
update date: 2025.02.07
このマップ(地図)を見るNumber of spots : 181spots
信楽焼の陶雛を展示しています HP 観光ガイド 住所 〒529-1851甲賀市信楽町長野1203内 電話番号 0748-82-2345 営業時間 10:00~17:00 定休日 木曜(翌日休館) 年末年始 駐車場 有(市観光駐車場無料) アクセス 新名神「信楽IC」より約10分 名阪国道「壬生野I.C.」から約30分 信楽高原鐵道「信楽駅」下車、徒歩約3分 その他情報 入館無料
ひなバラ寿司 700円(税込)3/2・3限定ひな祭りの日に予約限定のテイクアウトしているお寿司です。海鮮を乗せたひなチラシ寿司もございます。ご予約は出来るだけ前々日までにお願いします。 HP 観光ガイド 住所 〒528-0023甲賀市水口町本丸1-6 電話番号 0748-62-0400 営業時間 11:30~ 定休日 不定休 駐車場 7台 アクセス 近江鉄道水口城南駅から徒歩7分 新名神高速道路「信楽/甲賀土山IC」より20分 その他情報
りんご餡パイ 206円(税込)2月中旬頃~3/3頃までひな祭り期間限定のりんご餡の入ったパイです。ひな人形の箱に入っています。 ホームページ 公式サイト 住所 〒528-0017甲賀市水口町京町5-18 電話番号 0748-62-0153 営業時間 8:00~18:30 定休日 不定休 駐車場 2台 アクセス 新名神 甲賀土山ICから約15分 信楽ICから約20分 旧東海道沿い JR草津線貴生川駅からコミュニティバス本水口バス停下車東へすぐ その他情報
手まり弁当 2,200円(税込) テイクアウト可2月中旬頃~3月上旬頃まで ひな人形めぐり期間限定でお食事いただける特別の献立です。 HP 観光ガイド 住所 〒528-0022甲賀市水口町梅が丘1-9 電話番号 0748-62-2521 営業時間 11:00~21:30 定休日 不定休 駐車場 乗用車15台 バス1台 アクセス 近江鉄道石橋駅より徒歩7分 新名神高速道路「信楽IC」より15分 その他情報
雛どらやき 260円(税込)2/15頃~3/3 桃の節句や初節句の祝い事にご利用ください。桃の節句限定のお雛さまパッケージのどら焼きです。雛ういろう 216円(税込)2/20頃~3/3 桃の節句・雛祭りに最適な三色のういろう。 ホームページ 公式サイト 住所 〒528-0046甲賀市水口町三大寺34 電話番号 0748-62-2058 営業時間 10:00~18:00 定休日 不定休 月2回木曜日休み 駐車場 10台 アクセス 甲賀土山ICから約15分 甲南ICから約10分 貴生川駅南口から南へ徒歩10分 その他情報
資料館2階にひな人形、1階に信楽焼の甲賀流忍者陶雛を飾っています HP 観光ガイド 住所 〒528-0023甲賀市水口町本丸4-80 電話番号 0748-60-5577 営業時間 10:00~17:00 定休日 木曜・金曜 12/29~1/3 駐車場 水口城南駅駐車場または、あいこうか市民ホール駐車場をご利用ください。 アクセス JR草津線 貴生川駅から近江鉄道に乗り換え水口城南駅下車徒歩約4分 その他 2024.10.14~10.16御成橋改修工事開始のため臨時休館※今後工事の状況により臨時休館になる日があります。
江戸期と推定されるひな人形です。お越しの際は玄関横のインターホンを押してください。 ホームページ 公式サイト 住所 〒520-3312甲賀市甲南町磯尾1972 電話番号 0748-86-2572 駐車場 普通車10台 アクセス JR草津線甲南駅より※コミタク「明王寺口」下車徒歩約5分。 その他情報 ※タクシー車両を活用した公共交通で予約の状況により複数人での利用となります。乗車時刻の1時間前までにご予約下さい。0748-86-4181(予約受付時間7:00~20:00)。運行詳細は滋賀タクシーへお問い合わせ下さい。0748-62-0159お急ぎの場合は通常のタクシーをご利用ください。
ホームページ 公式サイト 住所 〒528-0035甲賀市水口町名坂1168 電話番号 0748-62-0396 営業時間 9:00~17:00 料金 大人400円、中学生300円、小学生200円 定休日 不定休 駐車場 普通車50台/大型車10台 アクセス JR草津線貴生川駅からコミュニティバス広野台線大池寺下車すぐ近江鉄道水口駅下車、徒歩20分
2/1~ たくさんのひな飾りを展示しています HP イベントページへ 住所 〒528-0212甲賀市土山町南土山甲406 電話番号 0748-70-2096 営業時間 9:00~17:00 定休日 土日祝 駐車場 普通車25台 アクセス JR草津線貴生川駅からコミュニティバスで約30分 土山地域市民センターで下車、徒歩約6分
2/1~ たくさんのひな飾りを展示しています。 HP 観光ガイド 住所 〒528-0211土山町北土山626 電話番号 090-6969-3108(代表 中島) 営業時間 10:00~15:00 定休日 平日 駐車場 普通車3台 アクセス 新名神甲賀土山ICから国道1号経由で約5分東名阪亀山ICから国道1号経由で約30分JR草津線貴生川駅からあいくるバスで約30分 東土山バス停下車徒歩3分
2/1~ たくさんのひな飾りを展示しています。 HP 観光ガイド 住所 〒528-0211土山町北土山1570 電話番号 0748‐66‐2770 営業時間 9:00~17:00 定休日 月曜・火曜 年末年始 駐車場 普通車・中型バス30台(大型バスは事前に要連絡) アクセス JR草津線貴生川駅からコミュニティバスで約30分 近江土山駅で下車、徒歩約3分
Wild Boar Shigure Burger/Shikakatsu Dog
Autumn Takeout Feature
At our restaurant, which is surrounded by nature, we offer wild game dishes, such as simmered wild boar with an addictive sweet and salty flavor that has been slowly simmered for 3 hours, and loin cutlet of venison, which has no odor and is low in calories and high in protein. A great companion for your fall outings! For orders of 10 or more, please contact us at least 3 days in advance. Fees Each 850 yen Home page Featured page Address 〒528-02011104 Okawara, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-69-0344 Time Takeout sales hours are from 11:00 to 14:00. Closed Irregular holidays Parking Yes Access Approximately 20 minutes by car from Koka Tsuchiyama IC on the Shin-Meishin Expressway Take the community bus from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and get off at the "Wakamiya Shrine" bus stop Other Restaurant Gensokyo will be holding an autumn [Chewy Fresh Pasta Fair] for lunch from September 16th to October 31st for a limited time only. This is a fair with 5 new items added to the standard 3 items. Fee: 1,600 yen
① Beef fillet cutlet bowl ② Beef fillet steak bowl
Autumn Takeout Feature
① A bowl of beef fillet cutlet topped with a fluffy hot spring egg and served with a special demi-glace sauce. ②Very popular, extremely tender beef fillet steak bowl. *Plastic type containers are also available, so please let us know when ordering. Fees ①1,800 yen②1,620 yen Home page Featured page Address 〒520-3433345 Ohara Market, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-5500 Business hours Lunch 11:30-15:00Dinner 17:00-20:00 (L.O. 19:45) Closed Thursday New Year holidays Parking 40 regular cars Access About 5 minutes walk from JR Kusatsu Line Koka Station exit
① Omi beef hitsumabushi ② Sales of BBQ meat
Autumn Takeout Feature
① Hitsumabushi made with luxurious Omi beef. Perfect to take with you when you go out! ! ② Enjoy Ushifuku meat at home ☆ Fees ① Medium size: 1,400 yen / Large size: 1,900 yen② Depending on your budget and number of people Home page Featured page Address 〒28-00055743-1 Minakuchi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-69-7029 Business hours Lunch (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday only) 11:00-14:00 (L.O. 13:30) Dinner 16:00-22:00 (L.O. 21:30) Closed Monday Parking Yes (more than 10 units) Access Approximately 10 minutes walk from Minakuchijonan Station on the Omi Railway Main Line Other information
Rice bowl omelet (takeout)
Autumn Takeout Feature
A large omelet rice that is about 1.5 times the regular size of our famous fluffy omelet rice. You can choose your favorite sauce such as demi-glace, ketchup, tartar chili sauce, etc. Please make reservations by phone if possible. (Same-day OK) Fees 780 yen Home page Featured page Address 〒528-00221-34 Umegaoka, Mizuguchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-63-5556 Business hours 11:00~19:00 (18:00L.O.) ※Friday and Saturday only until 21:00 (19:45L.O.) 《Lunch time》 Weekdays 11:00-16:00, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 11:00-15:00 *Take-out is from 11:00 to 17:00 Closed Thursday Parking Yes Access 7 minutes walk from both Omi Railway Minakuchi Jonan Station and Ishibashi Station Other information
Koga mochi workshop
Souvenirs & Shopping
“Three million years ago, the land of Koka was at the bottom of Lake Biwa.” The heavy clay soil, evidence of the lake bed, is what gave rise to Kosaji's sticky rice cakes. At the foot of Suzuka, in this area blessed with beautiful water and air, we use only high-quality glutinous rice that has been carefully grown and cultivated with consideration for the environment, and has been designated as Shiga Prefecture's certified rice. The taste has been inherited to this day. Home page Official website Address 〒520-34022121-1 Kosaji, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-5841 Business hours 9:00~17:00 Closed Monday Parking Yes Access From JR Kusatsu Line Terasho Station, get off at Community Bus Sayama Line "Kosaji Kominkan" and walk a short distance Other information
Kafuka Strawberry Farm
Souvenirs & Shopping
A large strawberry farm that grows strawberries using carefully selected farming methods. All-you-can-eat for 45 minutes with free chocolate and condensed milk. Local vegetables are also sold at the direct sales store. Kabuka gelato and soft serve ice cream are also recommended. Home page Official website Address 528-00055940-4 Minakuchi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-63-5811 Business hours 9:00~17:00 Closed Free during strawberry picking period Parking 50 units Access 5 minutes walk from Omi Railway Minakuchi Jonan Station 20 minutes via National Route 307 from Shigaraki IC on the Shin-Meishin Expressway 15 minutes from Konan IC, 15 minutes via National Route 1 from Koka Tsuchiyama IC < br> 20 minutes from Meishin Expressway Ryuo IC via National Route 477 - Prefectural Route 165 Other information
Kabuka Service [Rice]
Souvenirs & Shopping
Koka City in Shiga Prefecture is home to fertile land called the Old Biwa Lake layer, beautiful water flowing from the Suzuka Mountains, and a climate suitable for growing rice. ``Kafukamai'' is made by carefully selecting only Koka rice, which is said to be especially delicious among Omi rice. The rice that can be delivered as Shikafukamai is limited to only a handful of the amount that is harvested. Home page Official website Address 520-3435683-5 Sagami, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-5799 Business hours 9:00~17:00 Closed Saturday Sunday Parking Yes Access About 10 minutes from Shinmeishin "Koka Tsuchiyama IC" About 12 minutes from Shinmeishin "Konan IC" Other information
JA Kouka Hananoka City Mizuguchi store
Souvenirs & Shopping
We handle local specialties such as rice, tea, and seasonal local agricultural products, as well as processed products made from these agricultural products, dairy products, meat, and eggs, as well as specialty agricultural products from our partner JA, and A Co-op products. , we are proud of the product lineup that only a JA directly managed store can offer. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00056111-1 Minakuchi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-0711 Business hours 9:00~18:00 Closed New Year Parking Yes Access 3 minutes walk from JR Kusatsu Line "Kibugawa Station" and Koka City Community Bus "City Hall Minakuchi Government Building" About 13 minutes from Shinmeishin "Konan IC" Other information
Muraki Marukoshi [Kimono/Ninja costume]
Souvenirs & Shopping
We sell ninja costumes. Kimono wearing classes are generally scheduled three times a month. Lesson fee: 1,000 yen (tax included) per lesson. We accept various consultations such as in-store dressing, on-site dressing, sales of baby clothes, washing (cleaning) of kimonos, stain removal, kimono alterations, etc. Home page Official website Address 528-00055743-3 Minakuchi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-5291 Business hours 10:00~18:00 Closed Tuesday/Summer/New Year holidays Parking Yes Access About 15 minutes from Shinmeishin "Konan IC"5 minutes walk from Omi Railway "Minakuchi Jonan Station" Other information
Kanigasaka candy
Souvenirs & Shopping
``Kanigasaka candy'' is made entirely by hand, using malt starch syrup as the raw material, starting a fire with wood, boiling it in a pot, transferring it to a brazier, and scooping it up with a 20cm wooden tool. Paste it on the throne. After a while, the "Kanigasaka Ame" that has hardened is rolled out using a special trowel and formed into a round shape approximately 3cm in diameter. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02121301 Minami Tsuchiyama Ko, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-66-1426 Business hours 9:00-17:00 Closed Irregular holidays Parking Yes Access Approximately 5 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Koka Tsuchiyama IC" via National Route 1 Approximately 25 minutes west from Higashi-Meihan Kameyama IC via National Route 1 Other information
Souvenirs & Shopping
Koga no Sato. This satoyama, known as the place where ninjas once lived, is still surrounded by deep mountains, and is blessed with a clear stream flowing into Lake Biwa and the blessings of the fertile land. “COCCALA” makes “everyday bread” that you will never get tired of even if you eat it every day. Since it is something we eat every day, we are particular about using high-quality ingredients from Koga and carefully make it without wasting much time or effort. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3307431 Nojiri, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-69-5167 Business hours Weekdays: 9:00-18:00 Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays: 8:00-18:00 Closed Monday Parking Yes Access 10 minutes walk from Terasho Station on the JR Kusatsu Line 4km from Konan IC on the Shin-Meishin Expressway 11km from Kamitsuge IC on the Meihan National Highway Other information
Maruyasu Tea Industry
Souvenirs & Shopping
We are proud of the traditional taste and aroma of over 120 years since our founding in 1895, and manufacture and sell our products with safety and security as our motto. We offer a wide variety of teas, from high-quality teas to teas for home and commercial use. Particularly recommended products are the Shiga Prefecture certified tea ``Yabukita Tea'', ``Yabukita Tea'', ``Kabuse Tea'', and the registered trademark ``Saio no Sato'', which is our proud sencha. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0231267 Tongu, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-67-0015 Business hours Weekdays 8:00-19:00 Sundays and holidays 9:00-19:00 Closed January 1st Parking Yes Access " Approximately 5 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway Koka Tsuchiyama IC via National Route 1 Approximately 30 minutes west from Higashi-Meishin Kameyama IC via National Route 1 Aikuru bus from JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station Approximately 25 minutes, 3 minutes walk from Ichibaguchi bus stop " Other information
Maruyoshi Omi tea
Souvenirs & Shopping
A roasted tea specialty store run by a tea wholesaler. Shiga prefecture's only 10th dan tea master blends tea leaves mainly from the local Tsuchiyama town. Together with our roasters, we created more than 10 unique roasted teas. We have seasonal hojicha tea, hojicha sweets, and more, so please use them for a variety of occasions, whether it's for your home or as a souvenir. You can also enjoy roasted green tea sweets at the attached tea room. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02352723 Ohno, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-67-1333 Business hours Store: 9:30-18:00 Sabo: 10:00-17:00 (L.O) Closed Store: New Year's Day Sabo: Tuesday/New Year's Day Parking 15 regular cars Access About 10 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway Koka Tsuchiyama IC via National Route 1 About 40 minutes west from Higashi-Meishin Kameyama IC via National Route 1 By Aikuru bus from JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station Approximately 20 minutes, 1 minute walk from Ono Imajuku bus stop Other information
Miya Berry [Blueberry]
Souvenirs & Shopping
Miya Berry's blueberries are a new specialty of Koka. It has been very well received by everyone for its refreshing sweetness and mellow taste. Please take this opportunity to enjoy the fresh taste of directly picking and eating large blueberries that have grown abundantly. The view of the Suzuka mountains in the distance from the garden is spectacular. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3305473 Nogawa, Konan-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-60-1746 Business hours 8:00~17:00 Closed Open every day during the period(Temporary closures may apply) Parking Yes Access Turn right at the Shinmeishin Konan IC exit signal, then turn right at the Miya Berry sign after 4km 10km north from Mibuno IC on the Meihan National Highway Turn left at the three-way intersection immediately after entering Shiga Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Terasho Station. Please make your reservation at least 1 hour before your scheduled time as it requires advance reservations. TEL: 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00) Short distance from East Area bus stop "Miya Berry"
Shiga Sake Brewery
Souvenirs & Shopping
In Mizuguchi, a region blessed with abundant water and a thriving sake brewing industry, professional sake brewers have taken the time to create ``Biwakoi Michi Beer'' using local barley. There are two types of strong. Home page Official website Address 〒528-004639 Sandaiji Temple, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-2001 Business hours 7:00~24:00 Closed No holidays Parking 30 units Access Approximately 10 minutes from Shinmeishin Konan IC Approximately 15 minutes from Shigaraki IC 1 minute west of National Route 307 Koshin Exit Other information
Nishida liquor store
Souvenirs & Shopping
This is an old liquor store that retains the appearance of the former Tokaido Minakuchi-juku. In addition to local sake such as ``Suikomachi,'' ``Minakuchi,'' and ``Koshiroyama,'' which are popular in the area, as well as beer, Western liquor, and shochu, we also carry gifts. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00151-29 Matsue, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-62-0046 Business hours 9:00~19:00 Closed Sunday Access 18 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Shigaraki/Koga Tsuchiyama IC" 3 minutes walk from Omi Railway "Mizuguchi Ishibashi Station" Other information
Narita Ranch
Souvenirs & Shopping
You can try your hand at making butter at the Koka Ninja Village. The environment where you can enjoy nature throughout the year, such as collecting beetles, stag beetles, and mushroom hunting, is also popular. The petting zoo, where you can play with sheep, goats, mini pigs, and mini rabbits, is also very popular with children. We also recommend the gelato and waffles at Gelato Studio Urara. Home page Official website Address 520-3313696 Shinji, Konan-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-86-3341 Business hours 10:00-17:00 Gelato Urara until 16:00 Closed Monday (Excluding holidays) Parking 20 units Access 5 minutes by car from JR Kusatsu Line Konan Station Shin-Meishin Shin-Meishin 1 minute from Konan IC 15 minutes from Koka Tsuchiyama IC Other information Free admission
mom's store
Souvenirs & Shopping
We sell catered food and prepared foods. We use locally produced ingredients for local consumption. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00121-3 Akatsuki, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-8208 Access 8 minutes walk from Omi Railway Minakuchi Ishibashi Station Other information
Tanaka Agri [Vegetables/Processed Products]
Souvenirs & Shopping
In the agricultural field, there is a need to establish a certification system for ``environmentally friendly agricultural products'' and reduce the burden on the environment, including Lake Biwa, by reducing the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers to less than half of the conventional amount, and by preventing the runoff of turbid water. Masu. The agricultural products produced by Tanaka Agri are certified as "environmentally conscious agricultural products." Environment-friendly agriculture is also people-friendly agriculture. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0057936 Kitawaki, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-2949 Other information
Shimamoto Microorganism Industry Co., Ltd.
Souvenirs & Shopping
Healthy crops start with healthy soil. Recognizing that soil preparation is the basis of crop cultivation, we use useful microorganisms and enzymes to improve soil fertility. This maximizes the vitality of the crops and allows us to grow safe, nutritious, and delicious crops. You can tour the actual fields and crops at Shimamoto BYM Farm, which researches and practices Shimamoto microbial farming. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00231-23 Honmaru, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-3328 Business hours 8:30~17:00 Closed Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Parking 1 bus, 10 passenger cars Access 13 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Koka Tsuchiyama/Konan IC" Other information Acceptable number of people: 5 to 30 people
Omi meat Yamamura
Souvenirs & Shopping
Since its establishment in Taisho 11, ``Omi Meat Yamamura'' has been a long-established Omi beef specialty restaurant that continues to pass on old traditions and reliability, and has been widely loved by people not only from the local area but also from far away. Please enjoy Kuroge Wagyu beef that has been fattened with all its heart in a rich climate blessed with water and greenery. It is located at the confluence of Misuji Street, which is a characteristic of the 53 stations of the Tokaido Minakuchi-shuku. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00142-4 Kabuka, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-62-1131 Business hours 9:00~18:00 Closed Monday Parking Yes Access Short distance from Omi Railway Minakuchi Ishibashi Station Other information
Fujita Seicha
Souvenirs & Shopping
We sell the tea we make ourselves. This is the charm of Fujita Seicha. The basics are soil preparation. The tea grown in the fresh water of the Suzuka Mountains using organic fertilizers has a rich aroma and a mellow taste. We will do our best as a family. We also offer tea experiences where you can enjoy tea in a private space at a tea plantation. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0234155 Tokuhara, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-67-0172 Business hours 9:30~18:00 Closed Irregular holidays Parking 2-3 units Access From JR Kusatsu Line "Kibukawa Station", take the Koka City Community Bus (Tsuchiyama Main Line) and get off at "Ono". Approximately 5 minutes on foot.About 8 minutes from Shinmeishin "Koka Tsuchiyama IC" Other information
Binchotan charcoal Masuda
Souvenirs & Shopping
Wood vinegar is a high-grade product that has been naturally purified for over a year to remove impurities and increase its transparency.We have products such as "Ame" kneaded with Bincho charcoal, plum meat extract, and powdered Bincho charcoal.Bincho We offer these foods that allow you to easily incorporate the mineral content of charcoal.We especially recommend them to those who are concerned about their daily health. Home page Official website Address 〒520-33021472-20 Ikeda, Konan-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-86-6488 Business hours 8:00~21:00 Closed Irregular holidays Parking Yes Access About 7 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Konan IC" Other information
Souvenirs & Shopping
Founded in the first year of Showa. It is located at the corner of the intersection of the road from Yagawa Bridge to Yagawa Shrine and Iga Highway. The main products are monaka, castella roll, and sable, which are handmade by the owner. Castella rolls made with butter cream are popular and have a nostalgic taste. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3323108 Fukagawa Market, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-86-2213 Business hours 9:00~19:00 Closed Irregular holidays Parking 2 units Access 10 minutes walk from Konan Station on the JR Kusatsu Line 10 minutes from Shin-Meishin Konan IC Other information
Confectionery chief
Souvenirs & Shopping
Dedicated to mastering the path and strong mental strength. I would like to learn from Koga's predecessors. In order to deliver the authentic taste to our customers, we carefully select the ingredients, hone our own skills, and strive to make confectionery with an honest heart. Kashicho is a Koga style confectionery workshop. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3308594-4 Noda, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-86-0001 Business hours 9:00~17:00 Closed No holidays Parking 20 vehicles, 5 large vehicles Access 5 minutes from Shin-Meishin Konan IC 7 minutes by car from Konan Station on the JR Kusatsu Line Other information
Yasui Sake Brewery
Souvenirs & Shopping
Founded in 1884. Tsuchiyama Town is known as the 49th post town on the former Tokaido Route. Currently, we are the 5th generation brewer and the 6th generation sake brewer, a father and son. “Hatsuzakura” is brewed using underground water from the Suzuka Mountains and a well located in the center of the brewery. A sake that goes well with meals, with its soft water giving it its unique character. You can enjoy a wide range of sake, from raw sake to aged sake. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0234225 Tokuhara, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 074-67-0027 Parking 5 units Access 6 minutes from Shinmeishin Tsuchiyama IC Other information
Tatsuoka Seicha
Souvenirs & Shopping
We produce and directly sell Omi Tsuchiyama tea, a tea with a distinctive taste and aroma that is blessed with rich nature, beautiful water and air, and plenty of sunlight. In addition, Ganso Tatsuoka's Cold Brew Baby Bancha is recommended for people who are concerned about their blood pressure and blood sugar levels, babies, the elderly, the sickly, and those who suffer from constipation and atopic dermatitis. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0211982 Kitatsuchiyama, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-66-0025 Business hours 9:00-19:30 Closed New Year's Day (January 1st to 4th) Sunday Parking 8 units Access Approximately 30 minutes by Aikuru bus from JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station Get off at Omi Tsuchiyama bus stop and walk for 5 minutes Approximately 5 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway Koka Tsuchiyama IC via National Route 1 Tomei Approximately 30 minutes west from Sakameyama IC via National Route 1 Other information
Omi Seicha
Souvenirs & Shopping
We are a Japanese tea specialty store that carries a wide selection of senchas such as fragrant and flavorful Asamiya tea, full-bodied Tsuchiyama tea, and umami-flavored Kabusecha, as well as reasonably priced bancha, hojicha, and convenient tea bag products. Home page Official website Address 528-0232504 Maeno, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-67-0308 Business hours 8:30~17:00 Closed New Year holidays, Sundays, irregular holidays Parking 8 units Access 3 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Koka Tsuchiyama IC" Other information
Confectionery Chef Oiya
Souvenirs & Shopping
We manufacture and sell Japanese sweets by hand, one by one, with roots in the local community in Shiga Prefecture, Omi Province. We work hard to make Japanese sweets while being particular about our products so that as many people as possible can learn about the birthplace of Omi merchants. Home page Official website Address 〒528-004634 Sandaiji, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-2058 Business hours 10:00~18:00 Closed Irregular holidays Closed twice a month on Thursdays Parking 10 units Access About 15 minutes from Koka Tsuchiyama IC About 10 minutes from Konan IC 10 minutes walk south from the south exit of Kibukawa Station Other information
Minori Sangyo [Kurokage Rice]
Souvenirs & Shopping
``Kurokagemai'' is an ancient black glutinous rice grown in the clay soil of the Old Biwa Lake layer, named after Konan Town in southern Shiga Prefecture, the birthplace of Koga-ryu Ninjutsu. It is so nutritious that it is said that the Koga ninja ate it to maintain their health, and it is called ``medicinal rice'' and is used in medicinal dishes. Home page Official website Address 〒520-33112472 Ryuhoshi, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-86-4778 Business hours 9:00〜17:00 Closed Irregular holidays Parking Yes Access 27 minutes walk from Terasho Station on the JR Kusatsu Line 10 minutes from Shin-Meishin Konan IC Other information
Masuya (a candy store that also sells alcohol)
Souvenirs & Shopping
In 2020, we took advantage of the renovation of our store and changed our image from ``a liquor store that also sells cheap sweets'' to ``a candy store that also sells alcoholic beverages.'' We also carry gifts. Home page Official website Address 〒520-33222071 Fukagawa, Konan-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-86-2168 Business hours (Spring/Summer) 8:00-19:30 (Autumn/Winter) 8:00-18:30 Closed New Year holidays/Tuesdays (September 2024~) Parking Yes Access Approximately 5 minutes walk from Konan Station on the JR Kusatsu Line Other information
Okane Seisakusho [Bamboo ruler]
Souvenirs & Shopping
We use carefully selected domestic materials, are particular about the manufacturing process, and deliver each and every product with great care. In addition to regular products, we also create special purpose rulers and original bamboo rulers. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3311712 Ryuhoshi, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-70-2790 Business hours 9:00~17:00 Closed Saturday/Sunday Access Access Approximately 21 minutes walk from JR Kusatsu Line “Konan” station Approximately 5 minutes from Shinmeishin “Konan IC” Approximately 20 minutes north from Meihan National Highway “Mibuno IC” Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Konan Station. Please make your reservation at least 1 hour before your scheduled time as it requires advance reservations. TEL: 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00) 1 minute walk from "Shinobi no Sato Purara"
Kasho Ichimi-ya
Souvenirs & Shopping
In addition to the ``Mizuguchi Mitarashi Mochi'' made with Kanpyo, which is listed in the 53 Stations of the Tokaido, there are also ``Aoisui Monaka'' famous confectionery ``Minakuchi Matsuri Hikiyama'', and the famous confectionery ``Mizuguchi no Sato''. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00175-18 Kyomachi, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-0153 Business hours 8:00~18:30 Closed Irregular holidays Parking 2 units Access Approximately 15 minutes from Shinmeishin Koka Tsuchiyama IC Approximately 20 minutes from Shigaraki IC Along the old Tokaido From Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line, take the community bus and get off at Honmizuguchi bus stop, then go east Other information
Koga Ninja Clothes Workshop (Tanaka Sewing Workshop)
Souvenirs & Shopping
If you would like to take a look at our ninja clothes and purchase them according to your size, please come visit us. There are some products that are not listed on the site. Bulk orders are also possible, so why not make your own original ninja costume? Our costumes are manufactured in our own workshop, so we accept orders from small to large lots. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3414234 Okubo, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-2090 Closed Saturday/Sunday Parking Yes Access Take the community bus from the north exit of Koka Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and get off at Nishinokuchi-mae bus stop, then walk 2 minutes Other information
Mochizuki Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Souvenirs & Shopping
To make alcohol ``delicious,'' ``enjoyable,'' and ``happy.'' It would be great if we could maximize the subtle sweetness of local sake brewed rice and sublimate it to the flavor of sake. Representative brand "Suzu Kabuto": "Suzu Kabuto" is a newly coined word that combines the "Suzuka Mountains", the background of the sake brewery, and the "kabuto" of "Koga". Home page Official website Address 〒520-34251158 Koka-cho, Koka-shi, Koka-cho Telephone number 0748-88-2020 Business hours 9:00~19:00 Closed New Year's 1st, 2nd, 3rd Irregular holidays Parking Yes Access 16 minutes walk from Aburahi Station on JR Kusatsu Line Other information
Mitoku Sake Brewery “Kaido Kura”
Souvenirs & Shopping
In 1917, he began brewing sake in the rich area of Mizuguchi. This brewery has been in business for about 100 years and is located along the road of Minakuchi, the 50th post town on the Tokaido route. The name comes from the second-generation brewer's desire to ``beautiful and rich for a long time.'' We mainly produce sake using the old-fashioned "Yamahai Shikomi" method. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00253-2 Nishirinkuchi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-62-1113 Business hours 10:00~18:00 Closed Thursday Parking 10 cars (up to 2 cars compatible with large buses) Access 13 minutes walk from Omi Railway "Mizuguchi Jonan Station"About 12 minutes from each IC in Shinmeishin Koka City Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Mikumo Station on the JR Kusatsu Line. Immediately after getting off at "Linkou" in the Kashiwagi areaPlease make a reservation at least 1 hour before the usage time as advance reservations are required. TEL: 0748-62-0159 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00)
Shior Farm
Souvenirs & Shopping
We sell agricultural products grown in-house using farming methods that are friendly to Lake Biwa. Freshly harvested seasonal vegetables are lined up, including ``environmentally conscious rice'' with reduced pesticides and chemical fertilizers, grown with high-quality water from the Yasu River, which originates from the Suzuka Mountains. We also have our own original processed dressings, jams, and side dishes. The attached Veji Rice (restaurant) welcomes guests with a healthy menu that uses this rice and plenty of vegetables. We look forward to seeing you there. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00572378-1 Kitawaki, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-63-8855 Business hours 9:00-18:00 (April-September) 9:00-17:30 (October-March) Closed Wednesday Parking 50 cars *Large buses possible Access 15 minutes from Shigaraki IC 15 minutes from Konan IC 20 minutes from Konan Ritto IC 15 minutes from Tsuchiyama IC Other information * Immediately get off at Komitaku "Rushior" from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line. Public transportation using taxi vehicles may be used by multiple people depending on reservation status. Please make a reservation at least 1 hour before your boarding time. 0748-62-0159 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00). Please contact Shiga Taxi for operation details. 0748-62-0159 If you are in a hurry, please use a regular taxi.
Kashiwaya Bakery
Souvenirs & Shopping
A bakery in Minakuchi-cho, Koka City. We offer a wide range of chewy breads, school lunches, and freshly baked breads. Please try our ``Natural Yeast Mochimochi Bread'', a certified white bread from Shiga that sells 5,000 loaves a month. Home page Official website Address 528-00285-25 Joto, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-0447 Business hours 9:00~17:00 Closed Saturday/Sunday Parking 2 regular cars Access 18 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Shigaraki IC" or 18 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Konan IC"
PaiNa [Bread made with Tsuchiyama tea]
Souvenirs & Shopping
We manufacture and sell Omi Tsuchiyama tea using three types of tea leaves. Anpan and cream buns also use tea leaves for the filling. A small bakery that feels like a hideout in the Shinobi no Sato. Home page Official website Address 〒520-33011624 Terasho, Konancho, Koka City Telephone number 070-4357-9020 Business hours 10:30-16:00 Closed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and 2nd and 4th Saturday (Due to circumstances, we may be temporarily closed or shorten our business hours. Please check on SNS, etc.) Parking 2 units Access About 3 minutes walk from Terasho Station on the JR Kusatsu Line Other information
御本尊は日本最大級の丈六阿弥陀如来座像、ほか十一面千手観音、救世観音坐像、懐からお釈迦様を垣間見る摩耶夫人立像など天台のおりの様相を含めた仏像が安置されています。水口町の大池寺、甲賀町の櫟野寺とともに「湖国甲賀の三大仏」巡りを発足しました。湖国甲賀三大佛「お念仏体験」が出来ます。 ホームページ 公式サイト 住所 〒528-0206甲賀市土山町山中351 電話番号 0748-68-0364 拝観料 大 人500円 小学生200円 駐車場 普通車40台 大型車7台 アクセス JR草津線貴生川駅からコミュニティバス土山本線行きで十楽寺バス停下車すぐ
Shinpukuji Temple
The name of the mountain is Junreisan. The sect is Jodo sect. It was revived during the Joo era. During the Kanei era, it was called Junreido. The principal image is Nyoirin Kannon, and Kannon-do is one of the four temples. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00326-32 Yasaka, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-62-2818 Parking 8 regular cars Access From Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line, get off at Omi Railway Minakuchi Jonan Station and walk 3 minutes
Byakugoji Temple
It is built in an open area between the village of Nogino and the Yasu River. The simple thatched gate gives a sense of emotion, and there is a large ginkgo tree next to the gate. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0224146 Noueno, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-66-0669 Parking 10 regular cars Access From the north exit of Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line, take the Aikuru bus and get off at Nogino Station, a 5-minute walk
Hinodera Temple
This is a Tendai sect temple founded by Kaiki Saicho during the Heian period. The wooden standing statue of Senju Kannon and the wooden standing statue of Shakyamuni Nyorai, which are the principal objects of worship, can be viewed from January 1st to 3rd and August 18th every year. Home page Official website Address 〒520-330243 Ikeda, Konan-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-86-3765 Parking 30 regular cars, 2-3 large cars Access From Terasho Station on the JR Kusatsu Line *Please use the Komitaku East Area stop. Other information Please make a reservation at least 1 hour before your boarding time. 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00)*Public transportation using taxi vehicles may be used by multiple people depending on the reservation situation. Please contact the website or Shiga Taxi for the stop location. 0748-62-0159If you are in a hurry, please use a regular taxi.
Rakuyaji Temple
Fussayama Jishoin Ryuno-dera Temple (Ichii-no-Kannon) was founded in the 11th year of the Enryaku era under the reign of Emperor Kanmu when Dengyo Daishi, the founder of Mt. The principal object of worship is Japan's largest seated Buddha, Eleven-faced Kannon Bodhisattva, which is enshrined under a sculpture of one sword and three bows on a living oak tree here. Home page Official website Address 〒520-34121377 Kushino, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-3890 Business hours 9:00~16:00 Fees Adults 500 yen (800 yen during special viewing period), junior high and high school students 300 yen ◎ Free for elementary school students and under if accompanied by a guardian 450 yen for groups of 20 or more (600 yen during special viewing period) Parking 50 regular cars, 10 large cars Access Take the community bus from the north exit of Koka Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and get off at Kusano Kannon-mae bus stop, then walk for 1 minute.Get off at Aburahi Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and walk for 35 minutes, then take a taxi for 10 minutes from Koka Station on the JR Kusatsu Line.
Saieiji Temple
The sect is the Jodo sect, and Kyogyo was revived in 1671. The Buddha statues include a wooden seated Amida Nyorai statue and a wooden seated Yakushi Nyorai statue, both of which are designated as important cultural properties of the country. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0066358 Hatta, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-1541 Access Take the community bus bound for Hatta from JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station and get off at Hatta bus stop
Handoji temple
There are three great temples in this area: Hando-ji Temple at the summit of Mt. Hando, Tokoku-ji Temple halfway up the mountain, and Yakuo-in Temple at the foot of the mountain, which is where the name of the place comes from. Due to the separation of Shinto and Buddhism in the Meiji period, all three major temples were abolished, and now only the Hando Shrine remains on the mountaintop, but in 1888, in order to continue the tradition, the Hando Mountain Satobo Temple, which was left and was called Honkaku-in, was built. This place, one of the temples, was renamed Hando-ji Temple and remains to this day. If you would like to visit, please contact the Koka City Tourism and Town Development Association. 0748-60-2690 Home page Official website Address 〒528-00461372 Sandaiji, Minakuchicho, Koka City Parking About 10 regular cars Access From Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line *Short distance from Comitaku "Hiyoshi Jinja-mae" stop. Other information *Public transportation using taxi vehicles may be used by multiple people depending on reservation status. Please make a reservation at least 1 hour before your boarding time. 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00). Please contact Shiga Taxi for operation details. 0748-62-0159If you are in a hurry, please use a regular taxi.
Oikeji Temple
According to the legend of the temple, Gyoki visited this area at the end of the Nara period and built four large reservoirs called ``Shinji no Ike'' and built the main hall in the center. The floor of the main hall is unusually tiled, and the principal image is a seated statue of Shakyamuni Nyorai said to have been created by Gyoki. It is said that the Horai Garden, which shows its charm with each season, was created by Kobori Enshu, who built Suiro Castle in the Edo period. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00351168 Nasaka, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-0396 Business hours 9:00~17:00 Fees Adults: 400 yen, junior high school students: 300 yen, elementary school students: 200 yen Closed Irregular holidays Parking 50 regular cars/10 large cars Access From Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line, get off at Oikeji Temple on the Hironodai Line Community BusGet off at Minakuchi Station on the Ohmi Railway and walk for 20 minutes
Jofukuji Temple (Minenodo)
A temple of the Tendai sect. According to temple legend, in 788, the founder of the Tendai sect, Dengyo Daishi Saicho Shonin, came to Sodani in Koga in search of materials to build the Konponchudo Hall of Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei. At that time, there was a mountain shining golden with purple clouds, and the temple that was opened as a sacred place is the current Jofukuji Temple. There is a legend that the principal image was engraved using lumber obtained by digging the ground. Home page Official website Address 〒520-33221631 Fukagawa, Konan-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-86-2314 Parking Several parking spaces Access 5 minutes walk from Konan Station on the JR Kusatsu Line
Jigenji Temple
This is a temple of the Eigenji sect of the Rinzai sect. The thatched roof of the main hall was restored in 2022. Jigen-ji Temple was built in 1650 by Mochizuki Kazaemon, who was the ruling power of the Koga-gumi (Koga Hyakunin-gumi) of the Edo shogunate. Additionally, the graves (Mochizuki Kazaemon-gumi) and the memorial tablets (Mochizuki Tozaemon-gumi) of the Koka samurai who remained loyal to the Tokugawa side and perished in the Battle of Fushimi Castle in July 1600 are enshrined here. . Home page Official website Address 〒520-3308469 Noda, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-86-4813 Parking Several units Access 15 minutes walk from JR Konan StationFrom JR Kusatsu Line Konan Station *3 minutes walk from Comitaku "Shinbashi" stop Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Konan Station. Please make your reservation at least 1 hour before your scheduled time of use, as advance reservations are required.
Myoji Temple
It is said to have been founded by Enzui in 811, and the principal image is Fudo Myoo, created by Dengyo Daishi Saicho. Four Myo-o statues are arranged around this statue, and it is extremely unusual to have five Myo-o statues in a Tendai temple.It looks like the Myo-o kings from the north, south, east, and west enliven the middle statue. There are four generations of Ieyasu Tokugawa's memorial tablets here, and it has been attracting attention in recent years as a base for a new route across Koka and Iga. Home page Official website Address 〒520-33121972 Isoo, Konancho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-86-2572 Parking 10 regular cars Access From Konan Station on the JR Kusatsu Line *About a 5-minute walk from Comitaku "Myojiguchi" stop. Other information *Public transportation using taxi vehicles may be used by multiple people depending on reservation status. Please make a reservation at least 1 hour before your boarding time. 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00). Please contact Shiga Taxi for operation details. 0748-62-0159If you are in a hurry, please use a regular taxi.
Waraku Dining Shinobu
There are also menus with ninja names such as Kurokage Gozen and Shinobu Gozen. This Japanese restaurant is popular among locals. For in-house Japanese lunch and dinner, only Kaiseki cuisine is available, and reservations are required at least one day in advance. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3324856 Morijiri, Konan-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-86-1327 Business hours 11:30〜15:00(L.O.14:00) Closed Wednesday Parking Yes Access Take the community bus from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and get off at Mushino Higashi bus stop, then walk 4 minutes Other information
手頃な日替わりランチをはじめ、定食メニューも豊富。中でもご飯の中に牛ヒレ肉が忍んでいる「忍びのまちの牛忍び丼」はサラダや香の物、お味噌汁も付いている人気のメニュー!冬季はひとりでもオーダーできる鍋料理もおすすめです。 HP 観光ガイド 住所 〒520-3433甲賀市甲賀町大原市場345 電話番号 0748-88-5500 営業時間 平日11:30~14:00 17:00~20:00土日祝11:30~21:00 定休日 木曜日 年末年始 駐車場 普通車40台 アクセス JR草津線甲賀駅出口から徒歩約5分
Restaurant Hokkori-tei Minakuchi branch
This is a restaurant inside Tsubaki no Yu. You can also use the restaurant only. We look forward to serving you with a rich menu carefully selected from seasonal ingredients. The banquet hall can be reserved for parties of 10 or more. Home page Official website Address 528-00055572 Minakuchi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-65-1126 Business hours 11:00~23:00 (L.O22:00) Closed No holidays Parking 150 units Access 20 minutes from Shigaraki IC 5 minutes walk from Minakuchi Jonan Station Other information
Tanaka Sake Brewery / tanacafe
Sake brewery in Koka, founded in 1896 This is a long-established sake brewery that has been in business for nearly 100 years. It is said that there were many sake breweries in those days, but there are now fewer and fewer in Koka Town. The fifth generation of the family has inherited traditional techniques and spares no effort in producing delicious sake. He is researching every day to make delicious sake that takes advantage of the local climate. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3433474 Ohara Market, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-2033 Business hours 9:00〜19:00 Closed Wednesday Parking Yes Access About a 6-minute walk from Koka Station on the JR Kusatsu Line 3-minute walk from the north exit of Koka Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and get off at "Ohara Ichiba Nishi" on the community bus Minakuchi Line Other information
Tongu Saryo [Cafe using tea]
Since its founding in 1872 (Meiji 5), we have proudly upheld over 120 years of tradition in taste and aroma, with a commitment to safety and reliability in manufacturing and sales. We offer a wide range of teas, from premium varieties to household and commercial options. Our highly recommended products include Shiga Prefecture Certified Tea, 'Kodawari Yabukita Tea,' and 'Kodawari Kabuse Tea.' Our registered trademark 'Saiou no Sato' is our signature sencha, a product we are especially proud of. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0231267 Tongu, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-67-0015 Business hours 10:00~16:30(L.O.) Closed Wednesday/January 1st Parking Yes Access " Approximately 5 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway Koka Tsuchiyama IC via National Route 1 Approximately 30 minutes west from Higashi-Meishin Kameyama IC via National Route 1 Aikuru bus from JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station Approximately 25 minutes, 3 minutes walk from Ichibaguchi bus stop " Other information
Tsuchiyama service area (Shitamichi user parking lot)
"Tsuchiyama Service Area" in Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka City is located on the Shin-Meishin Expressway connecting Kameyama and Kusatsu, and is an extremely rare rest facility that is concentrated on both the up and down lines. Local customers who do not use the expressway can also use it for shopping, dining, and as an expressway bus stop. Both the souvenir shop and food court are open 24 hours a day. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02121122-74 Minamitsuchiyama, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-66-1660 Business hours Store, food court, convenience store (24 hours) Restaurant(Weekdays: 10:00-21:00 (L.O. 20:30) Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays: 10:00-22:00 (L.O. 21:30) Closed No holidays Parking Available (low road parking lot) Inbound and outbound lines (166 spaces) "88 small spaces, 78 large spaces" Access Kameyama JCT - Tsuchiyama SA (approx. 16km) Tsuchiyama SA - Kusatsu Tagami (approx. 35km) Other information
Morishitaya [Noodles/Sushi]
You can enjoy sushi and other casual meals. We also offer kaiseki meals and catered meals in the tatami room upon reservation. You can also take the sushi home. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00231-6 Honmaru, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-0400 Business hours 11:30~ Closed Irregular holidays Parking 7 units Access 7 minutes walk from Omi Railway Minakuchi Jonan Station 20 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Shigaraki/Koka Tsuchiyama IC" Other information
Miyoshi Akahotei
It can be used for catering, various banquets, celebrations, memorial services, etc. Free bus transportation available Home page Official website Address 〒528-02352175 Ono, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-67-0121 Business hours 10:00〜22:00 Closed Irregular holidays Parking 20 regular cars Access From JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station, take the community bus bound for Tsuchiyama Main Line and get off at Jakuojiguchi bus stop, 2 minutes. About 8 minutes from Shinmeishin "Koga Tsuchiyama IC" Other information
Kamado Gohan Fumiya
The owner carefully selects rice from all over the country, orders brown rice, and polishes it himself. When this white rice is cooked right in front of you, the rice becomes glossy and shiny. Please give it a try. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00064-16 Motomachi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-76-4385 Business hours 11:00-14:00 (Reservations required in the evening. We can accommodate according to your budget.) Closed Tuesday/Thursday Parking 6 units Access 15 minutes walk from Minakuchi Ishibashi Station on the Omi Railway 2 minutes walk from Matsubaracho stop on the Koka city public transportation bus "Tsuchiyama Main Line" Other information
[Scheduled to reopen in spring] Roadside Station Aino Tsuchiyama
It will reopen in spring 2025. The roadside station will be temporarily closed on September 30th. The old building will be demolished and the parking lot will be renovated, so it will not be available for a while. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02112900 Kitatsuchiyama, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number ・・・ Business hours ・・・ Closed ・・・ Parking ・・・ Access Approximately 5 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Koka Tsuchiyama IC" via National Route 1 Approximately 25 minutes west from Higashi-Meishin Expressway Kameyama IC via National Route 1 Aikuru bus from JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station Approximately 40 minutes, get off at Tamura Shrine-mae bus stop, then walk 1 minute Other information
Sumo Chaya Kainoyama
A Chanko Nabe Restaurant Run by a Former Sumo Wrestler Sumo wrestlers understand that nutritious food is the foundation of 'mind, technique, and body.' At our restaurant, we faithfully preserve and serve the unique culinary tradition of 'chanko,' a cornerstone of the sumo wrestling culture. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00324-35 Yasaka, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-62-6001 Business hours 10:00~16:00 Closed Monday (excluding holidays) Parking 40 units Access Approximately 5 minutes walk from Omi Railway "Mizuguchi Ishibashi" Approximately 15 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Koka Tsuchiyama IC" Approximately 20 minutes from "Shigaraki IC" Other information
Sabo Horaku [Cafe using roasted green tea]
We want you to enjoy Maruyoshi's proud roasted tea in more ways, so we have created new sweets that are not limited to Japanese or Western styles. You can enjoy a cup of bliss brewed for our customers along with our carefully selected sweets. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02352723 Ono, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-67-1333 Business hours Store: 9:30-18:00 Sabo: 10:00-17:00 (L.O) Closed Store: New Year's Day Sabo: Tuesday/New Year's Day Parking 15 regular cars Access Approximately 10 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway Koka Tsuchiyama IC via National Route 1 Approximately 40 minutes west from Higashi-Meishin Kameyama IC via National Route 1 By Aikuru bus from JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station Approximately 20 minutes, 1 minute walk from Ono Imajuku bus stop Other information
Sake restaurant government
Seasonal cuisine made with heart, with seasonal ingredients purchased that day.The counter made of a single piece of natural wood and the separate private rooms are both unified in a calming "Japanese" atmosphere. The friendly owner will welcome you with a la carte dishes and delicious drinks. Please use it for relaxing time for adults, from individuals to groups. *Reservations required for hot pot and kaiseki. We also cater lunch boxes. Home page Official website Address 〒529-1851178-1 Nagano, Shigaraki-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-82-2200 Business hours 17:00-23:00 Closed Thursday Access 2 minutes walk from Shigaraki Kogen Railway Shigaraki Station Other information
Yakiniku Mokubee
The Kuroge Wagyu beef is procured by the owner who has many years of experience working in Yakiniku restaurants, and you can choose from the skirt steak, which is served with sauce and seasonings that are available depending on the season. We also recommend the cold noodles, which have toppings that change with the seasons. We have wide spacing, so everyone can enjoy a meal together in a relaxed manner. We have table seats, seats, private rooms, and couple seats, so please feel free to contact us if you have any preferences. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02354945-4 Ono, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number " 080-6990-2929" Business hours 10:00~16:00 Closed Monday: 16:00-22:00 (Food L.O. 21:30 Drinks L.O. 21:30)Tuesday-Sunday, holidays, days before holidays: 11:30-14:00 (Food L.O. 13:30 Drinks) L.O. 13:30)16:00-22:00 (L.O. food 21:30 L.O. drink 21:30) Parking 13 regular cars Access About 6 minutes from Shinmeishin "Koka Tsuchiyama IC"2 minutes walk from Ono Higashiguchi Station on the Koka city public transportation bus "Tsuchiyama Main Line" from JR Kibukawa Station Other information
Izakaya Nanchan
Izakaya in Minakuchi-juku It is located 2 minutes walk from the old Minakuchi Library built by Vories. In addition to the standard menu of takoyaki and Chinese noodles, there are also limited menus on some days! This is an izakaya with a homely atmosphere. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00312-2-32 Honmachi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 080-5347-0893 Access 5 minutes walk from Omi Railway Minakuchi Ishibashi Station Other information
(Cafe) Hekisui
A long-established coffee shop right next to Koka City Hall.Located on the 1st floor of the Minakuchi Taxpay Association. Koka City Hall, Koka City Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mizuguchi Tax Office, Koka City Social Welfare Council, Mizuguchi Health Center, Mizuguchi Shrine, etc. are located nearby. Please use it for a break. Home page Official website Address 528-00055587-2 Minakuchi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-5339 Business hours 8:00~19:00 Closed Sunday Access 5 minutes walk from Minakuchi Jonan Station on the Ohmi Railway Main Line Other information
HERO’S★CAFE [Omelette rice cafe]
A Cafe That Takes Pride in Omurice and Books: 'Om and Read Cafe' Our fluffy and creamy omurice selection is the largest and most unique in Shiga Prefecture—truly one of a kind! The cafe features around 8,000 comic books, a variety of Rubik's cubes, brain teasers, and board games like Othello, all available for you to enjoy as you like. Our dessert menu is also packed with delightful options! For takeout, our top recommendation is the 'Omu-don,' which is 1.5 times larger than usual, with a choice of sauces to match your taste. We’re actively looking for friends on LINE—join us! Home page Official website Address 〒528-00221-34 Umegaoka, Mizuguchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-63-5556 Business hours 11:00~19:00 (18:00L.O.) ※Friday and Saturday only until 21:00 (19:45L.O.) 《Lunch time》 Weekdays 11:00-16:00, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 11:00-15:00 *Take-out is from 11:00 to 17:00 Closed Thursday Parking Yes Access 7 minutes walk from both Omi Railway Minakuchi Jonan Station and Ishibashi Station Other information
Ushifuku [Yakiniku/Hitsumabushi]
We offer carefully selected meats, including Omi beef, at reasonable prices. The course also includes all-you-can-drink, boasting an overwhelmingly good value for money! This is a restaurant where you can eat and drink and be completely satisfied. There are various seating types inside the store, including counters, tables, and private rooms. Credit cards accepted. PayPay available. Home page Official website Address 〒28-00055743-1 Minakuchi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-69-7029 Business hours Lunch (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday only) 11:00-14:00 (L.O. 13:30) Dinner 16:00-22:00 (L.O. 21:30) Closed Monday Parking Yes (more than 10 units) Access Approximately 10 minutes walk from Minakuchijonan Station on the Omi Railway Main Line Other information
Folk art/Sabo Ukaiya
A Tearoom Along the Old Tokaido Road Welcome to Ukai-ya, a tearoom that preserves the atmosphere of the Edo period. Relax at our irori-style tables, complete with hanging pots under a high ceiling, and enjoy our specialty dishes like zenzai matcha and soba, all served with heartfelt hospitality. Take the time to appreciate the handcrafted works of art created by talented artisans—many of which are available for purchase. We look forward to welcoming you! Home page Official website Address 〒528-0212328 Minami Tsuchiyama Ko, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-66-0168 Business hours 11:00~16:00 Closed Irregular holidays Parking None Access Approximately 5 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Koka Tsuchiyama IC" via National Route 1 Approximately 30 minutes west from Higashi-Meishin Kameyama IC via National Route 1 Aikuru from JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station Approximately 30 minutes by bus, get off at Omi Tsuchiyama bus stop, and walk 3 minutes Other information
Ajidokoro Hiro Sushi
We have private rooms where you can relax and spacious rooms for groups. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3433100-1 Ohara Market, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-2372 Business hours 11:00~22:00 Closed Wednesday Parking Yes Access From the north exit of Koka Station on the JR Kusatsu Line, get off at Community Bus Aburanichi Line "Taki Kominkan" and walk 2 minutes Other information
Japanese restaurant Gyoheiro
A culinary inn located in the center of Mizuguchi-juku, the 50th stop on the 53 stations of the Tokaido.We offer seasonal kaiseki cuisine and Omi beef sukiyaki. Please spend your time relaxing in the historic townscape and rich nature. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00312-5-17 Honmachi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-62-0040 Business hours 11:30~21:30 Closed New Year holidays Parking 20 cars 3 medium-sized buses Access 18 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Shigaraki/Koga Tsuchiyama IC" 3 minutes walk from Ohmi Railway "Mizuguchi Ishibashi Station" Other information
Shikisai Tachibana
We prepare our dishes with the utmost care using fresh and carefully selected ingredients. Please make reservations at least one day in advance for the use of the tatami room for lunch, takeout, and catered lunch boxes. Tatami rooms (private rooms) are also available for small groups. There is also a Minakuchicho Nasaka store. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00132-24 Miyanomae, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-62-6055 Business hours 17:00~23:00 Closed Monday Parking Yes Access 8 minutes walk from Omi Railway Minakuchi Jonan Station Other information
Bejiraisu [Farmhouse Restaurant]
Colorful seasonal vegetables made with plenty of high-quality Yasu River water and Omi beef compost We grow seasonal vegetables and fresh rice using plenty of high-quality Yasu water and Omi beef fertilizer, and sell them at direct sales outlets. The adjacent restaurant [Vejiraisu] serves dishes made with plenty of freshly harvested vegetables. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00572378-1 Kitawaki, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-63-8852 Business hours Lunch Business hours: 11:00-15:00 (LO 14:00) cafe Business hours: 14:00-16:00 (LO 15:30) *Only seats can be reserved by phone Closed Wednesday/Last week Tuesday Parking 50 passenger cars *Large buses possible Access 15 minutes from Shigaraki IC 15 minutes from Konan IC 20 minutes from Konan Ritto IC, 15 minutes from Tsuchiyama IC Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Mikumo Station. Please make your reservation at least 1 hour before your scheduled time as it requires advance reservations. TEL: 0748-62-0159 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00) Just get off at "Ru Shior" If you are in a hurry, please use a regular taxi.
Yamanami Kobo (Cafe De Besso)
Yamanami Kobo is a welfare facility currently serving 89 individuals with disabilities. Here, each person expresses their unique identity in their own way, creating a variety of vibrant and individualistic works every day. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3321872 Katsuragi, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-86-0334 Business hours Cafe de Besso 10:00-17:00 Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays (Irregular holidays on Saturdays) Parking 9 units Access About 15 minutes walk from Konan Station on the JR Kusatsu Line 5 minutes from Shin-Meishin "Konan IC" Take the community bus from JR Terasho Station (north exit) and get off at Seseragien bus stop Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Konan Station. Please make your reservation at least 1 hour before your scheduled time as it requires advance reservations. TEL: 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00) Short distance from "Seseragi-en"
Chinese cuisine Konan Hanten
With a wide range of menus from set meals to full courses, both individuals and groups can enjoy our menu. The most popular menu item is the Sichuan-style "Chen Mapo Tofu" served in a clay pot. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00581-78 Kitaizumi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-63-0117 Business hours Lunch 11:00-14:30 Night 17:00-21:30 Closed Wednesday Parking Yes Access 7.9km from Shin-Meishin Expressway Konan IC Other information
Kura Cafe Kunkura -KAGURA- [Lunch Cafe]
Koka City's Comprehensive Tourist Information Center Discover the true essence of the ninja through historical and cultural resources such as ancient documents and temples, presented here as the 'Koka-ryu Real Ninja.' Gain insights and embark on a journey to experience the unique 'real ninja' of Koka City that can't be found anywhere else. In addition to tourist information and brochures, the center offers a selection of Koka souvenirs and rental bicycles to enhance your visit. Come explore the rich history and culture of Koka! Home page Official website Address 〒528-00253-2 Nishirinkuchi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-63-5900 Business hours 11:00-16:00 (Lunch until 14:00) Closed Thursday, New Year holidays, Obon Parking 5-10 units Access 13 minutes walk from Ohmi Railway "Mizuguchi Jonan Station" Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Mikumo Station on the JR Kusatsu Line. Immediately after getting off at "Linkou" in the Kashiwagi areaPlease make a reservation at least 1 hour before the usage time as advance reservations are required. TEL: 0748-62-0159 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00)
Fujikichi [Kyoto cuisine and sushi]
An authentic Kyoto cuisine restaurant located in Minakuni, which prospered as the 50th post town of the 53 Stations of the Tokaido. We offer seasonal dishes using seasonal ingredients. We provide completely private rooms for groups of 2 people to groups. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00221-9 Umegaoka, Mizuguchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-62-2521 Business hours 11:00~21:30 Closed Irregular holidays Parking 15 passenger cars, 1 bus Access 7 minutes walk from Omi Railway Ishibashi Station 15 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Shigaraki IC" Other information
Yakiniku green onion
Hidden in a corner of a residential area in Omi-Koka, the village of Shinobi, we deliver carefully selected Omi beef and Kuroge Wagyu beef, as well as fresh and rare offal parts. The interior of the restaurant is decorated with Koga ninja motifs, and all rooms are private. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00673350−97 Yama, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-63-5606 Business hours 16:00-22:30 (Weekdays L.O.21:30 Fri-Sun L.O.22:00) Closed Monday, Tuesday (Normal business hours on 29th “Meat Day”) Parking Yes Access 15 minutes from Ryuo IC Other information
Tanino Seimenjo/Tanino Shokudo
Flavors of the Showa Era Passed Down Through Generations Enjoy 'Suyaki,' a nostalgic dish of grilled noodles, scallions, and bean sprouts seasoned with sauce and pepper. Located north of Minakuchi Castle at a historic crossroads once lined with samurai residences, Tanino Shokudo has been serving customers since 1953, shortly after Japan’s post-war recovery. Originally starting as a noodle-making business, the shop created 'Suyaki' using its homemade noodles to satisfy the hearty appetites of growing high school students at the time. Come and savor this timeless taste of Showa-era Japan! Home page Official website Address 〒528-00278-12 Jonai, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-2488 Business hours 11:00〜18:00 Closed Sundays/Holidays Parking Yes Access 7 minutes walk from Omi Railway Jonan Station 21 minutes by car from Shinmeishin Shigaraki IC 23 minutes by car from Konan IC Other information
Karaage restaurant Karij
Because we carefully select tender chicken and do not use spices such as garlic, this fried chicken is easy to eat for everyone from children to the elderly. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0035411-15 Nasaka, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-63-5900 Business hours 11:00~20:00 Closed Tuesday (the next day if Tuesday is a holiday) Parking Yes Access Take the community bus from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and get off at Heiwado bus stop, then walk 5 minutes Other information
Rest House Watermill / Kitchen Car Kizaemon
A Long-Established Cafe in the Heart of Koka This charming cafe offers morning sets, lunch, and coffee, as well as the unique souvenir 'Kunoichipo-chan.' The coffee served here uses non-caffeinated beans and is 98% caffeine-free, making it a perfect choice for those seeking a gentle coffee experience. Come and enjoy the hospitality and flavors of Koka Home page Official website Address 〒520-343317-3 Ohara Market, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-3212 Closed Wednesday Parking Yes Access 5 minutes walk from Koka Station on the JR Kusatsu Line
Ichitomi [Noodles/Sushi]
A shop with a warm, old-fashioned atmosphere This restaurant mainly serves sushi and noodles. Chinese noodles (550 yen) are popular. In addition, there is a wide variety of menu items such as Ichifuhisa set meals and udon noodles. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00123-53 Akatsuki, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-5438 Business hours 11:30~19:00 Closed Irregular holidays Parking 10 regular cars Access 15 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Koka-Konan IC"
Tuna Honpo Japanese Cuisine Roha
If you are looking for a Japanese restaurant or set meal restaurant in Minakuchi-cho, please come visit us. This is a restaurant that serves Japanese food such as sashimi, sushi, tempura, and hot pot. As Tuna Honpo says, there are many menu items that use tuna, but they also have other fish, as well as menus typical of a Japanese restaurant, such as obanzai set meals. Home page Official website Address 〒528-004288 Mushiinochuo, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-76-3656 Business hours 11:00~15:00 17:00~21:30 Closed Monday/Tuesday Parking 3 buses, 7 passenger cars Access 10 minutes from the Shin-Meishin Expressway "Konan IC" 3 minutes walk from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line Other information
cafe oasis
A coffee shop along National Route 1. The interior of the store has a calm atmosphere that puts your mind at ease. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0211879 Kitatsuchiyama, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-66-1294 Business hours 8:00~21:00 Closed Monday Parking 12 regular cars Access Approximately 5 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway Koka Tsuchiyama IC via National Route 1 From JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station, take the community bus bound for Tsuchiyama Main Line and get off at Higashi Tsuchiyama bus stop, 4 minutes Other information
Restaurant Koyo [Set meals, rice bowls, yakiniku]
Lunch is Chinese noodles with a nostalgic taste from the Showa era. In the evening, we serve Kuroge Wagyu beef yakiniku at a family price. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0233362-2 Tsuchiyamacho Market, Koka City Telephone number 0748-67-0375 Business hours 11:00~14:00 17:00~21:00 Closed Tuesday Parking Yes Access From JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station, take the community bus bound for Tsuchiyama Main Line and get off at Ichiba bus stop. About 5 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Koga Tsuchiyama IC" Other information
Shushin Rakuya Yururi
During lunchtime, why not try our signature 'Yuruburg', a delightful take on the classic hamburger, perfect for a satisfying midday meal? In the evening, our izakaya offers a selection of delicious seasonal dishes, including fresh, seasonal fish. Come and enjoy the flavors of the moment! Home page Official website Address 〒528-00381-5-7 Shinmachi, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-65-1717 Business hours Lunch 11:00-14:00 Izakaya 17:00-24:00 Closed Lunch Thursday/Friday Izakaya Thursday Parking Yes Access 4 minutes walk from Omi Railway Minakuchi Station Other information
Restaurant Matsu [Lunch/Izakaya]
For lunch, sushi set meals (1,100 yen) are popular, including sushi, set meals, and bowl dishes. At night, the menu changes and it becomes an izakaya. Home page Official website Address 〒520-33131384 Shinji, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-86-5521 Business hours 11:30~14:30 17:30~22:00 Closed Wednesday Parking Available at the back of the store Access Access Approximately 15 minutes walk from JR Kusatsu Line "Konan" station Approximately 5 minutes from Shinmeishin "Konan IC" Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Konan Station. Please make your reservation at least 1 hour before your scheduled time as it requires advance reservations. TEL: 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00) 4-minute walk from "Noda"
Koka Tsuchiyama Soba
Three specialties of handmade soba “Koga Tsuchiyama Soba” Water: The water used for preparation is mineral water that has been filtered over time at the sacred peaks of the Suzuka Mountains. Soba: Homemade noodles made with 100% buckwheat flour from Shiga Prefecture. Dashi stock: We use carefully selected ingredients such as kelp, bonito, domestic shiitake mushrooms, grilled flying fish, and dried bonito flakes. Of course, no chemical seasonings or additives are used. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0232138-6 Maeno, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 090-2190-7725 Business hours 11:00-16:00 (order stop 15:00) Closed Irregular holidays Parking Yes Access From JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station, get off at community bus Tsuchiyama Main Line bound for "Shirakawabashi" and walk 5 minutes Other information
We also recommend the Chinese soba and miso ramen set sushi. Counter only Home page Official website Address 〒520-3426339 Tatono, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-2451 Business hours 11:00-14:30 17:00-21:00 (L.O. around 20:30) Closed Sunday/Holiday/Saturday (night session) Parking Yes Access About 13 minutes walk from Aburabi Station on the JR Kusatsu Line Other information A few minutes walk from the Koka City public transportation Aburahi Line (Aburahi Demand *reservation-based public transportation) "Minamida Tono" ◎Please check the Koka City website for timetables and reservation deadlines. https://www.city.koka.lg.jp/15230.htm
Old folk house restaurant Shinomuan
This is an old folk house restaurant that was created by renovating a thatched house that has been in existence for five generations and is over 130 years old. Surrounded by countryside, you can enjoy delicious and enjoyable meat dishes made from A4 or higher grade certified Omi beef and Kuroge Wagyu beef in a space where you can feel the tranquil sunshine and gentle breeze. In addition to meat dishes, we have a wide variety of menu items that are enjoyed by men and women of all ages. Home page Official website Address 〒520-33111120 Ryuhoshi, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-64-9031 Business hours 11:00-21:30 Lunch 11:00-15:00 (L.O. 14:30) Dinner 17:00-21:30/Last entry time 20:00 (L.O. 20:00) ) Closed Irregular holidays Parking 15 regular cars Access 30 minutes walk from Terasho Station 5 minutes from Konan IC Other information
Konan parking area (inbound)
There is a tourist information corner for Koka City on the 2nd floor of the up-line "Ninja no Sato Konan", and from the observation corner you can see Koka City's Konan Town and the Suzuka Mountain Range. There is also a tourist information corner on the second floor of "Ninja no Sato Konan" on the down line side. Both the upper and lower lines are passageways between Ninja Sato Konan and the toilet building, and can only be accessed from the public road by foot. Home page Official website Address 〒520-33142281 Sugitani, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-86-8339 Business hours 7:00-21:00 Closed No holidays Parking Parking area on the Shin-Meishin Expressway Parking space available from the lower road Other information
Mominoki [Okonomiyaki]
We are an okonomiyaki restaurant that has been operating for 35 years with a focus on flour and flavor. There are about 20 types of okonomiyaki on the menu, ranging from standard to unusual, and they are baked to be thick and fluffy. Home page Official website Address 〒520-331624 Ichihara, Konan-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-86-5624 Business hours Monday/Wednesday~Sunday 17:00~22:00 Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays 12:00~14:00 Closed Tuesday Parking Yes Access "15 minutes walk from Konan Station on the JR Kusatsu Line 2.4km from Konan IC on the Shin-Meishin Expressway " Other information
Sushi-tei (market restaurant)
This is a seafood wholesale market. The market cafeteria is also available to the general public. Reasonably priced seafood bowls and set meals are popular. You can also take out. There are also side dishes and fish lined up at the market stores. How about having it as a side dish for lunch or dinner? Home page Official website Address 528-00055606 Minakuchi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-0522 Business hours 11:00-14:00 Closed Wednesday Parking Yes Access Take the community bus from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and get off at Koka City Hall bus stop, then walk 3 minutes Other information
Toriichi Mizuguchi store
You'll definitely get addicted to the fresh, tender meat served with Ichi's original handmade miso sauce. This is a yakiniku restaurant specializing in chicken served with miso sauce, which is rare in Shiga Prefecture. There is also a lunch menu. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00245-36 Nakatei, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-78-0667 Business hours 11:00-14:00 17:00-21:30 Closed Monday Parking Yes Access Take the community bus from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and get off at Mizuguchi Junior High School bus stop, then walk for 1 minute Other information
2/16 おうみ狂言図鑑「近江鉄道珍道中」
Event Information
狂言とは、猿楽を起源とするセリフ劇で一般庶民のちょっとした失敗話などをユーモラスに描いた喜劇だそうで、今でいうコントのようなものだったそうです。甲賀市甲南町出身の旭堂 南湖さん新作の「近江鉄道珍道中」は必見です。 [演目] 古典:柿山伏/附子 新作:近江鉄道珍道中 アフタートーク:茂山茂×旭堂南湖 HP 観光ガイド 時間 開場 13:15開演 14:00 料金 一般 2,500円青少年(24歳以下)1,000円 住所 甲賀市水口町水口5633 電話番号 00748-62-2626(あいこうか市民ホール) 駐車場 普通車100台 アクセス 新名神高速道路「甲賀土山IC」より約30分「甲南IC」から約10分JR草津線 貴生川駅から近江鉄道に乗り換え水口城南駅下車徒歩2分
1/18 歴史フォーラム「甲賀の城と同名中の掟書」
Event Information
甲賀市には、城跡が180箇所確認されており、国内屈指の城郭密集地帯です。地域を治めた武士の組織「同名中」とその掟書、そして土造りの城跡が伝える甲賀の歴史を紐解きます。 HP 観光ガイド 時間 開場 12:30開演 13:00終了 16:30 料金 参加無料・予約不要 住所 甲賀市水口町水口5633 電話番号 0748-69-2250(甲賀市歴史文化財課) 駐車場 普通車100台 アクセス 新名神高速道路「甲賀土山IC」より約30分「甲南IC」から約10分JR草津線 貴生川駅から近江鉄道に乗り換え水口城南駅下車徒歩2分
R7.9/28まで Real甲賀忍者 ~くすりを活かす知恵(企画展示)
Event Information
【年末年始休み】12/29~1/3忍者はくすりの知識をいかに活用したか! 自然から学びいかに精神を磨いたか! 現代の甲賀の薬業に繋がる姿を探ります。 HP 観光ガイド 入館料 無料 住所 〒520-3431甲賀市甲賀町大原中898-1 電話番号 0748-88-8110 営業時間 9:30~17:00 定休日 月曜(祝日の場合は翌日)、12/29~1/3 駐車場 普通車18台(※バスの駐車も可能) アクセス JR草津線甲賀駅・油日駅で下車、徒歩約20分
5/31まで 近江の茶めぐり≪⑦かたぎ古香園≫
Event Information
歴史ある朝宮の地で育てた農薬不使用、化学肥料不使用の春摘み一番茶をご用意しました。渋みと旨味のバランスがとれた香りの良いお煎茶です。 HP イベントページへ 料金 御煎印と一煎茶セットで500円 住所 〒529-1843甲賀市信楽町宮尻1090 電話番号 0748-84-0135 営業時間 9:00~16:30 定休日 不定休 駐車場 あり アクセス 新名神「信楽C」より約26分
5/31まで 近江の茶めぐり≪⑥茶城藤田園≫
Event Information
香り高く、コクのある味わいが特徴の伝統茶葉を、自分の手で丁寧に作り上げました。心を込めてお届けする特別な一袋をお楽しみください。 HP イベントページへ 料金 御煎印と一煎茶セットで500円 住所 〒528-0234甲賀市土山町徳原155 電話番号 0748-84-0123 営業時間 9:00~17:00 定休日 木曜 駐車場 50台 アクセス 新名神信楽インターから18分 "
5/31まで 近江の茶めぐり≪⑤山本園 WITH TEA≫
Event Information
朝宮産「おくみどり」生産量の少ない希少品種です。濃厚な旨味があり、クセのない上品な甘みと柔らかな口当たりが特徴で、茶品評会でもたびたび上位に入賞する等、茶業界内でも高い評価を得ています。 HP イベントページへ 料金 御煎印と一煎茶セットで500円 住所 甲賀市信楽町上朝宮275-1 電話番号 0748-84-0014 営業時間 9:00~17:00 定休日 月曜・第4火曜 駐車場 普通車50台 / 大型車10台 アクセス 新名神「信楽」ICより車で20分. "
5/31まで 近江の茶めぐり≪④近江茶丸吉≫
Event Information
近江土山にある県下最大茶園の頓宮茶園の1番茶を低温でじっくりほうじ茶に仕上げました。重厚な香ばしい香り、濃厚で深みのある味わいが特徴のほうじ茶です。当店一番人気の商品。まずはじっくりと味わって下さい。 HP イベントページへ 料金 御煎印と一煎茶セットで500円 住所 〒528-0235甲賀市土山町大野2723 電話番号 0748-67-1333 営業時間 店舗:9:30~18:00 茶房:10:00~17:00(L.O) 定休日 店舗:元日 茶房:火曜日・元日 駐車場 普通車15台 アクセス 新名神高速道路 甲賀土山ICから国道1号線経由で約10分 東名阪亀山ICから国道1号線経由で西へ約40分 JR草津線貴生川駅からあいくるバスで約20分、バス停大野今宿下車徒歩1分
5/31まで 近江の茶めぐり≪③藤田製茶≫
Event Information
香り高く、コクのある味わいが特徴の伝統茶葉を、自分の手で丁寧に作り上げました。心を込めてお届けする特別な一袋をお楽しみください。 HP イベントページへ 料金 御煎印と一煎茶セットで500円 住所 〒528-0234甲賀市土山町徳原155 電話番号 0748-67-0172 営業時間 9:30~18:00 定休日 不定休 駐車場 2~3台 アクセス JR草津線「貴生川駅」より 甲賀市コミュニティバス(土山本線)「大野」下車 徒歩で約5分 新名神「甲賀土山IC」より約8分
5/31まで 近江の茶めぐり≪②丸安茶業≫
Event Information
「特級冠」当店における今年一番、出来の良いかぶせ茶です。強い甘みと濃厚な旨味が飲んだ時に満足感を与えます。飲んだ後の茶ガラも柔らかく苦くないのでポン酢などでお召し上がりいただく事もできます。 HP イベントページへ 料金 御煎印と一煎茶セットで500円 住所 〒528-0231甲賀市土山町頓宮267 電話番号 0748-67-0015 営業時間 平日8:00~18:00 日祝9:00~18:00 定休日 不定休 駐車場 有 アクセス 新名神高速道路 甲賀土山ICから国道1号経由で約5分 東名阪亀山ICから国道1号経由で西へ約30分 JR草津線貴生川駅からあいくるバスで約25分、市場口バス停下車徒歩3分
5/31まで 近江の茶めぐり≪①近江製茶≫
Event Information
土山町で丹精込めて製造された荒茶の中から、創業150余年の当社が厳選し丁寧に煎茶に仕上げました。甘く爽やかな香りとコクのある味わいをあなたの癒しの一杯としてお楽しみください。 HP イベントページへ 料金 御煎印と一煎茶セットで500円 住所 〒528-0232甲賀市土山町前野504 電話番号 0748-67-0308 営業時間 9:00~17:00 定休日 年末年始・第3日曜・不定休 駐車場 8台 アクセス 新名神高速道路「甲賀土山IC」より3分
5/31まで 近江の茶めぐり「御煎印」☆最終ポイント
Event Information
甲賀は近江茶の一大産地です。土山茶と朝宮茶を生産しています。7カ所のお茶屋をめぐり御煎印をあつめてみませんか。期間中に7カ所全て集めると「信楽焼オリジナル小皿」をプレゼントです。 HP イベントページへ 引換時間 コンシェルジュカウンター9:00~18:00 住所 〒528-0212甲賀市土山町南土山1122-74 電話番号 0748-66-1660 定休日 無休 駐車場 下道駐車場あり 上り、下り線(166台)「小型88台・大型78台」 アクセス 亀山JCT~土山SA(約16km)土山SA~草津田上(約35km) その他 7つの御煎印をコンシェルジュカウンターでお見せください。
Business Hotel Sansui/Grill Sansui
This business hotel has restaurant Sansui and is convenient for golfing, and is a 5-minute walk from Koka Station. You can enjoy steak and yakiniku at the on-site restaurant. Japanese and Western breakfast starts from 700 yen. Banquet hall and training hall available. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3433345 Ohara Market, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-5500 Business hours Lunch 11:30-15:00Dinner 17:00-20:00 (L.O. 19:45) Closed Thursday New Year holidays Parking 40 regular cars Access About 5 minutes walk from JR Kusatsu Line Koka Station exit
Minakuchi Century Hotel Co., Ltd.
Useful for leisure and business! This is a business city hotel surrounded by trees. Located along National Route 1, which runs through the center of Koka City, there are many shopping centers, convenience stores, and restaurants within walking distance, making it a convenient location for shopping and dining. Breakfast is served buffet style. Our staff will welcome you with a smile. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0035170-1 Nasaka, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-63-2811 Business hours Check-in 15:00~24:00Check-out 10:00 Parking 120 regular cars, large buses and trucks also available Access Approximately 10 minutes walk from Omi Railway "Mizuguchi Station"From JR Kibukawa Station, get off at the community bus "Heiwado" and walk 4 minutesOr get off at "Ayano" and walk 9 minutes
お仕事(長期・短期滞在、テレワーク)によるご滞在だけでなく、ゴルフ、釣り等のスポーツやサイクリング、東海道歩き旅(東海道水口宿50番目)、甲賀流忍者検定まで、様々な目的でご利用頂いております。 ホームページ 公式サイト 住所 〒528-0017甲賀市水口町京町2−2 電話番号 0748-62-1262 時間 イン 16:30〜21:30 アウト 9:00 駐車場 約20台/大型可(予約時に要連絡) アクセス 新名神高速道路 甲賀土山ICまたは甲南ICから約16分新名神高速道路 信楽ICから約19分JR草津線貴生川駅からコミュニティバス「新水口」下車、徒歩約3分 その他情報 大浴場 17:00〜22:00
Now, let's go to a special Satoyama experience. The music of nature played by birds and trees overlooking majestic mountains including Mt. Amagodake. A sky full of stars spread out in the pitch black night sky. Children can learn naturally, and adults can enjoy a rural mountainside experience where they can return to their childhood. About 1 hour from Kyoto/Nagoya. This is a family-friendly auto campsite with all sites equipped with electricity. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02011529-1 Okawara, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 070-2321-039 Business hours check in 13:00 check out 11:00 Closed Tuesday Wednesday Parking Yes Access Approximately 20 minutes by car from Shin-Meishin Expressway Koka Tsuchiyama IC Approximately 40 minutes by car from Meishin Expressway Yokkaichi IC Approximately 40 minutes by car from Higashi-Meihan Expressway Yokkaichi IC JR Kibukawa Approximately 1 hour by Koka city public transportation bus from the station Other information
Ogawara Onsen Kamokaso
Koka's Hidden Retreat: Ōgawara Onsen Kamoshika-so. A cozy inn with just 10 rooms. Located at the foot of the Suzuka mountain range, you can enjoy the natural surroundings, relax in the natural hot springs, and savor creative course meals crafted by the chef. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02011104 Okawara, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-69-0344 Business hours Check-in: 15:00 Check-out: 11:00 Closed Irregular holidays Parking Yes Access Approximately 20 minutes by car from Koka Tsuchiyama IC on the Shin-Meishin Expressway Take the community bus from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and get off at the "Wakamiya Shrine" bus stop
Kamoshika Auto Campsite
Surrounded by the rich nature of Suzuka Quasi-National Park, overlooking the source of the Yasu River"Ogawara Onsen Outdoor Village Kamoshika Auto Campsite"Comprised of 31 sites in total, it is a homely space full of privacy. . In addition, we have a comfortable environment with a quiet mountain village, a natural hot spring that you can walk to, and the sophisticated hospitality of an existing hotel. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02011104 Okawara, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-69-0344 Business hours Check-in: 15:00 Check-out: 11:00 Closed Irregular holidays Parking Yes Access Approximately 20 minutes by car from Koka Tsuchiyama IC on the Shin-Meishin Expressway Take the community bus from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and get off at the "Wakamiya Shrine" bus stop
Daily Shigaraki Country Club (Shigaraki no Sato House)
A 27-hole golf course set in a hilly area with beautiful seasonal nature, where the master golfer Mitsuaki Kobayashi, who was hailed as the magician of water, played freely. The beautiful ponds and bunkers are skillfully and brilliantly incorporated into the layout, making each hole full of strategic potential.With each round, you will enjoy the joy of golf and be inspired to take on more challenges. Home page Official website Address 〒529-18211577 Tarao, Shigaraki-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-85-8050 Business hours 8:00~17:00 Parking 200 regular cars
Local Cuisine Kanbe (R/H Kobe)
This year marks our 20th anniversary. Since the owner is a rider, we have a menu that will please riders. We have been serving wild game dishes since we opened. Deep in the mountains (Shiga-Mie prefecture border), we are blessed with nature, and are blessed with food such as deer and wild boar in the mountains, and char in the mountain streams. In recent years, many health-conscious customers have been coming to our restaurant for game food. Although many riders come to our store, general customers are also welcome. We also have a simple lodging facility. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02011075 Okawara, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-70-2048 Business hours 10:30-13:30 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)10:30-18:00 (Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) Parking Use of Wakamiya Shrine parking lot
Ayano Ryokan
This inn is located in Mizuguchi-juku, the 50th stop on the 53 stations of the Tokaido. Convenient for long-term business trips to Minakuchi Industrial Park and Konan Industrial Park. Delicious dishes made with local ingredients. We plan the menu for the day while keeping in mind the faces of our guests so that they will not get bored even during their long stay. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00323-41 Yasaka, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-62-0998 Business hours 15:30-9:30 Parking 15 regular cars, 4t trucks available (please contact us for larger trucks or large buses) Access 8 minutes walk after getting off at Ohmi Railway "Mizuguchi" and "Mizuguchi Ishibashi" stations4 minutes walk from community bus "Ayano" from JR Kibukawa Station
Hotel New Mifuku
The bathroom is a separate type with an independent bath. Therefore, you can relax and collect hot water while washing your body. The manga corner, which boasts a collection of over 1,000 books, and the amenity buffet are also popular. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00333-59 Ayano, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-62-0456 Business hours Check-in 16:00-23:30 Check-out 10:00 Parking 30 cars free (first come, first served) Access 10 minutes walk from Omi Railway “Mizuguchi Jonan Station”Get off the community bus “Ayano Tenmangu” from JR Kibukawa Station and walk 3 minutes
Shiono Onsen
A long-established inn with a tradition of over 100 years since its founding, whose name is even found in an old document from the Edo period (Omi Kochi Shiryaku). The spring quality is salty and is effective against women's diseases and gastrointestinal diseases. The rice is safely grown in-house, and Japanese-style Kyoto kaiseki cuisine is popular. Enjoy a blissful time at a long-established inn. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3315269 Shiono, Konan-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number Telephone number 0748-86-2130 Business hours 11:00~21:30 Closed Regular holidays Irregular holidays Parking Parking lot: 15 regular cars Access 15 minutes walk from JR Konan StationFrom JR Kusatsu Line Konan Station *Short distance from Comitaku "Shionosetsu House" Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Konan Station. Please make your reservation at least 1 hour before your scheduled time as it requires advance reservations. TEL: 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00)
Miyano Onsen
Koga Shinobi-no-Yu, which also has an open-air bath, is a chloride-containing earth salt spring that is effective for rheumatism and neuralgia. The annex "Hagakurean" is a mezzotto style. You can enjoy local sake along with local cuisine. Relax at our hot spring inn that will rejuvenate your body and soul. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3314364-1 Sugitani, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-86-2212 Business hours Inn business 16:00-10:00Day trip bathing 11:00-20:00 Closed Wednesday Parking 40 regular cars Access JR Kusatsu Line Konan Station *About a 2-minute walk from Komitaku "Kawakita Shimide". Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Konan Station. Please make your reservation at least 1 hour before your scheduled time as it requires advance reservations. TEL: 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00)
A trailer hotel located in the Ninja Village KonanA reasonable and comfortable trailer hotel. We aim to become a new alternative to business hotels by providing a comfortable living space and the experiential value of staying in a trailer house at a reasonable price. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00375-10 Motoayano, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Telephone number 077-562-7778 Business hours 9:00~19:00 Closed Irregular holidays Parking Parking lot 15 cars Access 18 minutes walk from Konan Station on the JR Kusatsu Line Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Konan Station. Please make your reservation at least 1 hour before your scheduled time of use, as advance reservations are required. TEL: 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00)
A historic building built in the Edo periodTo preserve the good old days for future generations, our building is used by local people as well as people from outside the prefecture and abroad. Minpaku is a private space reserved only for you, so you can enjoy an "extraordinary moment" that is different from your usual life. The second floor, which is exclusive to guests, has wallpaper with historical value that is a must-see. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00212-40 Hakko, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 077-564-7727 Business hours 9:00~19:00 Parking 3 passenger cars Access Approximately 3 minutes walk from Ohmi Railway "Minakuchi Ishibashi Station"
HOTEL R9 The Yard
Container hotel with one container as one room5 minutes by car from Konan IC! Near the hotel are popular ninja-related spots such as ``Koga-ryu Ninja House'' and ``Koga no Sato Ninjutsu Village,'' as well as ``Shigaraki Pottery Tanuki Village.'' This hotel is perfect for those who are active in various situations such as business trips and sightseeing. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3311398-1 Ryuhoshi, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-69-5851 Business hours Check-in 15:00Check-out 10:00 Closed None Parking 36 free private parking spaces available next to guest rooms Access 20 minutes walk from JR Kusatsu Line Konan StationFrom JR Kusatsu Line Konan Station *1 minute walk from Comitaku "Friend Mart" stop Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Konan Station. Please make your reservation at least 1 hour before your scheduled time as it requires advance reservations. TEL: 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00)
Hotel Route Inn Koka Minakuchi
We will provide you with a relaxing, convenient and comfortable time. As a business supporter for our customers, we have been particular about creating a space that will provide peace of mind and vitality. Free public baths (separate for men and women), free breakfast restaurant, free parking, kids' library, free kids' channels in your room, Wi-Fi, and free WOWOW viewing. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0057254 Kitawaki, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 050-5847-7567 Closed None Parking 110 regular cars, 2 large trucks and buses Access From JR Mikumo Station, get off at Community Bus Mikumo Station/City Hall Line "Satokitawaki" and walk 6 minutes 25 minutes walk from Ohmi Railway "Mizuguchi Station"
Diamond Shiga Hotel
We welcome you with a variety of guest room types, including Japanese-style rooms, Western-style rooms (twin/triple), semi-suites (Japanese-Western rooms), suites (Japanese-Western rooms), and royal suites (Western-style rooms). We have three restaurants where you can enjoy a wide range of casual French cuisine, casual Japanese cuisine, seasonal Kaiseki cuisine, sukiyaki, shabu-shabu, and authentic Korean cuisine. Natural hot spring ``Yapponpon no Yu'' is a comprehensive resort facility that is centered around hotels, including day-trip hot springs, golf courses, tennis courts, ground golf courses, indoor pools, etc. that can be enjoyed by families and children alike! Please use it to create your own memories in the midst of nature blessed with beautiful scenery. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02081711 Kurokawa, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-68-0211 Parking 400 regular cars Access A short walk from the community bus "Diamond Shiga" from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line
Green Hill Santopia (Aoisui Tourism)
It can be used as accommodation, training camp, co-working space, or rental space. There are Japanese-style and Western-style rooms available for lodging, available for 1 person or more. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00511-1 Kitauchi Takashi, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-63-2950 Business hours Check-in 15:00Check-out 10:00 Parking Up to 50 units Access 28 minutes walk from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line 17 minutes walk from Omi Railway Minakuchi Jonan StationFrom JR Kibukawa Station, get off at Santopia-mae on the community bus Wano/Nakahata Line, or immediately on the Tsuchiyama Main Line Get off at "JA Kouka" and walk for 10 minutes
Kibukawa Station (bicycle rental)
Bike Rental
It is a station for JR, Omi Railway, and Shigaraki Kogen Railway. [Bicycle rental]2 electrically assisted bicycles, 3 regular bicyclesTelephone number 0748-70-2059 (Kibu River Local Government Promotion Association: 4 minutes walk from the south exit)Time 8 3:30am - 5:00pm (Reception until 3:00pm) *Only for those who have made reservations on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Closed: Obon 8/11~8/17, New Year holidays 12/26~1/5 Home page Official website Other information From Kibukawa Station, you can use the community bus and KomiTaku in the Kibukawa area. *Public transportation using taxi vehicles may be used by multiple people depending on reservation status. Please make a reservation at least 1 hour before your boarding time. 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00). Please contact the website or Shiga Taxi for the stop location. 0748-62-0159. If you are in a hurry, please use a regular taxi.
Aburahi Station (bicycle rental)
Bike Rental
Rental bicycles: 8 electrically assisted bicycles, 5 regular bicycles Home page Official website Address 〒520-3421Koka City Koka Town Ueno Telephone number 0748-88-5879 (Aburahi Station Protection Association) Business hours 9:00~17:00 Parking Monthly/daily parking available Other information
Koka Station (bicycle rental)
Bike Rental
Seven pieces of ninja trick art are painted on the station building. [Bicycle rental]5 regular bicyclesHours: 9:00-17:00 (Please ask the ticket gate staff)Telephone number: 0748-60-2690 (Koka City Tourism Town Development Association) Home page Official website Parking There is a municipal parking lot at the north exit. 300 yen a day
Terasho Station (bicycle rental)
Bike Rental
Rental bicycles can be rented at Ogawa Shoten in front of the station. 5 regular bicycles Home page Official website Address 〒520-3301Konancho Terasho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-86-2109 (Ogawa Shoten) Business hours 7:00~19:00 Closed Irregular holidays Access In front of JR Terasho Station south exit rotary Other information
Konan Station (bicycle rental)
Bike Rental
The station building is modeled after a ninja mansion. [Bicycle rental]4 regular bicyclesHours: 9:00-17:00 (please ask the ticket gate staff)Telephone number: 0748-60-2690 (Koka City Tourism Town Development Association) Home page Official website Other information Comitaku is available from Konan Station. Please make a reservation at least 1 hour before your boarding time. 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00)*Public transportation using taxi vehicles may be used by multiple people depending on the reservation situation. Please contact the website or Shiga Taxi for the stop location. 0748-62-0159If you are in a hurry, please use a regular taxi.
Soja Shrine
The Beer Festival, where beer brewed with new barley and koji is offered to the temple on July 18th every year, is an annual festival that has attracted attention as a traditional tourist event. The tradition dates back to the 1980s when Honda was being repaired in the first year of Kakichi, when new wheat was used to make beer to pray for a good harvest and protection from heat-related illnesses. It is famous as the originator of Japanese beer. (In recent years, it has become a ritual only for those involved.) Home page Official website Address 〒528-0045572 Ushikai, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Access About 20 minutes walk from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line Other information From Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line *Get off at Komitaku "Ushikai" and walk for about 3 minutes. *Public transportation using taxi vehicles may be used by multiple people depending on reservation status. Please make a reservation at least 1 hour before your boarding time. 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00). Please contact Shiga Taxi for operation details. 0748-62-0159If you are in a hurry, please use a regular taxi.
Aburahi Shrine
Important Cultural Property: Main Hall, Meiō 2nd year (1492)Important Cultural Property: Hall of Worship, Tensho Period (1570-80)Important Cultural Property: Tower Gate and East-West Corridor, Eiroku 9th year (1566) A large number of buildings from the Muromachi period still exist. Home page Official website Telephone number 0748-88-2106 Parking 10 regular cars, 8 large cars Access Take the community bus from JR Kusatsu Line Aburahi Station and get off at the Aburahichi Kaikan bus stop, then walk 2 minutes30 minutes walk from JR Aburahi Station
Hino Shrine
This shrine is associated with Oda Nobunaga's vassal, Ikeda Tsuneoki. There are many documents that show that it was the guardian deity of the ancestors of the Tottori Ikeda clan of the Okayama domain. Conservation and repair work on the main hall of Hino Shrine, a prefecturally designated tangible cultural property, was carried out in 2013. Repairs were carried out using traditional techniques, and the vermilion main shrine reminiscent of those days was brought back to life. Home page Official website Address 520-330255 Ikeda, Konan-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-86-5878 Parking 30 regular cars, 2-3 large cars Access From Terasho Station on the JR Kusatsu Line *Please use the Komitaku East Area stop. Other information Please make a reservation at least 1 hour before your boarding time. 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00) *Public transportation using taxi vehicles, and depending on the reservation situation, it may be used by multiple people. Please contact the website or Shiga Taxi for the stop location. 0748-62-0159If you are in a hurry, please use a regular taxi.
Shirakawa Shrine
The main deities enshrined are Hayasu Sanoo, Amaterasu, and Toyouke, but the shrines of Atago-sha, Matsuo-sha, and Inari-sha are also enshrined within the precincts. In 1919, Ichikishima Hime-no-Mikoto, the deity enshrined at Enokishima Shrine on Mt. Setoyama in Kanigasaka, and the deities enshrined at Ichikimatsu Shrine in Gose, Sarutahiko Shrine and Oyamazumi Shrine, were enshrined together. . It is said that about 250 years ago, during the Edo period, a ``tea master'' who had come to Tsuchiyama and local young people started the shrine sumo ``Naki Sumo'' to pray for a good harvest of tea and rice. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0212261 Minami-Tsuchiyama, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-66-0086 < Access Approximately 5 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Koka Tsuchiyama IC" via National Route 1Approximately 30 minutes west from Higashi-Meishin Kameyama IC via National Route 1Aikuru from JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station Get off at Omi Tsuchiyama bus stop and walk for about 10 minutes Other information
Yagawa Shrine
Its construction dates back to the Nara period, and it is a Shikinai shrine whose name appears in the Engishiki Shinmyocho of the Heian period, and was revered by Koga samurai (Koga ninja) in the Middle Ages. There are many cultural assets remaining within the shrine, including the Sakuramon Gate. Local groups hold a Tanabata Festival on July 7th every year, and Koga style hand-held fireworks are dedicated to the shrine as it is also the god of fire protection. Home page Official website Address 〒520-332470 Morijiri, Konan-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-86-3141 Parking 30 regular cars Access About 11 minutes walk from Konan Station on the JR Kusatsu Line Other information From Konan Station on the JR Kusatsu Line *Get off at Comitaku "Fukagawa Market" and walk for about 5 minutes. *Public transportation using taxi vehicles may be used by multiple people depending on reservation status. Please make a reservation at least 1 hour before your boarding time. 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00). Please contact Shiga Taxi for operation details. 0748-62-0159If you are in a hurry, please use a regular taxi.
Otori Shrine
Otori Shrine, with its vermilion-painted tower gate and corridor modeled after Kyoto's Gion West Gate, is worshiped as the guardian deity of the former Ohara village. The enshrined deity is Susanoo no Mikoto, whose wooden statue is an important cultural property of the country. The Gion Festival at Otori Shrine is a summer festival that serves as the guardian deity of paddy rice and the deity of evil spirits in the summer.It has a long history, and the festival has been held since 1415. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3403782 Torino, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-2008 Parking 60 regular cars, 3 large cars Access Take the community bus from the north exit of Koka Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and get off at Otori Shrine bus stop, then walk for 2 minutesGet off at Koka Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and walk for 20 minutes
Akiba Shrine
It is enshrined at the east end of Minakuchi Okayama Castle and has been revered as the guardian deity of fire protection since ancient times. Mizuguchi-juku suffered several large fires, and in 1770, the Machikata believers agreed with volunteers from the Mizuguchi clan to move the spirit of the famous Akiba Daigongen from Enshu and build a shrine there. is what happened. Since then, he has been worshiped both near and far as the ``Akiba-san of Mizuguchi,'' and the ``Akiba Fire Festival,'' a grand festival in which Saito Goma is strictly performed on July 18th every year, is crowded with visitors. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0005Akiba, Minakuchicho, Koka City Access Take the community bus from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and get off at Matsubaracho, then walk for about 5 minutes Other information
Tamura Shrine
It enshrines Sakanoue Tamuramaro, who is said to have exterminated the demons that were tormenting people at Suzuka Pass long ago. This ancient shrine is said to have been built in 812, and is worshiped as a god that wards off evil spirits. Every year on February 17th, 18th, and 19th, many worshipers from inside and outside the prefecture visit the festival to ward off evil spirits (Tamura Festival). Home page Official website Address 〒528-0211469 Kitatsuchiyama, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-66-0018 Parking 1,000 regular cars (large bus parking available) Access About 40 minutes by Aikuru bus from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line, get off at Tamura Jinja-mae bus stop, then walk 1 minute
Yasaka Shrine
The main hall is a nationally important cultural property and was established in 1439. The architectural style is ``Japanese cypress bark roof, Ikkensha style'', with wooden walls on both sides of the back, and the ``frog crotch'' on the opposite back is carved with openwork peony arabesques and paulownia arabesques. It is said that this shrine has been dedicated to the god Sukohikona since ancient times, and the shrine was located in a different location, but it is said that it was commissioned here in the 69th year of Emperor Nintoku's reign (381). Home page Official website Address 〒528-00041607, Minagachicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-6688 Parking 10 regular cars, 2 microbuses Access From Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line, get off at the community bus bound for Wano and get off at the "Misagana Nakamura" bus stop, then walk for 5 minutes
Taki Shrine
Tenmangu Shrine has been enshrined in the precincts of the shrine since 2470. The Kenketo dance performed at the annual festival on May 3rd has been designated as a national intangible cultural property. Every year around the vernal equinox, the rare plant ``Yukiwari Strawberry'' is beautiful. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0232155 Maeno, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-67-0533 Parking 10 regular cars Access Take the Aikuru bus from the north exit of Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and get off at Higashi-Maeno stop, a 5-minute walk
Kashiwagi Shrine
It was founded in 673. In 1580, when Oda Nobunaga's army attacked the area, the tower gate was taken away and relocated to Sokenji Temple in Azuchi. Treasures and ancient documents were destroyed in a fire. The current tower gate is the temple gate of Nakayamaji Temple in Hino Town. When Minakuchi Castle was built in 1632, the castle lord worshiped us as a guardian deity, and it has since become a place of prayer for successive castle lords. It is also a shrine associated with the Koga ninja. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0057187 Kitawaki, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-3339 Parking 20 regular cars Access Take the community bus from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and get off at Linkou bus stop
Koka City People/Machi Kaido Exchange Center
Tourist Information Center
In addition to disseminating information on the city's history, culture, and tourism centered on Mizuguchi-juku, we also sell local products, castle seals, and sweets. It is used as a place of relaxation for those strolling around the post station, and as a base for volunteer sightseeing guides. In the future, we will develop integrated tourism measures with Tsuchiyama-shuku and aim to revitalize the Tokaido as vibrant as it once was. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00327-4 Yasaka, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-70-3166 Business hours 9:00~17:00 Closed Monday (the next day if Monday is a holiday), year-end and New Year holidays Parking 20 regular cars/large cars not allowed Access About 2 minutes walk from Minakuchi Ishibashi Station on the Ohmi Railway
Tourist Information Center Kogaryu Real Ninja Museum
Tourist Information Center
This is a comprehensive tourist information center for Koka City. The ``Koga-ryu Real Ninja'' introduces the ninja's appearance, which can be learned specifically from historical and cultural resources such as ancient documents and temples and shrines that have been passed down in the region. Get information here and experience the Koga style of real ninja, which can only be found in Koka City. In addition to tourist information and pamphlets, there is also a Koka souvenir shop and bicycle rentals. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3311600 Ryuhoshi, Konan-cho, Koka CityInside Shinobi no Sato Purara Telephone number 0748-70-2790 Business hours 10:00~16:00 Closed Monday (open if Monday is a holiday) 12/29-1/3 Parking 157 regular cars/bus parking available (reservation required) Access Access Approximately 20 minutes walk from JR Kusatsu Line "Konan" station Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Konan Station. Please make your reservation at least 1 hour before your scheduled time of use, as advance reservations are required. TEL: 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00) Short distance from "Shin no Sato Purara"
Shigaraki Town Tourism Association
Tourist Information Center
The Shigaraki Tourist Information Center is located inside the Shigaraki Traditional Industry Hall. We also have many pamphlets available at our facility. For sightseeing information on Shigaraki Town, please see the website "Hottosuru Shigaraki", SNS, etc. Home page Official website Address 〒529-18521204 Nagano, Shigaraki-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-82-2345 Business hours 9:00~17:00 Closed Thursday (closed the next day)New Year holidays Parking Yes Access About 10 minutes from Shin-Meishin "Shigaraki IC" Get off at Shigaraki Kogen Railway "Shigaraki Station" and walk for about 3 minutes About 10 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Shigaraki I.C." Meihan National Highway Approximately 30 minutes from "Mibuno I.C." Other information
comwood golf club
The name "Com Wood (Forest of Gathering)" is a combination of communication and wood, and it is a long, flat course that you can play slowly and enjoy. Immerse yourself in the pleasure of communicating with nature, getting close to it, experiencing its rigors, taking on strategic challenges, and unleashing your golf skills. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3415111 Ohara Ueda, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-3388 Business hours 7:00-17:00 (Varies depending on the season) Closed 1/1 Irregular holidays (depending on business calendar) Parking 200 units Access About 7 minutes from Shinmeishin "Koka Tsuchiyama IC" Other information
Daikoka Country Club Aburahi Course
This course is surrounded by a forest of red pine trees that are 50 to 100 years old. Scattered ponds are of strategic importance. The green is a bent green with large undulations. The Suzuka course is long and has more ups and downs than others. The Ibuki course has many changes, including ponds, rivers, and swamps. On the Shima course, the forest approaches from the west, and the short holes go over a pond. Home page Official website Address 〒520-34131695 Aburahi, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-2511 Closed January 1st Parking 200 units Access About 10 minutes from Shin-Meishin Koka Tsugiyama IC 33km from Meishin Ritto IC 7km from Meihan Expressway Kamitsuge IC Other information
Koka Golf Center
This is a spacious golf practice range surrounded by greenery. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0005528-0005563 Minakuchi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-0115 Business hours Usually 10:00-22:00 Saturday 9:00-22:00 Closed No holidays Parking Yes Access 7 minutes walk from Omi Railway Minakuchi Matsuo Station 7.5 km from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Konan IC" Other information
Diamond Shiga Country Club
``Enjoy the ultimate resort golf''Enjoy a round of leisurely golf to your heart's content in a natural environment blessed with beautiful scenery throughout the four seasons. The appeal of Diamond Shiga Country Club, which is located at the foot of the Suzuka Mountains and surrounded by nature, is its resort-like feel. It is a flat and spacious course where most of the holes have a view of the green from the teeing ground. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02081711 Kurokawa, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-68-0211 Parking 400 regular cars Access A short walk from the community bus "Diamond Shiga" from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu LineAbout 15 minutes via National Route 1 from Koka Tsuchiyama IC on the Shin-Meishin ExpresswayFrom Higashi-Meihan Kameyama IC via National Route 1 25 minutes55 minutes by Aikuru bus from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line (30 minutes by shuttle bus)30 minutes by shuttle bus from Kameyama Station on the JR Kansai Line
Sosuzu Golf Club Tsuchiyama Course
The driver swings with all its might. The bunkers and ponds are exquisitely placed, the scenery is beautiful, and accuracy is required from the second shot, so this course can be enjoyed by everyone from beginners to advanced players. Also, the well-balanced and uneven greens make it more enjoyable for players. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02121118 Minami Tsuchiyama Ko, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-66-1611 Business hours 7:00~17:00 Closed No holidays Parking Yes Access 10 minutes from Shinmeishin "Koka Tsuchiyama IC" Other information
Shiga Golf Club
A unique course that takes advantage of the gentle hills. The greens are generally wide and long, and the large greens with undulations increase the level of difficulty. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery, including over 2,000 Osmanthus flowers. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00041115-1 Miga, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-0030 Parking Yes Access Approximately 16 minutes from the Shin-Meishin Expressway "Konan IC" Approximately 12 minutes from the Shin-Meishin Expressway "Koka Tsuge I" Approximately 23 minutes from the Meihan Expressway "Kamitsuge IC" Other information
century golf club
"Customers' opinions and complaints are the opposite of their expectations for us." This is the password of the staff working at Century Shiga. A hilly course that skillfully takes advantage of the natural topography and is the setting for a tournament. Every corner has been designed, and you can see all the greens except for the long holes, making it a course that you will want to visit as if it were your own garden. Home page Official website Address 〒520-33022118 Ikeda Kamiumeda, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-86-4011 Business hours 7:00-18:00 (Varies depending on the season) Closed No regular holidays (Closed days are January 1st and winter equipment inspection days) Parking Yes Access About 5 minutes from Konan IC Other information
Meishin Ritto Country Club
The outfield is separated by a pine forest and is a flat fairway with a long distance. Inn is also a long course, but it is a hilly course. There are many flat holes on the out side that are separated from the pine forest. Many of the pine trees have beautiful branches, and the branches overhang the fairways with openings everywhere. It also serves as an obstacle along with the banger, so I can't be disappointed. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0233991 Tsuchiyamacho Market, Koka City Telephone number 0748-67-0168 Closed Once a month on Friday New Year's Day Parking 150 units Access Approximately 10 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway Koka Tsuchiyama IC via National Route 1 Approximately 35 minutes west from Higashi-Meihan Kameyama IC via National Route 1 Other information
Bear's Paw Japan Country Club
``Approximately 7,000 yards, maximum height difference 15m, average fairway width 50 yards'' As the specs tell us, this forest course with extremely flat and wide fairways is skillfully laid out with ponds and bunkers, allowing for dynamic, accurate, and detailed play. This is a highly strategic course. The course was designed and supervised by Emperor Jack Nicklaus. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0065146 Kasuga, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-65-2552 Parking Yes Access 10 minutes from Meishin Ryuo IC Approximately 15 minutes from Shinmeishin Koka Tsuchiyama IC Approximately 20 minutes from Konan IC Other information
Meishin Ryuo Country Club
It is located on a flat, favorable terrain and is surrounded by old red pines. Natural undulations run along the fairways, trees are dotted around, and large and small ponds are incorporated into the layout as hazards. The pond at No. 18 is Anyobo Pond, which is approximately 20,000 m² in size. There is a mix of long holes and holes of appropriate distance, so you won't have to worry about playing. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00651616 Kasuga, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-4387 Parking Yes Access 8 minutes from Meishin Gamo Smart IC 15 minutes from Ryuo IC Other information
Koka no Sato Ninjutsu Village
Koka no Sato Ninjutsu Village is located on a vast site surrounded by nature at the foot of Mt. Suzuka, and has a ``Ninjutsu Museum'' where many materials and weapons related to ninja are displayed, as well as many twists and turns, hidden stairs, and secret loopholes. There are many ``Karakuri Ninja Houses'' with ``Karakuri'' gimmicks scattered throughout the area, creating the atmosphere of a traditional hidden village. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3405394 Oki, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-5000 Business hours 10:00~16:00 Closed Monday Parking 500 cars/20 bus parking spaces Access 10 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Konan IC", 15 minutes from "Koka Tsuchiyama IC" Other information Transportation available from JR Kusatsu Line "Koka Station" (reservation required)
Shigaraki Traditional Industry Hall (Shigaraki Ware Museum)
Starting point for exploring Shigaraki Shigaraki ware was designated as a traditional craft by the country in 1975, and the Shigaraki Traditional Industry Hall was opened in 1977. However, as the original building became old, it was relocated and rebuilt near Shigaraki Station on the Shigaraki Kogen Railway in 2020. There is a large parking lot and a tourist information center. Please use it as a starting point for your exploration of Shigaraki. Home page Official website Address 〒529-18511203 Nagano, Shigaraki-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-82-2345 Business hours 10:00~17:00 Closed Thursday (closed the next day) New Year holidays Parking Yes (city tourist parking lot free of charge) Access About 10 minutes from Shinmeishin "Shigaraki IC" About 30 minutes from Meihan National Highway "Mibuno I.C." Get off at Shigaraki Kogen Railway "Shigaraki Station" and walk about 3 minutes Other information Free admission
Konan Fureai no Yakata
It was established in 1991 as a base for everyone from children to the elderly to enjoy learning about the history of the region, as well as exhibiting mainly folk tools (tools and equipment that people used in their daily lives and work) collected in the Konan region. The museum opened in 2007.We hold ``Nostalgic Experience Classes'' where you can experience things like ``shimenawa making''. Home page Official website Address 〒520-3321925 Katsuragi, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-86-7551 Business hours 10:00-17:00 Free admission Closed Monday Tuesday 12/26-1/3 Parking 5 units Access 13 minutes walk from Konan Station on the JR Kusatsu Line Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Konan Station. Please make your reservation at least 1 hour before your scheduled time as it requires advance reservations. TEL: 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00) 2-minute walk from "Kita Area Stop Konan Taiikkan"
Minakuchi Onsen Tsubaki no Yu
At Minakuchi Onsen Tsubaki-no-Yu, you can enjoy the ``National Hot Spring Tour'' where you can enjoy hot springs from famous places in the open-air bath on a monthly basis. We also offer a variety of baths, including a body-friendly nano bubble body temperature bath with TV, a far-infrared sauna, and a skin-friendly nano mist sauna. At Hokkori-tei restaurant, we offer a wide variety of menus carefully selected from seasonal ingredients. Home page Official website Address 528-00055572 Minakuchi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-65-1126 Business hours 10:00-23:00 (last reception 22:30) Closed No holidays Parking 150 units Access 20 minutes from Shigaraki IC 5 minutes walk from Minakuchi Jonan Station Other information
Shiga Prefectural Ceramic Art Forest
In the green park of Shigaraki, a pottery town, there are the Ceramic Art Museum (Ceramics Museum), Shigaraki Industrial Exhibition Hall, and Creative Training Hall, as well as four plazas within the park, where there are many outdoor exhibitions. , people who come for a walk can experience ``Ceramics x Art x Nature''. There are also other facilities such as kilns and restaurants. Please see the official website for details. Home page Official website Address 〒529-18042188-7 Shigarakicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-83-0909 Business hours 9:30-17:00 *However, admission to the Ceramics Museum and Shigaraki Industrial Exhibition Hall is until 16:30 Admission fee Free admission *Charges apply only to the Ceramics Museum (museum). (Please see exhibition information for details on viewing fees, etc.) Closed Monday (the next day if Monday is a holiday) New Year holidays *The ceramics museum is closed in winter Parking 250 cars 10 large buses Access About 8 minutes from Shinmeishin "Shigaraki I.C."About 30 minutes from "Mibuno I.C." on the Meihan National Highway Get off at JR Kusatsu Line "Kibukawa Station", transfer to Shigaraki Kogen Railway and get off at "Shigaraki Station", walk 20 minutes. From Shigaraki Kogen Railway "Shigaraki Station", get off at Koka city public transportation bus "Togei-no-Mori-mae" or "Togei-no-Mori (Togei-kan-mae)" Other information From Shigaraki Station on the Shigaraki Kogen Railway, take the Tashiro/Hata Demand (reservation-based public transportation) and get off at "Togei-no-Mori-mae" or "Togei-no-Mori (Togei-kan-mae)". Advance reservations are required. Please make a reservation at least 1 hour before the usage time. TEL: 0748-82-1181 (Reservation hours 7:00-17:00)
Minakuchi History and Folklore Museum
It is located near Minakuchi Jonan Station on the Omi Railway and is also called Hikiyama House. The Hikiyama, which is an essential part of the Mizuguchi Hikiyama Festival, has the structure of a two-tiered open-air doll decoration stall, as well as artifacts from the Kofun period, ancient documents from the Middle Ages, pottery, and handicrafts, all of which give a sense of Mizuguchi's history and culture. Tools and materials are preserved and exhibited, allowing you to deepen your knowledge and understanding of local history and culture. Home page Official website Address 528-00055638 Minakuchi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-62-7141 Business hours 10:00~17:00 Closed Thursday/Friday 12/29-1/3 Parking 30 regular cars, Aikouka Civic Hall east side parking lot Access From JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station, transfer to Omi Railway and get off at Minakuchi Jonan Station, just east of the station Other Admission fee: 200 yen for adults
Koga Onsen Yapponpon no Yu
Yapponpon no Yu is a hot spring that is thick and soft for beautiful skin. An open-air bath where you can enjoy the view of the mountains of Koka and a half-body bath that slowly warms you to the core. Be healthy with bedrock baths and saunas. After taking a bath, enjoy your meal and take a rest. Take advantage of the "hospitality" cultivated at the members-only hotel "Diamond Society" and experience the warmth of a slightly luxurious relaxing experience at our hot spring facility, which offers deeper relaxation. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02081711 Kurokawa, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-68-0250 Parking 400 regular cars Access A short walk from the community bus "Diamond Shiga" from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu LineAbout 15 minutes via National Route 1 from Koka Tsuchiyama IC on the Shin-Meishin ExpresswayFrom Higashi-Meihan Kameyama IC via National Route 1 25 minutes55 minutes by Aikuru bus from JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station30 minutes by shuttle bus from JR Kansai Line Kameyama Station
Tsuchiyama History and Folklore Museum
Learning about the history of Tokaido Tsuchiyama-juku and Suzuka PassBased on the historical characteristics of Tsuchiyama, we will learn about the history and the people who lived there through the ``roads'' that have been familiar to visitors since ancient times. Introducing. It expresses the hearts of the people who lived in Tsuchiyama across the ages and the people who came into contact with them here. We strive to make the exhibition fun and approachable by incorporating video equipment and models. You can learn about the history and culture of Tsuchiyama with panels of Saio Gungyo and videos of Kenketo dance. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02112230 Kitatsuchiyama, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-66-1056 Business hours 10:00~17:00 Closed Monday Tuesday 12/29-1/3 Parking 200 cars6 buses Access Approximately 5 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway Koka Tsuchiyama I.C via National Route 1 Approximately 30 minutes west from Higashi-Meishin Expressway Kameyama I.C via National Route 1 Take the Aikuru bus from JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station Approximately 30 minutes, get off at Tsuchiyama Shisho-mae bus stop, then walk 5 minutes Other information Toilets for the disabled Free admission
Roots herb school
In the trial class, we will first talk about what phytotherapy is. Then, please consider which course you would like to study from among the many courses available. Please feel free to contact us first. Home page Official website Address 〒520-34111327 Kokamachikami, Koka City Telephone number 080-4396-3272 Business hours 9:00-18:00 Closed Irregular holidays Parking Yes Access About 6 minutes from Shinmeishin "Koka Tsuchiyama IC" Other information
my berry farm
``Safe and secure'' delicious rice and strawberries made with no or reduced pesticides! This is "environmentally friendly agricultural products" recommended by Shiga Prefecture! Reviewing food = protecting children = maintaining health = increasing Japan's self-sufficiency rate and producing carefully selected agricultural products! Strawberry picking from February to the end of May (30 minutes all-you-can-eat) Home page Official website Address 〒520-3321438 Katsuragi, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 090-3053-4411 Business hours 10:00~15 :00 Closed Irregular holidays Parking 10 units/ Access 10 minutes from Shinmeishin Konan IC About 15 minutes walk from Terasho Station on the JR Kusatsu Line Other information
Aoto Dam Echo Valley
You can stay at tent sites and bungalows. There are also barbecues, play facilities, grand golf, and trial classes. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0221101-7 Aoto, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-66-0316 Business hours 9:00~17:00 Closed New Year holidays Parking Yes Access 45 minutes by Municipal Aikuru Bus from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line (transfer to Omi Tsuchiyama and get off at Echo Valley) 10 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway Koka/Tsuchiyama I.C 15 minutes from Suzuka Skyline 20 minutes from Meihan National Highway Kameyama I.C Other information
Koga style ninjutsu house
Built 300 years ago (Genroku era) as the residence of Mochizuki Izumo no kami, the head of the 53 Koga ninja families. It is what was given. The exterior looks just like a normal mansion, but the interior is befitting a ninja's home, with various tricks such as twists and pits to protect against intruders. Home page Official website Address 〒520-33112331 Ryuhoshi, Konan-cho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-86-2179 Business hours Weekdays 10:00-17:00 (Admission until 16:30) Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 9:30-17:00 (Admission until 16:30) Closed Every Wednesday and 4th Thursday of the month Closed during the year-end and New Year holidays (December 27th to January 3rd) Closed during the winter season We will notify you in advance on the homepage, but other than the above We may be closed during this period, so we appreciate your understanding and understanding. Parking 30 cars/5 large vehicles Access 5 minutes from Shinmeishin Konan IC 20 minutes walk from JR Konan Station Other information *Access by ComitakuYou can use a reserved shared taxi (Comitaku) from Konan Station. Please make your reservation at least 1 hour before your scheduled time as it requires advance reservations. TEL: 0748-86-4181 (Reservation hours 7:00-20:00) 3-minute walk from "Shin no Sato Purara"
Kurotaki Fishing Area
With a backdrop of rich nature, you can catch and fish for amago, char, and rainbow trout in the clear stream. There is also a barbecue facility where you can cook the fish you catch, making it an easy place for families and groups to enjoy together. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0203466 Kurotaki, Tsuchiyama-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-68-0068 Business hours 10:00~16:00 Closed New Year holidays Parking 100 parking spaces/buses possible Access Approximately 20 minutes from Shin-Meishin Expressway "Koka Tsuchiyama IC" via National Route 1Approximately 30 minutes west from Higashi-Meishin Expressway Kameyama IC via National Route 1Aikuru from JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station Approximately 40 minutes by bus Other information
Tokaido Denmakan
Tsuchiyama, which has long been a transportation hub and the 49th post town on the Tokaido route, has achieved economic and cultural development through the exchange of people and goods. You can see dioramas of roads and post stations, as well as an exhibition that reproduces the post station station horse system. The building is a renovated private house in Tsuchiyama built in the late Edo period. The building itself is a valuable exhibit. Sales office for Onshukuba seals and Tsuchiyama Castle seals. Home page Official website Address 〒528-02111570 Kita-Tsuchiyama, Tsuchiyama-cho Telephone number 0748‐66‐2770 Business hours 9:00~17:00 Closed Monday/Tuesday New Year holidays Parking 30 regular cars and medium-sized buses (contact us in advance for large buses) Access Approximately 30 minutes by community bus from Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line, get off at Omi Tsuchiyama Station, and walk approximately 3 minutes
Medicine study hall
Koka City is an area rich in medicinal herbs and has a deep history of medicinal herbs. This is a place where you can learn about the relationship between people and medicine, and the history of distributed medicine. Please learn about the exhibits and various information in the museum, experience it, and understand that life and medicine are always deeply connected. You can also try making your own ninja's portable food, ``Hyoryomaru.'' (Reservation required) Home page Official website Address 〒520-3431898-1 Ohara Naka, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-8110 Business hours 9:30~17:00 Closed Monday (the next day if Monday is a holiday), 12/29-1/3 Parking 18 regular cars (*Bus parking also available) Access Get off at Koka Station/Aburahi Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and walk for about 20 minutes
Kafuka dream forest
This is a park with a mortar-shaped lawn. There is a ``Dream Garden'' used for outdoor events, a large playground equipment ``Ninja Fortress'' that children can enjoy, and a Koga Sokenkan, library, and lifelong learning center on top of the hill. Perfect for a picnic! Let's run around as hard as we can under the blue sky! We also have a Gekkouga Poké Lid! Home page Official website Address 〒520-3414507-2 Okubo, Koka-cho, Koka-shi Telephone number 0748-88-2190 Parking 300 regular cars (bus confirmation required) Access Get off at Koka Station/Aburahi Station on the JR Kusatsu Line and walk for about 20 minutes
Minakuchi Okayama Castle Ruins
Minakuchi Okayama Castle Ruins is a low mountain with an altitude of 289 meters, but since it is an independent hill, from the top of the mountain you can see not only Minakuchi below, but also Suzuka Pass, Hino, and Yawata. It was the base of the Toyotomi government's control over the southern part of Omi, and the ruins are expected to be investigated in the future because they are large in scale and the remains are well preserved. It is affectionately known locally as Kojoyama. Home page Official website Address 〒528-0005Mizuguchi, Minakuchi-cho, Koka City Parking 7 regular cars Access Transfer to Kibukawa Station on the JR Kusatsu Line. Approximately 15 minutes walk from Omi Railway Minakuchi Station to the foot of the mountain
Minakuchi Castle Museum
It was built in 1634 by the third shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu, as an inn during his visit to Kyoto. You can get a sense of the scale of the castle at the time of its construction with a restored model. In 1682, Akitomo Kato (grandson of Yoshiaki Kato, famous for the Seven Spears of Shizugatake) entered the castle from Iwami Province and established the Mizuro domain. Its other name, ``Aoisui Castle,'' was named by Akitomo because the moat was filled with blue water. Home page Official website Address 〒528-00234-80 Honmaru, Minakuchicho, Koka City Telephone number 0748-60-5577 Business hours 10:00~17:00 Closed Thursday/Friday 12/29-1/3 Parking Please use Minakuchi Jonan Station parking lot or Aikouka Civic Hall parking lot. Access From JR Kusatsu Line Kibukawa Station, transfer to Omi Railway and get off at Minakuchi Jonan Station, about a 4-minute walk Other 2024.10.14-10.16Temporarily closed due to the start of Onari Bridge repair work*There may be days when the museum will be temporarily closed due to the construction situation.