed big name companies, and has gained evidence such as improvement of labor productivity, reduction of highly stressed workers, and reduction of complaints. There are many researchers from national universities, and their strength lies in an ability to build evidence and implement quality control as a healthcare service. Address680-1 Omandokorocho Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu 600-8413 Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Startup company
Hacarus Inc. founded 2014 in Kyoto, Japan provides Explainable Lightweight AI Tools, backed by Miyako Capital (Kyoto University) among others. Its solutions are used in the Medical and Manufacturing fields to enable humans to make better, faster and more reliable decisions. Hacarus' proprietary AI engine understands data like a human would - by its unique key features and is far more resource efficient than competing methods. To learn more, visit AddressDai 12 Hase Building 5AHashibenkei-cho, Nakagyo-ku Kyoto, 604-8151 Japan Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)
Nota Inc.
Startup company
Nota was founded in Silicon Valley in 2007 and today has its main office in Kyoto. It provides three services: Gyazo instant screen capture sharing, Scrapbox an instant, auto-organized knowledge base, and Helpfeel an instant and ultra reliable FAQ / support search.Nota serves consumers and businesses around the world with a majority overseas. Remote and flexible work is supported for all staff. AddressKawamoto Bldg., 5th Floor, 110-16 Goshohachiman-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, 602-0023 Japan Google MapCheck with Google Maps Access Parking Business Hours Admission Fee Regular Holiday Phone Number SNS More details can be found here(official website)