Lake Biwa Kosei Area Tourist Map

Produced by the JTB Ryokan Hotel Federation Biwako Branch!
With the digital walking map using Stroly, you can easily check out the charming spots in Shiga Kohsei area.
You can easily find tourist attractions, highlights, restaurants, and accommodation information in Shiga online, such as on your smartphone or PC, so you can easily visit tourist spots from your current location or places you have been curious about.
The fifth edition covers the Kohsei area. Please enjoy the recommended tourist information around Shiga and Lake Biwa from local accommodation staff on the illustrated map.
update date: 2024.10.05
このマップ(地図)を見るNumber of spots : 65spots
【体験民宿四季の森/代表谷口良一氏】マキノは自然豊かなところです。自宅裏の赤坂山の植物を調べ始めたのがきっかけで、植物以外の風土、くらし、歴史などについても、調べるようになりました。どれも魅力的なものだと気づいてからは、ボランティアとして皆さんにお伝えしてきましたが、退職後に自宅を改修して、体験民宿を始めました。マキノの豊かな自然を将来に引き継いでいくためにも、多くの人にお越しいただき、一緒にマキノで楽しい自然体験をしていただきたいと考えています。◇保有資格◇森林インストラクター、森林セラピスト、自然観察指導員、環境省自然公園指導員JRCAカヌー公認インストラクター、グリーン・ツーリズムインストラクターキャンプインストラクター、ネイチャーゲームリーダー、狩猟免許【体験】冬季の凍った湖の上での氷上の穴釣りでおなじみの「ワカサギ釣り」。滋賀県では湖が凍らないため県内の余呉湖では「ワカサギ釣り」として釣りの対象としてよく知られています。1月から産卵期を迎え主に琵琶湖北部の浅瀬に集まってきます。この体験では、日没前に投網の練習をした後、19時頃より漁に出発します。ベテランのインストラクターが同行するので安心です。保冷バックをご持参いただくとお土産として獲物を持って帰っていただけます。当民宿でお泊りの参加者は翌朝の朝ごはんに天ぷらでお召し上がりいただきます。 基本情報 〒520-1837滋賀県高島市マキノ町白谷344TEL : 090-6664-8574 URL 琵琶湖の伝統漁法「投網」による寒中ワカサギ漁体験 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
「日本酒」造りは「自然の恵み」と「きれいな水」が欠かせません。日本の風土とも深くかかわりがあり、原料の「米」「米麹」「水」はシンプルなだけに素材の善し悪しが「日本酒」の味に大きく影響します。春先に植えた苗が、夏の大地のエネルギーのもと成長し、収穫の秋を迎える頃、「日本酒」を作る蔵元は本格的なシーズンを迎えます。11月~3月は仕込みの時期。川島酒造は「生水の郷」と呼ばれる針江.・霜降地区の中心に位置し、豊富に湧き出る「かばたの水」から高島産の「日本酒」を造っています。この体験は、自家井戸から湧き出る「かばたの水」をご覧いただくところから始まります。その後、仕込み中の酒蔵に足を踏み入れ、実際に麹の作り方や発酵具合などを近くでご覧いただけます。見学後は蔵を改装した個室で、滋賀県産の「おつまみ」と店内で販売されている「日本酒」の試飲をお楽しみいただけます。この地で生まれ育った、6代目・川島達郎氏が、「日本酒と高島市の魅力」をお伝えいたします。ぜひお越しいただき「高島リズム」を感じてください。≪料金≫ お一人様 1,500円≪予約締め切り日≫ 前日15時まで≪取消料≫ 前日50%・当日(無連絡含む)100% 基本情報 〒520-1501滋賀県高島市新旭町旭83TEL : 0740-25-2202E-mail : 営業時間 9:00~18:00 定休日 不定休・年末年始・お盆 URL 【酒は風土に在り】高島の地で約150年!川島酒造6代目・川島達郎氏が語る酒造りと蔵見学 【YouTube】 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
アクアポニックスとは、アメリカ発祥の魚介と野菜・果実を同じシステムで育てる持続可能な新しい循環型農法です。魚介の排泄物をバクテリアが分解し、養分を含んだ水で野菜や果物を育て、吸収された後の浄化された水が、水槽に戻り魚介を飼育するという、自然界の縮図とも言えるこのシステムは、持続可能な究極の循環システムです。 基本情報 〒520-1502滋賀県高島市新旭町針江5-25TEL : 0740-28-7797 営業時間 お問い合わせ時間10:00~17:00 定休日 木曜日 URL 【アクアポニックス農園でトマトの摘み取り体験とこだわりのピザ作り体験】 【誰もが見たことがない!驚きの次世代循環型農業法で育てたパーフェクトオーガニックトマトの摘み取り体験】 【HP】 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
【ホタル屋店主/井上祥子氏】高島市の地域資源の魅力を発信する活動の場として、2022年10月にOPENした「ホタル屋」。高島で育ち、子育てや仕事を通じ地域の人々と関わることにより、魅力ある風土が織りなす文化や伝統産業は点として受け継がれてはきているものの、これら地域資源に携わる人々を線でつなぐことによって「地域資源のまち高島」として、新たな魅力を総合的に発信したいと独立。また、木育インストラクターの資格を持っており、端材などの地域資源を生かしたワークショップ等を通じて、高島の魅力をお伝えします。地元を紹介するメディアにも多数出演経験ありの発信者!【高島ちぢみ】高島ちぢみ『縮織生地』とは織物にシボ(凹凸)を作った独特の製品で、江戸時代末期に農民の冬季における副業として琵琶湖の北西側に高島市で織られたもので、高温多湿な日本の風土に適した被覆素材として、人々の生活様式に合ったあらゆる場面で活躍している。地元では「クレープ」と呼ばれ親しまれている。【体験】高島の地域資源の魅力発信基地「ホタル屋」にて、その活動を推進している井上氏による、地域の伝統や歴史を学ぶ体験シリーズ第1弾!!今回は、「高島ちぢみ」工芸の歴史を学びながら、高島チヂミを縁使いしたミニ畳作り体験を行います。ミニ畳も滋賀県産の物を使用します。嬉しい少人数制♪サイズ/20cm × 15cm<<料金>> お一人様 税込5,500円(一律)<<最少催行人員>> 2名~ ※最少催行人員に満たない場合には催行中止となります。3日前までにご連絡致します。<<ご予約締切日>> 7日前まで<<取消料>> 7~2日前20%、前日50%、当日100% 基本情報 〒520-1522滋賀県高島市新旭町旭809−6TEL : 080-4568-5621 営業時間 10:00~17:00 定休日 日曜定休(他不定休) URL <<高島ちぢみで作るミニ畳体験>>高島情報発信基地「ホタル屋」による地域資源に触れる体験第1弾! 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
築150年 滋賀の歴史を存分に感じられる古民家で湧き水を利用した手作り豆腐体験。当時から現役のかまどや囲炉裏、薪を使ったお風呂など昔話に出てくるような古民家で、地域の人に愛されるアカヤの湧き水を利用した豆腐作り体験をしていただけます。子供達に色々な体験をさせたいと思っている親御さんも多いと思います。学校や塾では体験できない自然に囲まれた暮らしを体験してもらい自分たちで手作りする。時間を掛けて、体を動かして作った豆腐作りは、きっと大切な食育にも繋がると思います。また地元高島で取れた野菜・魚をたっぷり使ったお昼ご飯も古民家のかまどや囲炉裏で作ります。日々の忙しい暮らしから少し離れ、里山だからこそできる貴重な経験を、高島・古民家たらいち邸で存分に味わってみませんか?当日は高島に魅了され移住した【たらいち邸オーナー】河野さんが皆さんをご案内します!◎料金:大人 3500円(税込み)、子ども 2500円(税込み) 基本情報 〒520-1831滋賀県高島市マキノ町上開田145-1 URL 【貸切】湧き水利用の豆腐つくり体験&古民家でかまどご飯と地元素材たっぷりランチ 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
How to use the map
How to use
How to use the map When you click on a pin on the map, the corresponding spot information appears. Button functions Opens the spot list. You can filter spots by category. Switches the Stroly map to Google Map. You can also switch it to other maps such as the satellite photo map. Clicking the button again returns the map to Stroly. Creates a URL (room function) only accessible by friends or family members. Shows map information, such as the title and description of the map. GPS functions Turn on GPS and your current location will be displayed on the map. (If you are within range of the map)
Address408, Imazu Imazu-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1621 TEL(FAX)0740-22-0208 Operating Hours11:00-15:30 Regular holidaysThursdays (open if Thursday is a national holiday) Located right in front of the tourist boat terminal for Chikubu Island (Imazu Port), near Lake Biwa, this soba noodle shop offers Ni-Hachi (20% wheat and 80% buckwheat) soba made from carefully selected ingredients. The aroma is inviting, and the authentic hand-made soba noodles allow for a full appreciation of the buckwheat's rich flavor, making the dining experience particularly memorable. The homemade dipping sauce also enhances the taste of the soba. The restaurant's specialties, Shukou Soba and Zaru Toro, come highly recommended. Additionally, the set of two pieces of mackerel sushi is very popular too.
Address318-1 Kutsuki Tochu, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1425 TEL(FAX)0740-38-2053 Operating Hours11:30-16:00 (LO) Saturdays, Sundays and National holidays 11:00-17:00 (LO) Dinner: Inquire us at least one day in advance. Regular holidaysMondays and 3 Tuesdays a month Visit our website for details. Official Website A small trattoria in the mountains, located in Kutsuki along the Saba Kaido (mackerel road). The restaurant offers a wide variety of dishes based on Italian cuisine, such as pizza and pasta, as well as gibier and smoked meats that go well with both lunch and drinks. Pets are welcome on the all-weather terrace, so we recommend enjoying your meal with your dog. Enjoy a slightly more mature holiday in a space where time passes leisurely. Homemade smoked products are also available for take-out.
SEIKOUSHA cafe levain
Address296-1 Ukawa, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1122 TEL(FAX)0740-20-1331 Operating Hours11:00-17:00( LO16:30) Regular holidaysWednesdays Official Website Instagram The café, operated by a local wooden construction company, offers a relaxing space imbued with the warmth of wood, featuring interiors that incorporate more than 70 different types of wood. With a focus on local production and consumption, the café is popular for its lunches, desserts, and coffee, all made with healthy ingredients. The coffee is crafted from specialty beans, a rare find as only 8% of these beans are imported into Japan. Additionally, a local roaster takes care to roast just enough beans to meet immediate needs, ensuring optimal freshness.
Tochiu Umetake
Address275-1 Kutsuki Tochu, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1425 TEL(FAX)0740-38-3297フリーダイヤル 0120-38-3297 Operating Hours10:30-17:00 Regular holidaysMondays (*If Monday is a national holiday, closed the following day) This mackerel sushi restaurant is a pioneer in the Kutsuki area, located along the Saba Kaido (Mackerel Road). The restaurant is renowned for its made-to-order mackerel sushi, notable for its moist, raw finish. The combination of thick, fatty mackerel and sweet vinegar rice, made with Omi rice, is exceptionally well-matched. Primarily available for take-out, it is advisable to make reservations at least a day in advance. The sushi often sells out on holidays, and there is typically a long queue. *Reservations for dining seats are not available.
Kutsuki Satoyama Restaurant TENKU
Address341-3 Kutsuki Kase, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1415 TEL(FAX)0740-38-2770 Operating Hours11:00-20:00 (LO 19:30) ※Hot Spring 10:00-20:30 Regular holidaysOct-early Mar: Tuesdays Apr-Jul: 2nd Tuesday of the month Aug-Sep: open everyday *there are temporary closures in Jun & Dec. Official Website facebook Instagram This restaurant is located in the "Green Park Forest of Memories" in Kutsuki. After taking a bath in the Kutsuki Hot Springs located in the same facility, be sure to enjoy a delicious meal at the restaurant. Popular dishes include kamo-negi soba (buckwheat noodles) filled with Omi duck, fried "tonchan" (a Takashima specialty), and iwana (char) dishes using fresh iwana. The signature dish, saba-zushi (mackerel sushi), is made with locally produced Koshihikari rice and fresh domestic mackerel. Take-out is also available.
Omi-Imazu Nishitomo
Address2-1-20 Sumiyoshi, Imazu-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1623 TEL(FAX)0120-39-2105 Operating HoursShop 10:00-19:00 Dining 11:00-15:00 (LO14:30) 17:00-20:00 Regular holidaysIrregular holidays (Mondays in Jan & Feb) *If Mon is a national holiday, Tue is closed. Official Website facebook The taste and spirit of Seiyu have been handed down from generation to generation in the naturally blessed land of Kosai, Omi. Our specialty is broiled eel using a sauce that has been passed down for many years and grilled over charcoal with great care. The "Una-don" (bowl of rice topped with broiled eel) and "Unaju" (eel rice topped with broiled eel) available at the restaurant are also delicious. In addition, you can enjoy a wide variety of other flavorful products, such as Tsukudani (food boiled in soy sauce and sugar), which makes the most of the natural flavors of the ingredients, to your heart's content.
Hayama Coffee Metasequoia Garden
Address505-2 Makino, Makino-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1836 TEL(FAX)0740-20-9021 Operating HoursHigh-season 9:00-17:30 (LO 17:00) *Subject to change during off-season Regular holidaysIf Monday is a national holiday, closed on the following Tuesday. Official Website Instagram Located at the heart of the Metasequoia-lined avenue is Hayama Coffee Metasequoia GARDEN. This beautiful space, fully renovated from a warehouse by Aotani Architecture Workshop, offers panoramic views of the Metasequoia trees in their seasonal splendor. The serene interior of the café, perfect for enjoying coffee and meals, is bathed in natural light, illuminating every corner. The pastoral landscape visible through the windows provides a soothing escape. It's a café where you can luxuriously savor both space and time. Do visit this comforting retreat.
Address2661-3 ShimoOgawa, Adogawa-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1223 TEL(FAX)080-5713-6512 Operating Hours11:00-17:00 Regular holidaysWednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays Nestled in the lush nature along the banks of the Kamo River, which flows into Lake Biwa, this café offers a tranquil spot to savor dishes and desserts made with carefully selected ingredients and a lot of care. We serve European-style home cooking, like borscht, and sweets, all handcrafted without the use of additives or artificial seasonings.
Restaurant Chikubu
Address763-2 Nishihama, Makino-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1812 TEL(FAX)Tel 0740-28-1111(代)Fax 0740-28-1110 Operating Hours[Lunch] 11:30-15:00 (LO 14:00) [Dinner] 17:30-19:00 (Seated by 19:00) Regular holidaysNo Lunch on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays Official Website facebook Instagram This bright and cheerful restaurant offers a panoramic view of the sparkling beach and Chikubu Island beyond. Focusing on fresh seafood from the Sea of Japan, we offer an original menu that lets you enjoy the best of both Japanese and Western cuisine.
Address707 Asahi, ShinAsahi-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1501 TEL(FAX)0740-25-3790 Operating Hours11:00-16:00 Regular holidaysWednesdays & New Year holidays Official Website Kabata-kan is a dining establishment that prides itself on serving local cuisine with ingredients sourced from the Takashima area, offering heartfelt hospitality with carefully crafted dishes. It's a popular spot known for its regional dish "Shoimeshi". The name is believed to derive from "shoyu" (soy sauce) used for flavoring and the festive cheer of "Wasshoi" from festivals. The seasonal vegetable tempura and the "Shoimeshi" included Nonohana Gozen set meal come highly recommended. The homemade "Ohagi" (sweet rice balls) also has many fans. In addition to the dining service, they also sell homemade products and consignment items made in the city.
Omi Chicken and Omi Rice Cafeteria Suzuhiro
Address688 Umehara, Imazu-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1654 TEL(FAX)0740-33-7268 Operating HoursWeekdays 11:00-15:00 Weekends & National holidays 11:00-19:00 Regular holidaysThursdays Official Website This is a dining hall known for its exceptional value, extensively using local ingredients. While not flashy, we focus on natural, additive-free, and homemade food, cherishing the simplicity and coziness of our dishes. We offer a limited selection of items, all dedicated to satisfying our customers' desire for delicious food. When you're touring around, whether it's cycling around Lake Biwa, traveling the Mackerel Road, visiting the Metasequoia trees, or exploring Hakone Mountain, please do stop by.
Soranone cafeteria
Address4942-1 Tanaka, Adogawa-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 530-1217 Operating Hours10:30-17:00 Regular holidaysThursdays * Winter holidays in Jan & Feb Official Website facebook Nestled in a corner of expansive fields and surrounded by the beautiful mountains of the Hira mountain range, this restaurant is well-known for its delicious rice cooked daily in a traditional hearth using spring water. The highlight here is the hearth-cooked rice, perfectly paired with wholesome side dishes made from locally sourced, seasonal vegetables. Enjoy our lunch menu, featuring rice and side dish sets or a hearty curry loaded with the bounty of the fields, all while taking in the magnificent views. In the summer, we also host blueberry picking events.
cafe&restaurant Nature
Address2759-11 Warasono, ShinAsahi-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1511 TEL(FAX)0740-25-5257 Operating HoursLunch 11:00-15:00 (LO14:00) Dinner 17:30-20:30 (LO 19:30) Regular holidaysMonday nights and Tuesdays Instagram This log house restaurant is tucked away in a residential area of Takashima City, rich in nature. The restaurant serves a variety of Western-style dishes that both children and adults love, such as hamburgers, gratin, pasta, and omelette rice. The salad hors d'oeuvre, made with the finest ingredients, is a must-try. The restaurant also offers authentic course meals and sweets, so it is perfect for everyday use as well as for special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries.
Torinaka, the birthplace of Takashima ton-chan
Address9-2 Nishiyurugi, Adogawa-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1212 TEL(FAX)0740-32-0234 Operating Hours10:00-19:00 Regular holidaysJanuary 1st Official Website facebook Founded in 1961, this is the original "Tonchan" restaurant. Since its inception, our motto has been to offer "fresh and delicious chicken at affordable prices." We had a grand reopening on May 22, 2023, and in response to popular demand, we began selling a variety of side dishes in addition to our famous Tonchan. The "Takashima Tonchan Karaage" (fried chicken) is particularly recommended. Feel free to call ahead for reservations, and you can enjoy it freshly fried.
Furudougu Kaizu Antique Cafe
Address2080-7, Kaizu, Makino-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1811 TEL(FAX)0740-28-8055 Operating Hours11:00-17:00(LO16:30) ※Cafe open irregularly Regular holidaysiIregular holidays *Please check the website Official Website Instagram Kodogu & Café Kaizu is located atop the stone mounds along the shores of Lake Biwa in Makino Town, Kaizu, which has been selected as a site of important cultural landscape by the country. Set in a rice storehouse that is about 200 years old, this renovated space allows you to casually browse through a collection of everyday folk tools and antiques, personally acquired by the owner. After immersing yourself in the antiques, please enjoy a cup of coffee on our terrace offering a breathtaking panoramic view of Lake Biwa. (Please note that café operations are irregular, so it's best to inquire in advance.)
okomeshokudou nagomi
Address828 Fukuoka, Imazu-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1652 TEL(FAX)080-5318-6226 Operating Hours11:30-16:00 (LO15:30) Regular holidaysMondays and Tuesdays, irregularly closed on Sundays *For details, see SNS Official Website The restaurant is well known for its "brown rice made with homegrown organic rice" and side dishes made with homemade malt and seasonings such as soy sauce made with traditional methods. The dishes made without flour or animal ingredients are gentle to the body and mind, and the restaurant is committed to providing a barrier-free environment where everyone can enjoy the same food at the same table. Enjoy your meal while being soothed by the scenery of rice paddies in the countryside.
Address1443-1 Sawa, Makino-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1821 TEL(FAX)0740-27-0021 Operating Hours11:00-18:00(LO17:00) Regular holidaysWednesdays & Thursdays (with occasional holidays) Instagram A house café in Makino Town, Takashima City. Located near the entrance to a tree-lined avenue lined with approximately 500 metasequoia trees, the cafe is popular for its lunch and cakes made with local ingredients. Enjoy a relaxing meal in a soothing space where you can unwind. The store also sells handmade accessories, woodwork, and other works by artists.
Biwako Takashima Rental Bicycle(JR Omi Takashima Station Tourist Information Center)
Address2245-5, Katsuno Daimon, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1121 TEL(FAX)0740-36-1314 Operating Hours9:00-14:00 (Bicycle rentals are returned by 5pm) Regular holidaysYear-end and New Year holidays Official Website Biwako-Takashima Rental Bicycles is a service operated independently by the Biwako-Takashima Tourist Association in Takashima City.Bicycles can be rented from the tourist information centers at each station. You can also drop off and pick up your bike at any of the stations. Please check the website for bicycle types and details.
Biwako Takashima Rental Bicycle (JR Adogawa Station Tourist Information Center)
Address601-2 Nishiyurugi, Adogawa-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1212 TEL(FAX)0740-32-2464 Operating Hours9:00-13:00 (Bicycle rentals are returned by 5pm) Regular holidaysYear-end and New Year holidays Official Website Biwako-Takashima Rental Bicycles is a service operated independently by the Biwako-Takashima Tourist Association in Takashima City.Bicycles can be rented from the tourist information centers at each station. You can also drop off and pick up your bike at any of the stations. Please check the website for bicycle types and details.
Biwako Takashima Rental Bicycle (JR Omi Imazu Station Tourist Information Center)
Address1-9, Nakoji, Imazu-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1631 TEL(FAX)0740-22-4201 Operating Hours9:00-13:00 (Bicycle rentals are returned by 5pm) Regular holidaysYear-end and New Year holidays Official Website Biwako-Takashima Rental Bicycles is a service operated independently by the Biwako-Takashima Tourist Association in Takashima City.Bicycles can be rented from the tourist information centers at each station. You can also drop off and pick up your bike at any of the stations. Please check the website for bicycle types and details.
Biwako Takashima Rental Bicycle (JR Makino Station Tourist Information Center)
Address1209-8 Nishihama, Makino-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1812 TEL(FAX)0740-28-1188 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 Regular holidaysYear-end and New Year holidays Official Website Biwako-Takashima Rental Bicycles is a service operated independently by the Biwako-Takashima Tourist Association in Takashima City.Bicycles can be rented from the tourist information centers at each station. You can also drop off and pick up your bike at any of the stations. Please check the website for bicycle types and details.
Northstyle Okubiwako
AddressOku-Biwako Makino Grand Park Hotel, 763-2 Nishihama, Makino-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1812 TEL(FAX)090-3670-5522(スクール) Operating Hours8:00-20:00 Regular holidaysnon-scheduled holiday Official Website Instagram North Style Oku-Biwako was started with the idea of offering a relaxing time while enjoying nature through SUP, based in the northern part of Lake Biwa where beautiful nature still remains. The proximity of the lake to the surrounding mountains allows you to enjoy the coexistence of the large scale nature and the clear water that is characteristic of the northern part of the lake. Visitors can also relax according to their own needs and pace, so spend as much time as time allows.
STAGEX Takashima
Address336 Warasono, ShinAsahi-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1511 TEL(FAX)0740-25-8212 Operating HoursRestaurant 10:30-16:00 Phone Reception 9:00-18:00 Regular holidaysNo holidays except winter vacation Official Website STAGEX Takashima, located in Kosai, Shiga, is equipped with 10 cabins and 6 tent sites. It is gaining popularity as a glamping resort with day-trip BBQ, private sauna, and other facilities. The facility also has a café and a dog run, so use it for lunch or a break during a drive. The large windmill, the symbol of the resort, is a popular photo spot. It is also the most popular checkpoint on Lake Biwa.
Biwako kodomo-no kuni
Address2981 Kitafunaki, Adogawa-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1232 TEL(FAX)0740-34-1392 Operating Hours9:00-18:00(Apr-Sep) 9:00-17:00(Oct~Mar) Regular holidaysMar-Nov: No holidays Dec - Feb: closed on Mondays & Tuesdays Official Website Located on the west side of Lake Biwa, Biwako Kodomo no Kuni is a large children's facility surrounded by water and greenery and rich in nature. The park has a vast lawn area and a variety of playground equipment for children of all ages, including a large athletic playground. The park also has a campground and lodging facilities, so it can be easily used by groups for training or by individuals such as families and friends.
Biwako Takashima Rental Bicycle (Biwakotakashima Tourist Information Center)
AddressTakashima City Tourism and Products Plaza 1F, 1-10-1 Asahi, ShinAsahi-cho, Takashima City, Shiga 520-1501 TEL(FAX)0740-33-7101 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 Regular holidaysYear-end and New Year holidays Official Website The Biwako Takashima Bicycle Rental Service rents bicycles from the tourist information centers at each station. This service, operated independently by the Biwako-Takashima Tourist Association in Takashima City, is attracting attention. Bicycles can be rented at each counter and returned to the same counter. Ride-and-drop service is also available, so you can use the service according to your needs. E-bikes (electrically power assisted bicycles) are available for rent only from and to the Biwako-Takashima Tourist Association office. See the website for details.
Mutsuyazakihama Auto Camping Ground
AddressFukamizo, ShinAsahi-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1503 TEL(FAX)0740-33-7101 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 Regular holidaysYear-end and New Year holidays Official Website Located along the shores of Lake Biwa, this open-air auto camping site is filled with a sense of freedom. It's divided into general sites and pet-friendly sites, and is popular as a relaxed, worry-free space. Enjoy a prime location with a direct view of Lake Biwa and spend your time as you wish. The convenience of being able to drive your car right into the camping site adds to the pleasure. Reservations can be made online.
SUP Experience in Lake Biwa
Address1091 Ukawa, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1121 TEL(FAX)090-1710-6818 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 Official Website Instagram We offer Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) experiences and SUP Yoga classes on the majestic, beautiful, and calm waters of Lake Biwa. Our most popular experience is the SUP tour heading towards the mystical Shirahige Shrine, known for its floating torii gate. During free time, you can try the Mega SUP, which can accommodate large groups, or challenge yourself with SUP Yoga poses! We'll make sure to capture plenty of photos for you!
Gulliver Village
Address987-1 Shishigase, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1142 TEL(FAX)0740-37-0744 Operating Hours8:00-17:00 Regular holidaysTuesdays (Summer season: open everyday) Official Website Instagram Gulliver Village, a youth travel village, is a "fun-filled campsite" located on the lush west side of Lake Biwa, just about 70 minutes from the Kyoto East IC, offering excellent accessibility. The campsite features cottages and auto-sites that take full advantage of the natural scenery and offers a variety of playground equipment for fun throughout the day. At night, you can enjoy a sky full of stars. The campsite includes an athletic area where children and adults alike can play freely. In summer, enjoy river play and popular craft workshops, immersing yourself in the great outdoors.
Kutsuki Kogawa Mountain & River Park
Address230 Kutsuki Kogawa, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1431 TEL(FAX)0740-38-5050 Operating Hours7:30-16:30 Regular holidaysVaries by season (check website) Official Website Instagram Kutsuki Kogawa Keiryu Center is a place where you can experience activities in the great outdoors. Visitors can enjoy mountain stream fishing, barbecues, camping, and more. The popular mountain stream fishing is easy for small children and first-timers to enjoy because fish are released on the spot into the artificial mountain stream. Caught fish can also be enjoyed on the BBQ.
Takashima City Agricultural Park Makino Pick land
Address835-1 Terakubo, Makino-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1834 TEL(FAX)0740-27-1811 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 ※Varies by store Regular holidaysWednesdays (or the following day if Wednesday is a national holiday) Year-end and New Year holidays Official Website facebook The orchard also has a restaurant, café, produce stand, and handmade gelato stand, and visitors can spend the entire day here picking blueberries, apples, chestnuts, sweet potatoes, grapes, and other seasonal fruits from late May through November. The 2.4-km long metasequoia tree-lined avenue of 500 trees that runs through the orchard is also a must-see.
Fishing Park Takashima no Izumi
Address2250 Warasono, ShinAsahi-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1511 TEL(FAX)0740-20-7448 Operating Hours●Lure fishing Oct-Mar 7:00-17:00 Apr-Sep 7:00-17:30 ●Fishing pond, barbecue 8:00-16:30 Regular holidaysOpen every day of the year Official Website X(Twitter) Instagram A managed fishing area using spring water, where rainbow trout and char can be caught throughout the year. The 12,000-tsubo (9,000-square-meter) site features one of the largest lure fishing areas in Japan, a fishing pond, a fish-catching pond, and a 250-seat covered BBQ facility where you can grill your catch and eat it with meat and vegetables. The park is conveniently located 1.3 km from JR Shin Asahi Station, making it easy to reach by train.
Address5-25 Harie, Shin Asahi-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1502 TEL(FAX)0740-28-7797 Operating Hours10:00-17:00 Cafe 11:00~17:00 (LO16:00) Regular holidays Wednesdays and Thursdays Official Website Instagram The next generation of hydroponic agriculture is a unique design of highly efficient equipment with a well water supply using the ultimate sustainable circulation system. Perfect organic tomato cultivation and shrimp farming. We are aiming for the 6th industrialization of original products using crops grown in the same circulation system combined with aquaponics farming methods, which is hard to find anywhere else.
Maruhachi Hyakkaten
Address838 Kutsuki Ichiba, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1401 TEL(FAX)0740-38-3711 Operating Hours10:00-18:00 Lunch time 11:00-14:00 Cafe time 10:00-17:00 Regular holidaysTuesdays & Year-end and New Year holidays Official Website facebook Instagram Maruhachi Department Store is located in the center of Kutsuki, on the Saba Kaido (mackerel road), and is designated as a Tangible Cultural Property of Japan. Built in 1933, it is an atmospheric wooden Western-style building with an open atrium on the first floor, a Western-style cafe on the second floor, and a Japanese-style tatami room on the third floor. The building also sells local specialties and offers a café menu that includes lunch, coffee, and other items. It also functions as a tourist information center, making it a useful place to gather information when visiting the Kutsuki area.
Fukui-Yahei Sake Brewery
Address1387-1 Katsuno, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1121 TEL(FAX)0740-36-1011 Operating Hours8:30-17:30 Regular holidaysWeekends & National holidays Official Website Instagram A long-established sake brewery has been producing sake for more than 270 years since its establishment in the mid-Edo period. Using high-quality rice from Omi and water from the Hira mountain range, they aim to produce sake with a mild, delicious flavor and a clean aftertaste that becomes more apparent with each sip. In addition to their authentic, deep-flavored sake, they also offer a wide variety of options, including sake made from domestic fruit and innovative varieties reminiscent of white wine.
Address1406-2 Katsuno, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1121 TEL(FAX)0740-36-0218 Operating Hours9:00-18:00 Regular holidaysWednesdays & Year-end and New Year holidays Official Website We strive to make our sweets as wholesome as possible, using minimal additives and focusing on being gentle to the body. Our Adberry roll has become immensely popular, unique for its use of local specialty Adberry (as know as boysenberry), and enhanced with a secret touch of our homemade vinegar. Known as 'Village Building No. 3' in the former Takashima Town of Shiga Prefecture, we've received high acclaim from tourists and international visitors alike.
Village No.1 Rousokumati Candle-Kobo
Address1400 Katsuno, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1121 TEL(FAX)0740-36-1266 Operating Hours10:00-15:00 Regular holidaysMondays (*If Monday is a national holiday, closed the following day) Official Website Instagram 5 minute walk from JR Kosei Line, Omi Takashima Station. A sightseeing and experience spot in Takashima City, renovated from an Edo period merchant's house. Visitors can experience candle and herbarium making at the Birekkuji No. 1 building. There are many experience plans recommended for children, families, and women's groups. Candles from 1,320 yen and up Herbarium from 1,980 yen. Time required: 60-75 minutes.
Address2-5-8 Sumiyoshi, Imazu-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1623 TEL(FAX)0740-22-0557 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 Regular holidaysWeekends & National holidays Official Website facebook X(Twitter) Instagram A lakeside resort hotel with a panoramic view of Lake Oku-BiwakoThe cherry blossoms of Kaizu-Osaki, the deep green of Chikubu Island, and Makino Sunny Beach, said to be the most beautiful beach in Lake Biwa. The Oku-Biwako Makino Grand Park Hotel is located on a private beach with a panoramic view of the various flavors of Oku-Biwako. The hotel is a resort hotel where you can enjoy various attractions such as sightseeing, visiting famous sites, and sports around the magnificent Lake Biwa spread out before your eyes.A Japanese candle specialty store established in 1914. The warm light of candles made with 100% domestic and natural plant wax is soothing. The store presents a diverse array of candles, perfect for both Shinto and Buddhist rituals as well as everyday use. Embracing the theme 'Lights for Daily Life', it also showcases a comprehensive selection of candlesticks and an array of candle-related tools.
Souhonke Kitashina
Address1287 Katsuno, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1121 TEL(FAX)0740-20-2042 Operating Hours10:00-17:00 Regular holidaysMondays and Thursdays Official Website Instagram A funa-zushi specialty store established in 1619. They carefully select ingredients and spend a lot of time and effort to ferment and mature funa zushi using the traditional "Hyakume Hyakkan Sennichi" method, which sticks to the traditional wooden vat brewing method. We are constantly pursuing new varieties of funa zushi that are in tune with the times, such as "Iizuke Sen-nichi Zuke" with a sour taste and deep flavor, "Omizo Kanrozuke" with the mellow taste of sake lees, "Haruosubuna" with ancient red rice, and "Hakko Wagohan (fermented rice with yuzu)" which is an evolutionary version of funa-zushi.
Address62 Nishiyurugi, Adogawa-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1212 TEL(FAX)0740-32-1345 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 Regular holidaysnon-scheduled holiday Official Website Takashima folding fans have a history and tradition of 350 years. The fan has been a part of the Japanese people's life since ancient times, and is flexible and soft. The history of Takashima Sensu dates back to the time of Tsunayoshi, the fifth Tokugawa Shogun, when Gensai Hasegawa, son of Sogen Shimizu of Ota in Shin Asahi Town, planted bamboo along the river to prevent flooding and to make folding fans. The shop offers a wide variety of original fans, including those depicting Otsu-e paintings and the eight sceneries of Omi. Be sure to try the elegant folding fans unique to the lake country.
Shirahige Shrine
Address215 Ukawa, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1122 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 (shrine office) Regular holidaysOpen every day of the year Official Website This shrine is located about 2 km south of JR Omi-Takashima Station. It features a large, red torii gate in the lake and its main hall stands across from National Route 161. Widely known and loved as "Shirahige-san" and "Myojin-san," it is also referred to as "Omi's Itsukushima." True to its name, the shrine is revered as a deity of longevity and prolonged life. It is also worshipped for various aspects of human endeavor and fortune, including matchmaking, fertility, good luck and prosperity, academic success, traffic safety, and maritime safety. The enshrined deity is Sarutahiko-no-Mikoto.
Avenue of Metasequoia trees
AddressMakino, Makino-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1835 Operating Hours24 hrs Regular holidaysOpen every day of the year The town road Sawamakino line, which runs through Makino Pic-Land, and the prefectural road Koaraji Makinosawa line that continues alongside it, feature about 500 Metasequoia trees planted over a stretch of 2.4 km. These trees harmonize with the distant Nosaka mountain range, forming a highland-like landscape that serves as an approach to the Makino Plateau. The trees enchant visitors throughout the year with their budding leaves and fresh greenery in spring, deep green in summer, autumn foliage, and bare branches and snowflakes in winter. In 1994, this area was selected as one of the "New 100 Best City Tree Scenes in Japan" by the Yomiuri Shimbun, attracting widespread attention.
AddressHiokimae, Imazu-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1655 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 Operating hours are subject to change on the night gondola days. Please check our website for updates. Regular holidaysGreen Season: Apr 29 (Sat) - Nov 12 (Sun) Ski season: Late Dec - Mid Mar Official Website The Hakone Mountain Ski Resort, which operated a lily garden during the summer for 11 seasons starting in 2009, has been renewed since July 18, 2020, as a flower field featuring petunias and kochia. Additionally, flowers like salvia, zinnia, and sunflowers are planted, allowing visitors to enjoy the full bloom throughout the season. Popular attractions such as the hill with views of Lake Biwa, the rainbow curtain of Takashima chijimi, the wind chime alley, the parfait specialty store LAMP, and Kids World will continue to operate as well.
Makino Plateau Thousand Cherry Trees
Address931 Makino, Makino-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1836 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 Regular holidaysSki season Late December - Mid-March Official Website In 1983, 1,000 yaezakura, oshima-zakura, and someiyoshino cherry trees were planted on the Makino Plateau in the upper part of the plateau.Each type of cherry blossom blooms at a different time, so you can enjoy the flowers for a long period of time.After viewing the flowers and strolling around the Makino Plateau, please relax at the Makino Kogen Onsen Sarasa (hot spring).
Takashima Senkotsu
Address89 Tanaka, Adogawa-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1217(In Takashima City Chamber of Commerce) Operating Hours9:00-17:45 (Contact: Shiga Fan Industry Association) Fan ribs, quite literally, refer to the structural parts of a fan (excluding the paper). Most of the Takashima fan ribs are shipped to Kyoto, where they are decorated with painted paper and sold as Kyoto fans, making them generally unknown to the public. In fact, most domestically produced fan ribs (made of bamboo) are manufactured here. In recent years, local artisans have been attaching Japanese paper to these ribs and finishing them as "Omi fans." They express their originality through designs characteristic of Shiga Prefecture, such as Otsu-e paintings and scenes from the Eight Views of Omi.
AddressKitafunaki, Adogawa-cho, Takashima-shi, Takashima 520-1232 This traditional fishing method involves setting up mats in a fan shape to drive upriver ayu (sweetfish) to the riverbank for capture. Kita-Funaki in Adogawa Town became a Mikuriya (a kitchen for offerings) of the Kamo Shrine in Kyoto in 1090, offering fresh fish caught from the Adogawa River and Lake Biwa. This tradition has been passed down to this day. It's a historic fishing method that has been preserved and developed as a privilege of being a Mikuriya. (Mikuriya: estates established from the Nara period (710-794) to offer seafood, fruits, etc., to the Imperial family.)
Omi-Shirahama Beach
AddressShimoOgawa, Adogawa-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1223 Operating Hours24 hrs This location is frequently used in period dramas. Experience a special time at Omi-Shirahama, where the scenery transforms with each passing phase of the day – morning, noon, dusk, and night. Enjoy the changing views that complement each scene of the day.
Imazuhama Swimming Beach
AddressHamabun, Imazu-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1604 Operating Hours24 hrs Located northward along the lakeshore from Imazu Port, it is a beautiful beach covered with green pine trees. The beach is shallow and the waves are gentle, and the water quality is excellent. The beach is crowded with bathers during the season, and many waterfowl, including whooper swans, visit the beach every winter. In addition, the Kosai Pine Forest, selected as one of the 100 most scenic spots in Lake Country, stands in a row.Please note that cars, camping, barbecues, etc. are not permitted in the swimming area.
Haginohama Beach
AddressKatsuno, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1121 Operating Hours24 hrs It is a quiet and scenic beach blessed with shallow waters and green pine forests, and has been selected as one of the100 best beaches in Japan.
Takashima Trail
Address931 Makino, Makino-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1836 Operating Hours24 hrs Official Website The approximately 80km trail from Arachigoe in Makino, passing through the mountains of Imazu and leading to Mikunidake in Kutsuki, is located in the central part of the central divide, which separates the Japan Sea side and the Pacific side of the Japanese archipelago. This area is unique for combining the climates and vegetation of east, west, south, and north. The Takashima Trail utilizes ancient paths and mountain trails that were once overgrown and unused. It was created by connecting hiking trails, which locals from various places painstakingly maintained, in conjunction with the merger of five towns and one village.
Colony of Eastern Skunk Cabbage
Address1501 Hirokawa, Imazu-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1611 TEL(FAX)0740-33-7101(公社)びわ湖高島観光協会 A natural masterpiece created by the underground water of Aibano, the Zazensou colony is a sight to behold. Zazensou, a perennial herb of the Araceae family, is named for its resemblance to a meditating monk; its large, purplish-brown spathe is likened to a Buddha's halo, and the yellow flowers inside are seen as the monks themselves. Blooming from mid-February to March, these flowers herald the arrival of spring in the Kosei region. The sight of such a large colony is extremely rare in the prefecture.
Saba Kaido
AddressIkadachitochu-cho - Katsuragawa Hosokawa-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0361 Operating Hours24 hrs Official Website In recent years, the network of roads connecting Wakasa and Kyoto, now known as the "Mackerel Road," has served as a route for not only food but also various goods, people, and cultures. Along these roads, you'll find an array of cultural heritage sites, including temples and shrines, traditional townscapes, and folk cultural properties. Following the Mackerel Road allows you to experience the history of travel and human activities that stretch from ancient times to the present.
Chikubushima Cruise
Address30, Imazu, Imazu-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1621 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 (Biwako Kisen Steamship Reservation Center) Official Website Enjoy a roughly 30-minute boat journey to the power spot Chikubu Island. You can board the boat from either Nagahama Port or Imazu Port, making it perfect for those on a free-spirited trip!
Otomegaike Pond
Address3061-1 Katsuno, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1121 Operating Hours24 hrs In the era of the Manyoshu, the area around Otomegaike, then known as the "Sea of Katori," extended to the foot of the mountains, forming an inlet of Lake Biwa. Later, this area witnessed significant historical events. It is where, following his failed uprising, Emino Oshikatsu was captured at Miogasaki in Takashima District and subsequently executed at "Katsuno no Onie". The ruins of Mionoki Castle, which is said to have fallen during the Jinshin revol, are believed to be located in the mountains behind. The area, rich with history, now lends a romantic air to the lake's surface.
Hata Rice Terraces
Address856 Hata, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1144 Operating Hours24 hrs Within the 15.4 hectares of the Hata district in Takashima City, terraced fields geometrically stretch out, seamlessly following the slopes. The Hata settlement, adjacent to Kutsuki, is dotted with houses, seemingly watched over by terraced fields that spread like a mortar across the mountain flanks at elevations of 300 to 400 meters. It is said that in days gone by, these terraced fields extended near the mountain tops, turning the quiet mountain hamlets to a golden hue in the bountiful autumn.
Kaizu Osaki cherry blossom
AddressKaizu, Makino-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1811 Operating Hours24 hrs The cherry blossoms of Kaizu Osaki, selected as one of the "Top 100 Cherry Blossom Spots in Japan," span approximately 4 km along the shores of Lake Biwa. Featuring about 800 splendid Somei Yoshino trees, ranging from venerable ones over 80 years old to younger saplings, the site offers a breathtaking view. The peak blooming period is typically in early April, although this can vary depending on the climate. Kaizu Osaki is known in the Kinki region as a spot for late-blooming cherry blossoms.
Imazu Sun Bridge Hotel
Hotels & Accommodations
Address1689-2, Imazu-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1621 TEL(FAX)0740-22-6666 Official Website facebook X(Twitter) Instagram The Imazu Sunbridge Hotel opened in 1994 on the shores of Lake Biwa in Takashima.In addition to guest rooms, the restaurant and banquet halls offer dynamic views of the magnificent "Lake Biwa" and the mountains on the opposite shore, including the sacred mountain "Mt. Ibuki," while the sight of "Chikubujima," the island of God, where sightseeing boats come and go, is beautifully reflected on the lake surface.
Grand Park Hotel Okubiwako
Hotels & Accommodations
Address763-2 Nishihama, Makino-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-181 TEL(FAX)0740-28-1111 Official Website facebook Instagram A lakeside resort hotel with a panoramic view of Lake Oku-BiwakoThe cherry blossoms of Kaizu-Osaki, the deep green of Chikubu Island, and Makino Sunny Beach, said to be the most beautiful beach in Lake Biwa. The Oku-Biwako Makino Grand Park Hotel is located on a private beach with a panoramic view of the various flavors of Oku-Biwako. The hotel is a resort hotel where you can enjoy various attractions such as sightseeing, visiting famous sites, and sports around the magnificent Lake Biwa spread out before your eyes.
Forest Green Park Memories
Hotels & Accommodations
Address341-3 Kutsukikase, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1415 TEL(FAX)0740-38-2770 Official Website facebook Instagram Refreshment park in the lush green forest. You can stay at Sanso Kutsuki (Japanese-style and Western-style rooms) and bungalows in a relaxed atmosphere. The facility also has a natural grass field and a gymnasium, making it ideal for sports camps! After sweating it out in sports and other activities, you can refresh yourself at Kutsuki Onsen Tenku. The name comes from the legend of tengu, or heavenly goblins, that are said to have run around in the mountains and fields of Kutsuki in the olden days. Effective for treating neuralgia and relieving fatigue, the spa also features an open-air tengu bath, sauna, and other facilities.
Shirahamaso Inn
Hotels & Accommodations
Address2300-1 Shimo-Ogawa, Adogawa-cho, Takashima-shi, Shiga 520-1223 TEL(FAX)0740-32-0451 Official Website Shirahamaso has been supported by many guests who love Lake Biwa and the nature of Omi in front of Omi Shirahama, which is selected as one of the 100 best beaches in Japan.Please spend an irreplaceable day on the shore of Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan.