Lake Biwa Kohoku Area Tourist Map

Produced by the Biwako Branch of the JTB Ryokan Hotel Federation!
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The third volume is the "Kohoku Area. Please enjoy the illustrated map of sightseeing information around Lake Biwa in Shiga recommended by the staff of local accommodation facilities.
update date: 2024.10.05
このマップ(地図)を見るNumber of spots : 86spots
【山脇源平商店/9代目山脇和博氏】1730年より山脇源平商店として商売が始まりました。長い歴史と伝統を持ち、当時と変わらぬ製法で近江真綿の製造・販売を行っている会社です。---1948年生まれ。メーカーに就職後、35歳の時に家業を引き継ぐ。眞綿へ対する情熱は誰よりも熱く、眞綿の本質を追求するために日々勉強を重ねている。現在は日本の純国産真綿を未来へ残してゆくために、現代に合わせた切り口で展開を行っている。 基本情報 〒521-0091滋賀県米原市岩脇1011−1TEL : 0749-52-0076 URL 期間限定 【養蚕と真綿づくり体験】 !!貴重体験!! 9代目店主山脇和博氏によるシルクの世界語り 創業1730年の近江真綿工房で真綿づくり体験 養蚕から真綿づくり真綿手引き 真綿(シルク)の世界へ 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
普段なかなか体験出来ない、ポニーのお世話と乗馬体験です。可愛らしいポニーのお世話を通して「協調性や知的好奇心」を育む内容となっております。お世話をして、ウマたちと仲良くなった後は、乗馬(引馬)も体験していただけます。(小さなお子様はポニーに、大人の方はサラブレッドに騎乗していただきます。)スポーツを通じて地域の発展と発信を目指す、スポーツとアクティビティを融合させた複合施設「ビッグ・ブレス」<<料金>>お一人様 3000円(ポニー騎乗) 4000円(サラブレッド騎乗)※お子さまの体格により、ポニーかサラブレッドの選択になります。ポニーは体重25㎏以下のお子さまが対象となります。<<ご予約締切>> 10日前<<取消料>>7~3日前30% 2~前日50% 当日・無連絡100% 基本情報 〒521-0244滋賀県米原市大野木1777TEL : 0749-56-0695 E-mail : URL 【学び体験!】厩舎のバックヤード体験/馬房掃除と餌やり 【HP】 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
世界で一つだけ、「いろ色浜独楽」を手作りしてみませんか?木のぬくもりを感じるコロンとした愛らしい形と鮮やかな発色の独楽は大切なお子様やお孫様へのプレゼントに最適。自ら手作りした独楽を大切な方へプレゼントしてみませんか?また長浜への旅の思い出として、ご自身で作ることが出来る「滋賀県伝統的工芸品」をご自宅にお持ち帰りください。 轆轤木地師発祥の地で今もなお継承される技術を駆使して作られる、滋賀県伝統的工芸品指定「いろ色浜独楽」の製作所、片山木工所。長浜の黒壁スクエアから徒歩10分、町歩きも楽しい職人町にございます。伊吹山へ代表自ら買付けに行き、桜や檜など使われる木材は全て地元産、独楽になるまでは乾燥などを入れて5年ほど掛かります。70年間現役の轆轤や一つ一つ手作りの刃物(バイト)など眺めているだけで、継承されてきた技術を身近に感じる事ができます。「いろ色浜独楽」の名前となった由来はいろいろな形・色々な色、長浜の浜・から来ており、同じ形・色の独楽は一つもありません。形を轆轤で出しているのが代表の喜一さん、色付けは奥様の担当。世界に一つだけ、形も色合いも異なる様々な独楽は木の温もりを感じさせる手仕事が詰まっています。【料金】工房見学+独楽絵付け体験50㎜ 3700円70㎜ 4400円90㎜ 5600円 基本情報 〒526-0023滋賀県長浜市三ツ矢町7−7 URL 木地師の片山さんから直接指導!世界で一つのオリジナル「いろ色浜独楽」作り 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
創業から100年を超える株式会社タケツネ。滋賀県伝統的工芸品として指定された「輪奈ビロード」の織機工場を見学し、作業場で職人さんの手仕事を見ながら、その技術と歴史を6代目代表が語ります。作業工程の一部である、「芯抜き」を体験いただけます。織田信長も愛用した「ビロード」の生地。かつてポルトガルより伝来し、数百年の時を経て、現代まで受け継がれている伝統工芸品です。創業1919年の「株式会社タケツネ」では、伝統と技術を守りながら、絹100%の高級絹織物「輪奈ビロード」の歴史や技術、そして熟練した職人が手がける工場や作業場の日常風景をご紹介いたします。輪奈ビロードの特徴は輪奈というループ (タオル生地のパイルのようなもの)によって柄を織り成しており、人の手、人の目によって緻密につくられる、とてもめずらしい生地です。実際に生地をさわり、作業の一部である芯抜きを体験してください。きっとあなたも「輪奈ビロード」のファンになるはず!お帰りの際には、「輪奈ビロード」で制作したオリジナルマスク(3,000円相当)をお持ち帰りいただきます。<<株式会社タケツネ>>大正8年創業以来今日まで100年を超えて、輪奈ビロード一筋に研究と改良を重ね、多種多様な輪奈ビロードを織りつづけています。今後も伝統を継承しつつ、ビロードをはじめとした「和」が人々の生活に溢れるよう、新たな織物開発に今も努力を重ねております。《料金》 お1人様 7,000円《最少催行人員》 1名様~ 《予約締切日》2日前まで《取消料》前日50%・当日(無連絡含む)100% 基本情報 〒526-0056滋賀県長浜市朝日町36-2TEL : 0749-62-0310 営業時間 9:00~17:00 定休日 土・日・祝 URL 【タケツネ6代目代表がご案内】絹100%高級絹織物「輪奈(わな) ビロード」の織機工場見学と 作業場で職人の手仕事を見る! 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
日本伝統総合芸術人形浄瑠璃の「冨田人形会館」施設見学と人形を実際に操る貴重な体験です。【体験】「冨田人形会館」施設見学と、人形遣いを実際に体験・操作します。会館には、人形浄瑠璃の舞台があり、沢山の人形や芝居道具も保管しており、見学中には実際に見て触れる事もできます。人形遣いでは、日本独特な3人で1体の人形を動かします。3人の呼吸を合わせて滑らかな動きを目標に体験下さい。【冨田人形】長浜市富田町に伝わる冨田人形は、百数十年の伝統を誇る人形浄瑠璃です。江戸時代巡業にきた阿波の一座が、路銀代わりに道具全てを置いて帰ったのが始まりといいます。 その伝統は今でも守られ、「人形遣い、三味線弾き、語りの太夫」の3業を日々稽古に励むほか、年2回の定期公演や国内を始め海外での公演も行っている。近年では、外国からの留学生受入れなど、冨田人形を通じて交流が広がっている。<<料金>> 一組(3名単位) 30,000円※人形操作に3名必要となる為、3名様単位でお申込み下さい。どうしても3名様に満たない場合は、実施施設にお問合せ下さい。<<ご予約締切日>> 10日前<<取消料>> 予約完了後より10% 5~2日前30% 前日50% 当日・無連絡100% 基本情報 〒526-0131滋賀県長浜市富田町758TEL : 090-9042-4839(阿部) URL 【貴重な伝統芸能体験】浄瑠璃冨田人形の舞台見学と人形遣い体験 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
Keiunkan at Mt. Ibuki
Address2-5 Minato-cho, Nagahama-shi, Kanagawa 526-0067 Operating Hours9:30-17:00 (admission until 16:30) TEL0749-62-0740 Official Website Keiunkan is a guest house built in the Meiji period (1868-1912) by Asami Matazo, a wealthy merchant in Nagahama, with his private fortune. This building is now used as a venue for the Nagahama Plum Bonsai Exhibition, drawing many visitors. The second Matazo built a vast garden. Its magnificent design overwhelms viewers and is in perfect harmony with the pure Japanese-style building. In the extensive grounds of about 6,000 square meters, there are many sites of interest, such as an over 5-meter giant lantern, Japan's largest stone tablet with a Matsuo Basho's haiku poem inscribed on it, and a tea room built at the same time as the Keiunkan main hall.
Seiryuji Tokugenin Temple
Address288 Kiyotaki, Maibara, Shiga 521-0203 Operating HoursThe shrine will reopen for viewing by appointment only from April 2011. TEL0749-57-0047 This Tendai sect temple is a family temple of the Kyogoku family, built by Kyogoku Ujinobu in 1286. There is the family's grave in the cemetery, which has been designated as a National Historic Site, and also a main hall, a Buddhist hall, and a three-story pagoda in the quiet precincts. Among them, the vermilion three-story pagoda was built in 1672 by Kyogoku Takatoyo, the lord of the Sanuki Marugame domain, and has been designated as a Cultural Property by Shiga Prefecture. Its Japanese strolling garden offers an elegant atmosphere, with weeping cherry trees called Doyo Zakura in spring and bush clovers growing and blooming in front of the main hall in autumn.
Shizugatake Lift
AddressOon, Kimoto-cho, Nagahama City, 529-0431, Japan Operating Hours9:00-17:00 (last boarding for downhill is 16:45) *November: until 16:00 (last alighting for downhill is 15:45) Regular holidaysPlease check our website for the latest information before coming. TEL0749-82-3009 Official Website Mt. Shizugatake, one of the Eight Views of Lake Biwa, commands views of the Okubiwako area and Chikubu Island from north to south, Mt. Ibuki to the east, and Lake Yogo to the north. This is the site of the Battle of Shizugatake, which was fought in 1583 between Hashiba Hideyoshi (later Toyotomi Hideyoshi) and Shibata Katsuie, featuring a battlefield monument and a monument to the war dead. Various hiking courses are available to enjoy the scenery of Lake Biwa and Lake Yogo and the historic sites. In May, you can watch crested irises in full bloom from inside the Shizugatake Lift. The green trees and light purple flowers are a perfect contrast.
Kojo Taxi
AddressOnoe Port, Kohoku-cho, Nagahama 529-0364 Operating Hours10:00-17:00 (reception, by appointment only) Regular holidaysClosed in case of stormy weather (irregular holidays apply) Fishermen of the Onoe Port take passengers to recommended spots, which vary depending on the season or the weather of the day, in a sightseeing boat. It sails near the Okubiwako area. You can see the lake water's surface up close in this rebuilt fishing boat.
Nagahama Railway Museum (Former Nagahama Station Building)
Address1-41 Kitafune-cho, Nagahama-shi, Kanagawa 526-0057 Operating Hours9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. *entry by 4:30 p.m. Regular holidaysDecember 29 - January 3 TEL0749-63-4091 Official Website This first Nagahama station was built in 1882 as the first station of the Hokuriku Line. It is the oldest existing station building in Japan and was designated as a railway monument in the first selection. Inside the building, the stationmaster's office and the waiting room remain as they used to be. In the premises, you can see some railway heritage from the Meiji period (1868-1912), such as the stone tablets put in the tunnels of the former Hokuriku Line and the 29th switch point of the former Nagahama Station.
Kunitomo Gun Museum
Address534 Kunitomo-machi, Nagahama 526-0001, Japan Operating Hours9:00-17:00 (admission until 16:30) Regular holidaysOpen all year round (closed only from December 28 to January 3) TEL0749-62-1250 Official Website It is said to have flourished as a manufacturing center of firearms in the Sengoku (Warring States) period, along with Sakai in Osaka, been known as the home of firearms, and received orders from many warlords, including Oda Nobunaga. Kunitomo Ikkansai (1778-1840), whose real name was Kunitomo Tobe, is famous for developing air rifles and distance-measuring equipment and observing sunspots continuously using his handmade telescope.
Kogan Road and Ho Park
Address1325 Koen-cho, Nagahama City, Shiga 526-0065 The sunset viewed from Kogan Road and Ho Park in Nagahama has been designated as one of the top 100 sunsets in Japan. With a wider landscape from east to west than other areas in Lake Biwa, this place offers a memorable, dynamic sunset view.
Doganji Temple Kannondo Temple Hall
Address50 Toganji, Takatsuki-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 529-0233 Operating Hours9:00~17:00 (until 4:00 p.m. in winter) Official Website The eleven-faced Kannon statue placed in this hall is said to be the most beautiful among the seven eleven-faced Kannon statues in Japan that have been designated as national treasures. This Japanese sculpture masterpiece looks filled with mercy, which deserves to be called the deity of prayer.
Nagahama Castle
Address10-10 Koen-cho, Nagahama City, Shiga 526-0065 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 (admission at 16:30) Regular holidaysYear-end and New Year holidays (Dec. 27 to Jan. 2): *The museum is temporarily closed for special exhibitions and other exhibition changes. Official Website Nagahama Castle, where Toyotomi Hideyoshi spent time as a lord at the end of the Sengoku (Warring States) period, was demolished in the early Edo period, and the remains were transported and used in the construction of Hikone Castle and Daitsuji Temple. Only some parts of the stone wall and well were left at the site. It was restored as Showa Shinjo in 1983, which was modeled after the appearance of the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1603). The inside of the castle is open to the public as a historical museum.
Daitsuji Temple
Address32-9 Motohama-cho, Nagahama-shi, Kanagawa 526-0059 Operating Hours10:00-16:00 Regular holidaysDecember 29 - January 4 TEL0749-62-0054 Official Website This is a branch temple of the Otani school of the Jodo Shin sect (Higashi Honganji Temple). It is officially called Mugechizan Daitsuji but is commonly known as "Nagahama Gobo." This temple dates back to when Kyonyo Shonin opened a dojo center in the former Nagahama Castle to preach Buddhism to the followers in the Kohoku region. In the late Azuchi-Momoyama period, Higashi Honganji Temple was built in Kyoto with Daitsuji Temple as a mido hall, and four years later, the temple was relocated to its present location. Many of the properties, such as the main hall and the large hall, which are said to have been made with the remains of Fushimi-Momoyama Castle, and the side gate, which was moved and reused from the Ottemon gate of Nagahama Castle, have been designated as Important Cultural Properties of the country or the city.
Nagahama Hikiyama Museum
Address12-38 Motohama-cho, Nagahama-shi, Kanagawa 526-0059 Operating HoursOpen 9:00-17:00 (admission 16:30) Regular holidays12/29 - 1/3 TEL0749-65-3300 Official Website This museum introduces the history and culture of the Nagahama Hikiyama Festival. Featuring hikiyama floats decorated with Japanese traditional crafts such as metalwork, carving, and lacquering, the Nagahama Hikiyama Festival is spectacular as it is called "the moving art gallery." The museum permanently exhibits four dashi floats called hikiyama. The large screen with the latest technology displays gorgeous and powerful images, creating a fully immersive atmosphere of the festival.
Rosa & Berry Tawada - English Garden
SHAUN THE SHEEP AND SHAUN’S IMAGEARE ™ AARDMAN ANIMATIONS LTD. 2023 Address605-10 Tawada, Maibara, Shiga 526-0081 Operating Hours10:00-17:00 (last admission - 16:30) Regular holidaysClosed on Tuesdays (open if Tuesday is a national holiday) TEL0749-54-2323 Official Website Instagram Facebook X(Twitter) This is a tourist garden surrounded by quiet mountain areas. It features a garden with many roses and perennials, the world's first "Shaun the Sheep" farm garden area, and a farm where people can interact with sheep and ponies. There are also restaurants, a barbecue facility, shops, and a bread-making workshop. With a train running through the garden, Rosa & Berry Tawada is a popular sightseeing spot for relaxing days off.
Kotone Tunnel
This short tunnel, 56 meter long and 6.2 meter high, is the oldest existing railway tunnel in Japan. This is one of the tunnels constructed for the service of the Hokuriku Line, which connects the coast of the Sea of Japan, an important transport passage for the Kitamaebune route, to Nagahama, the starting point of ship transportation for the Tsuruga Port and Lake Biwa.
Keisokuji Temple
AddressFuruhashi, Kinomoto-cho, Nagahama 529-0411 Operating Hours9:00-16:00 Regular holidayswithout a holiday Keisokuji Temple was built by Buddhist priest Gyoki in 724 but was devastated later. Then, it was restored by Saicho as a temple of the Tendai sect in 799. It flourished as the core of Buddhist culture in the Kohoku region and became a prayer hall for the three generations of the Azai family, the lord of Odani Castle, and then the Toyotomi family. Its significance at that time is still visible, indicated by stone steps with a gentle slope, mossy stone walls on both sides, and autumn leaves of as many as 200 old maple trees filling the precincts.
Seiganji Temple
Address669 Yonehara, Yonehara, 521-0012 Japan Operating Hours09:00-17:00 (until 16:00 in winter only) Regular holidaysTuesdays, 4th and 5th Mondays TEL0749-52-0463 Official Website This temple has one of the Seven Lucky Gods of Omi scattered in the eastern part of Lake Biwa. The zen temple at the western foot of Mt. Futoo is said to date back to when Kyogoku Doyo, also known as Basara Daimyo (unconventional feudal lord), built a mido hall with his transcribed scriptures stored. The dry landscape garden built in the early Edo period by Mr. Katori, the designer of Raku-Raku-En Garden of the Keyaki Goten (the Ii family residence), has been designated as a National Place of Scenic Beauty.
Odani Castle Ruins
AddressIbe, Kohoku-cho, Nagahama City, Nagahama 529-0313, Japan Odani Castle was located on Mt. Odani (495.1 meters) in Nagahama and served as the residence for three generations of the Azai family. It was built around 1525 and is regarded as one of the three greatest medieval mountain castles. This castle is associated with the Azai family. The castle ruins command panoramic views of Lake Biwa and the Kohoku region. Walls were placed along the peak of the mountain from east to west, utilizing its natural terrain. The cornerstones of the building were found in the sites of the Honmaru hall and the large hall. The ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1937.
AddressAwai, Maibara-shi, Maibara 521-0035, Japan The Isame-no-Shimizu spring running along the Nakasendo highway is said to have been used by Yamato Takeru to wash away the poison from his body. This healing, famous water still wells up and quenches the thirst of people.
Hokkoku Kaido Kinomoto-juku
AddressKinomoto, Kinomoto-cho, Nagahama 529-0425 This area flourished as a town built around Kinomoto Jizoin Temple. It was a post town connecting the Hokkoku Kaido highway and the Hokkoku Wakiokan road and was crowded with travelers and visitors to the Jizo statue in the temple. The Kinomoto-juku station had a stream running through its center and willow trees planted, which offered a post-station-like townscape until the beginning of the Showa period. However, the stream was later reclaimed, and the atmosphere of the old town remains only in merchant houses.
Nakasendo Kashiwabara-juku
AddressKashiwabara, Maibara City, 521-0202 The Kashiwabara-juku post town used to stretch out to the area of the present-day Kashiwabara Station on the JR Tokaido Main Line. It was the largest post town along the Nakasendo highway, which extended for 13 towns (approx. 1.5 kilometers from east to west). It is said to have had 344 houses, but now only night lights and several houses with low eaves, which are unique to post towns along highways, remain. This post town is also famous as a production center of Ibuki moxa, which is mentioned in the Kisoji Meisho Zue book.
Nagahama Bonbai Exhibition
Address2-5 Minato-cho, Nagahama-shi, Kanagawa 526-0067 Operating Hours9:00-17:00, admission until 20:00 when illuminated at night Official Website Many Bonbai potted plums lined up in the Japanese-style room of Keiunkan, which was built in the Meiji period (1868-1912), are worth seeing. Selected from around 300 pots, about 90 pots in full bloom are regularly exhibited according to their blooming season. They include a 3-meter-high giant tree and a 400-year-old tree. They are fantastically illuminated at night for a limited time only. The vast Chisen strolling garden, a National Place of Scenic Beauty, is also a must-see.
Mishima Pond
AddressIkeshita, Maibara City, 521-0221 This oval-shaped pond was built as an agricultural water pond about 700 years ago. The usual water level is around 50 centimeters, and the water is clear and cold. This pond is inhabited by many species and is also visited by various water birds and wild birds. After a two-year observation by many Daito Junior High School students, Mishima Pond was designated as a natural monument by Shiga Prefecture in 1959 as the southernmost natural breeding ground for mallard ducks. It is also a famous viewing spot for cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. In spring and autumn, they are in beautiful harmony with the reflection of Mt. Ibuki on the water's surface.
Nagahama Castle Historical Museum
Address10-10 Koen-cho, Nagahama City, 526-0065, Japan Operating Hours9:00-17:00 (admission at 16:30) Regular holidaysYear-end and New Year holidays (Dec. 27 - Jan. 2) *The museum may be temporarily closed for exhibition changes. TEL0749-63-4611 Official Website Nagahama Castle, where Toyotomi Hideyoshi spent time as a lord at the end of the Sengoku (Warring States) period, was demolished in the early Edo period, and the remains were transported and used in the construction of Hikone Castle and Daitsuji Temple. It was reconstructed as Showa Shinjo in 1983, which was modeled after the appearance of the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1603). The inside of the castle is open to the public as a historical museum, and special or feature exhibitions are temporarily held in the exhibition rooms. The observatory on the fifth floor overlooking the Kohoku region allows visitors to experience the importance of Nagahama in the Warring States period through narration and sound effects.
Mt. Ibuki
AddressUeno, Maibara-shi, Shiga 521-0312 Official Website The approximately 1,377-meter Mt. Ibuki is the highest mountain in Shiga Prefecture. It is one of the 100 famous Japanese mountains, with a solid masculine figure. Located on the border with Gifu Prefecture, Mt. Ibuki has its top with panoramic views of Lake Biwa, the Hira and Hiei Mountains, the Japan Alps, and the Ise Bay. Mentioned in Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters) and Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) and appearing in a legend of Yamato Takeru, this historic mountain has been famous since old times as a treasure house of well-known herbal medicine, sub-alpine plants, wild birds, and insects.
Lake Yogo
Address Yogo Town, Nagahama City It is located to the north of Lake Biwa, separated by one low peak. In ancient times, Lake Biwa was called Oumi, and Lake Yogo was called Ika no Koemi. It is a mysterious lake with legends of a heavenly maiden's robe of feathers and the dragon goddess Princess Kikuseki. It is also known as "Mirror Lake. The lake is home to many fish species, including the Iwatako catfish, a specialty that lives only in Lake Yogo and Lake Biwa, as well as wakasagi (smelt), crucian carp, carp, eels, and catfish. Wakasagi fishing is a popular winter activity. Even beginners can easily catch fish.
Chikubu Island
AddressChikubujima, Hayasaki Town, Nagahama City, 526-0124 Official Website With a circumference of about two kilometers, this small island is located about six kilometers away from the coast, enshrining Hogonji Temple and Tsukubusuma Shrine. The principal images of Hogonji Temple are Benzaiten and Senju-kannon (thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara). The image of Benzaiten here is one of the Three Great Shrines of Benzaiten in Japan, along with those at Miyajima in Aki and Enoshima in Sagami. As the 30th holy site of the Saigoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage temples, this place has attracted many visitors since the medieval period. The karamon gate of Hogonji Temple is said to be the only remains of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Osaka Castle and has been designated as a national treasure along with the main shrine of Tsukubusuma Shrine. The island is one of the Eight Views of Lake Biwa.
Kohoku Wild Birds Center
AddressImanishi, Kohoku-cho, Nagahama 529-0365 Operating Hours9:00~16:30 Regular holidaysTuesdays (or the following day if Tuesday is a national holiday) Year-end and New Year holidays (December 29 - January 3) TEL0749-79-1289 Official Website Located in Kohoku Water Bird Park, this facility allows visitors to watch water birds on Lake Biwa, including rare birds such as whistling swans and bean gooses, through the observatory windows using field scopes or binoculars. The nature of the entire park is explained using panels, specimens, and real Lake Biwa fish and water plants kept in tanks, which helps adults and children visually learn about nature while having fun.
Kaiyodo Figure Museum
Address13-31 Motohama-cho, Nagahama-shi, Kanagawa 526-0059 Operating HoursOpen 10:00-17:00 (last admission 30 minutes before closing) Regular holidaysnon-scheduled holiday TEL0749-68-1680 Official Website This is Japan's first museum to exhibit only figures. The figure museum features small figures, mainly toys that come with chocolate, on dioramas, attempting to produce dramas in the world inside the boxes.
Kurokabe Square
Address12-38 Motohama-cho, Nagahama-shi, Kanagawa 526-0059 Operating HoursThere are no holidays as a whole, but some stores may have regular holidays. TEL0749-65-2330 Official Website One part of the old town along the Hokkoku Kaido highway is called Kurokabe Square. This old town is dotted with about 30 interesting shops, such as the Kurokabe Glass Museum, a renovated old bank that has been referred to as Kurokabe Bank since the Meiji period (1868-1912), glass shops, studios, galleries, workshops, restaurants, and cafes.
Yanmar Museum
Address6-50 Sanwa-cho, Nagahama, 526-0055: Operating Hours10:00-17:30 (reception: 09:45-16:30, last admission: 17:00) Regular holidaysEvery Monday (or the following weekday if the Monday is a national holiday or substitute holiday) Year-end and New Year holidays TEL0749-62-8887 Official Website Instagram With the concept of "Let's try! 'Exciting Future' Challenge!," this museum allows children, who will play important roles in future society, to learn things while seeing, touching, and experiencing. It ensures that not only children but also adults get excited about activities such as a projection mapping theater, where people can experience the challenging story of the founder, contents to enjoy learning about the mechanism of engines using body movement, agriculture and fishery experiences using screens, and a real power shovel maneuvering experience.
AddressAwai, Maibara-shi, Maibara 521-0035, Japan TEL0749-59-0322 This is the famed water welling up in Kamo-jinja Shrine in Samegai. Mentioned in Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters) and Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), this healing water is said to have been used by Yamato Takeru to remove poison from his body when he came down with a fever. This spring water wells up from under the stone walls on the side of the precincts of the shrine and flows into a river along the old Nakasendo highway. It is indispensable for people living in Samegai, as well as nearby Saigyosui and Juosui spring water, and healed those who visited this post town.
Gransnow Okuibuki
AddressOku-Ibuki, Kozuhara, Maibara, 521-0301 Operating HoursPlease check the website for hours of operation. TEL0749-59-0322 Official Website With panoramic views of the majestic Lake Biwa and the Northern Alps, this facility allows people to enjoy skiing and snowboarding on wide trails. This is one of the largest skiing grounds in the Kansai area, with a variety of trails, including the mogul trail with an average 30-degree grade, the Tenguiwa trail with a magnificent panoramic view, wide slopes, dynamic slopes, kids trails, and a snow park.
AddressSugaura, Nishiazai-cho, Nagahama 529-0726 Its terrain of overhanging the shoreline is beautiful like fjord in Nordic countries. Go down the street with trees that look beautiful on the surface of the lake to get to the Sugaura village, which is called the "hidden village." When you go through the four-legged thatched gate, which used to be a security gate, the nostalgic scenery of a fishing village will appear in front of you.
Semegai Trout Farm
AddressKamiotanou, Maibara-shi, Maibara 521-0033, Japan Operating HoursVaries depending on the time of year. Please check the website for details. Regular holidaysYear-end and New Year holidays (December 28 - January 4) TEL0749-54-0301 (weekdays) Official Website Located in the Semegai Kyokoku valley, a Special Place of Scenic Beauty, this is one of the oldest trout aquaculture facilities in Japan, founded in 1878 utilizing the clear water of Souya River and a vast riverbed. This facility consists of 83 farming ponds, a museum, a laboratory, an aquarium, a fish school, restaurants, a concession stand, and trout fishing ponds. You can buy fish you catch and take them home. In restaurants inside and near the facility, you can also enjoy various types of trout dishes, such as raw, fried, and salt-grilled, in a rich natural environment.
Baikamo in Jizo River
AddressAwai, Maibara-shi, Maibara 521-0035, Japan Consisting of clear water from various sources such as Isame-no-Shimizu, Jizo River is famous for baikamo (common water crowfoot), a rare flower that blooms in water. The water temperature is stable at around 14 degrees throughout the year. Rare freshwater fish smallhead sticklebacks live in this river. Isame-no-Shimizu was selected as one of the 100 Exquisite and Well-Conserved Waters of the Heisei Period by the Environment Ministry in June 2008.
Amano River Fireflies
AddressNagaoka, Maibara City, 521-0242 The area around Nagaoka in Maibara City was designated as a special national treasure in 1952 as "Nagaoka's Genji fireflies and their habitat." Nagaoka is the only area that was designated as a special national treasure, which is given to globally or nationally highly valued national treasures. The Amanogawa Firefly Festival is held annually around June. A fantastic view of fireflies flying in the dark is a must-see.
Discovery Japan in Lake Biwa Tour
Address10-27 Motohama-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0059 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 Regular holidaysThursdays Early Dec. to mid-March Closed during winter TEL0749-53-2255 Official Website Instagram Participants start touring Kurokabe Square, one of the sightseeing spots in Nagahama, and then ride on a sightseeing boat to sail on Lake Biwa. You can view the historical Nagahama townscape and the magnificent Lake Biwa from an amphibious vehicle. Enjoy the extraordinary scenery and experience that can be achieved only through this tour.
Address1150-10 Ishida-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0814 Operating Hours8:00-17:00 *Please check Instagram for strawberry picking hours. Regular holidaysSaturdays, Sundays, holidays *Changes during the strawberry picking period (mid-March to mid-May) *For details, please check from Instagram. TEL0749-65-2477 Official Website Instagram Facebook This farm was launched to produce mangoes in the snowfall area of Nagahama. In Ishida-cho, Nagahama, where Ishida Mitsunari was born, it grows tropical fruit of mangoes in wooden greenhouses. As well as mangoes raised with affection, the farm produces and sells black garlic and also offers strawberry-picking experiences from mid-March to mid-May.
Blueberry Garden Ibuki
Address913-1 Sugisawa, Maibara-shi, Shiga 521-0322 Operating HoursBlueberry picking Weekends and holidays: 9:00-16:00 Weekdays: 10:00-14:00 Barbecue: 11:00-15:00 Regular holidaysMay-Nov. Tuesdays and Thursdays TEL090-5045-8713 Official Website Instagram Facebook In this tourist farm located at the foot of Mt. Ibuki, one of the 100 famous Japanese mountains, you can enjoy blueberry-picking and barbecuing. It offers all-you-can-eat large blueberries with no time limit from June to August. Strollers and wheelchairs are allowed on the farm. The barbecue season is from May to November. The facility is equipped with a roof, so there are no worries of rain. The farm can prepare food if you wish. Its farm cafe offers smoothies, ice creams, drinks, and jams made with harvested blueberries.
Green Park Santo
Address80-1 Ikeshita, Maibara-shi, Shiga 521-0221 Operating Hours8:30-17:30 (Kamoike-so office) Regular holidaysopen every day of the year Official Website Instagram Facebook This outdoor complex facility with a vast field allows visitors to enjoy the nature that changes with the seasons, such as cherry blossoms, autumn leaves, and snow. Equipped with accommodation, it has been well received by those who climb Mt. Ibuki or visit Gransnow Okuibuki. You can try the 100-meter-long slide and the adventure playground, play on the tennis court, enjoy barbecuing, or use the cottage like a second house. The beautiful skin bath in the accommodation Kamoikeso is available even for day-use visitors, so it is popular among campers.
AddressGrand Element (Resort in Green Park Santo), 60-1 Ikeshita, Maibara-shi, Shiga 521-0221 Operating HoursCheck-in 15:00 Check-out 11:00 Regular holidayswinter vacation (holidays) Official Website Instagram Facebook This is a glamping facility at the foot of Mt. Ibuki. It has a total of 18 rooms in six types, such as tent and cabin rooms. Charges are all-inclusive, including food, activities, and bar service. The facility offers seasonal dishes using local ingredients, and a concierge prepares and cleans food on the wooden deck of each room. All rooms also come with a canoe.
Kashinokura Kadoya
Address1072 Kinomoto, Kinomoto-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 529-0425 Operating Hours8:00-18:00 Regular holidaysnon-scheduled holiday TEL0749-82-2031 Official Website Facebook This Japanese confectionery shop was founded in 1930 in front of the gate of Kinomoto Jizoin Temple, which enshrines one of the three great Jizo of Japan. The shop was revamped to produce and sell Western confectioneries and baked confectioneries, as well as traditional Japanese confectioneries. On the second floor is a cafe renovated from an old-fashioned Japanese-style room. In this soothing Japanese-style space, you can have a relaxing time while watching the Jizoin temple.
Michi-no-Eki Kohoku Mizudori Station
Address1731-1 Imanishi, Kohoku-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 529-0365 Operating HoursApril-October: Shop: 9:00-18:00, Restaurant: 10:30-17:30*Some menus close at 15:30November-March: Shop: 9:00-17:00, Restaurant: 10:30-16:30*Some menus close at 15:30 Regular holidays3rd Tuesday of the month, Year-end and New Year holidays TEL0749-79-8060 Official Website Instagram X(Twitter) This roadside station is a rest stop located on the north shore of Lake Biwa with clear water and a beautiful sunset view. Various species of water birds come to this place, capturing many people who visit to watch the rich nature around the lake. It sells freshly harvested vegetables and fruit delivered in the morning from local farmers, Omi rice, prepared dishes, and funa-zushi (fermented sushi). It has been used as a supermarket by local residents.
Uotomo Shoten
Address52, Kohoku Higashi Ogami-cho, Nagahama City, Shiga 529-0363, Japan Operating Hours8:00-17:00 Regular holidaysTemporarily closed on Sundays TEL0749-79-0273 Instagram This shop steams Lake Biwa fish every day using a unique production method. It offers standard tsukudani (preserved food boiled down in soy sauce) products, such as small-sized sweetfish, ebimame (shrimps and beans), willow gudgeon, freshwater goby, pond smelt, and tsukudani of the day, which features an unusual kind of fish depending on the catch of the day. You may enjoy the taste of rare fish, such Biwa rock catfish and tenaga-ebi long-armed freshwater prawn. Fermented sushi, such as nare-zushi, ugui-zushi, and hasuko-zushi, is also available. Uotomo Shoten's products featuring the rich blessings of Lake Biwa have many repeat customers not only from the local area but also from outside the prefecture.
Address6-22 Asahi-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0056 Operating Hours9:00-19:00 Regular holidaysSunday Official Website Instagram This is an about 60-year-old neighborhood supermarket. Futabaya, which is also a long-established grocery store, focuses the most on fruit and offers fresh seasonal fruit purchased from farmers and contractors throughout Japan. Sandwiches, fresh ice cream, and shaved ice using its fruit have recently attracted attention, drawing visitors from all over Japan.
Yamaji Shuzo Co., Ltd
昭和3年以前の店舗 Address990 Kinomoto, Kinomoto-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 529-0425 Operating Hours9:00-18:00 Regular holidaysWednesday Official Website Instagram Yamaji Shuzo was founded in 1532 and is known as the fourth-oldest sake brewery in Japan. The famous items are Japanese sake Hokurikukaido and Kuwasake, a liqueur with mulberry tree leaves soaked in, which was developed based on its locality famous for the sericulture industry. This liquor features natural sweetness made using the traditional mirin production method preserved since its foundation. Kuwasake Mojito, which is drunk on the rocks or mixed with lemon slices, mint leaves, and soda water, is also popular.
Kikusui Ame Honpo
Address576 Sakaguchi, Yogo-machi, Nagahama, Shiga 529-0522 Operating Hours10:00 - sunset Regular holidaysnon-scheduled holiday TEL0749-86-2028 Official Website The Kikusui Ame candy has been beloved with its tradition as a specialty of the Hokkoku Kaido highway from the Edo period (1603-1868). It is a whipped, white paste into which the maltose is broken down from grain starch without the use of sugar or additives. It has a moderately sweet taste and can be eaten like starch syrup, by wrapping it around a chopstick. Meanwhile, Kikusui-no-Tsubuame is a regular-style candy featuring a refreshing aftertaste, with sugar added to starch syrup.
Tomita Shuzo Inc.
Address1107 Kinomoto, Kinomoto-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 529-0425 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 Regular holidaysnon-scheduled holiday TEL0749-82-2013 Official Website Instagram Facebook Tomita Shuzo is a sake brewery with more than 480 years of history along the Hokkoku Kaido highway at the foot of Mt. Shizugatake in the northernmost part of Lake Biwa. With the concept of valuing the locality, this brewery focuses on producing true local sake brewed with rice, water, and environment in Shiga in partnership with local farmers. It aims to produce food-friendly sake with the rich flavor of rice. It sells not only Japanese sake but also sake lees sweets and goods such as T-shirts. The shop displays a tablet with the calligraphy "Shichi Hon Yari" (seven spears) by the young Kitaoji Rosanjin, which is also worth seeing.
Ganso Kata Bouro Honpo
Address3-16 Asahi-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0056 Operating Hours9:00-19:00 Regular holidaysTuesdays (open if Tuesday is a national holiday) TEL0749-62-1650 Official Website For 129 years since its foundation in 1894, this shop has produced Kata Bouro, a confectionery with a traditional taste and hardness. Being a purveyor to the Imperial Household Agency and the former Imperial Japanese Army, this confectionery has jagged edges, made by baking bread dough twice and coating it with sugar and ginger. Its simple taste makes you feel nostalgic. Meanwhile, the product Takara-no-Tsuyu used to be presented to the Imperial Household Agency and won a Chado Urasenke Iemoto Award. This product is round monaka crispy wafers with a lot of Tokachi's full-bodied sweet bean paste inside and ginger sugar coated outside.
Douji Shoten
Address6-3 Takada-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0037 Operating Hours11:00-16:00 Regular holidaysOpen only on Thursdays Instagram Douji Shoten sells ohagi (sticky rice covered in sweet red bean paste) with a nostalgic taste and seasonal rice cakes and cookies. As well as its signature product of ohagi, the shop offers different kinds of rice cakes depending on the season, such as cherry blossom rice cakes and mugwort rice cakes in spring and bamboo leaf rice cakes in summer, to have customers enjoy the seasonal taste. The shop uses carefully selected healthy ingredients as its owner goes to the mountains to pick cherry blossom petals and mugwort.
Nagahama Roman Beer
Address14-1 Asahi-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0056 Operating HoursWeekdays 11:30-15:00, 17:00-21:00: Weekends and holidays 11:30-21:00 Regular holidaysTuesday Official Website Run by a brewery and distillery, this shop serves freshly made craft beer and craft whiskey. You can fully enjoy the atmospheric space in its restaurant renovated from a rice stock room in the Edo period (1603-1868). It also offers beer hall meals that go well with beer, such as food menus using local ingredients and meat dishes, mostly made with Omi Beef. Please feel free to drop by during your trip.
Mitsutoshi Honpo
Address1601 Oura, Nishiasai-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 529-0721 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 Regular holidaysClosed in the morning on the 2nd and 3rd Sunday of every month TEL0749-89-0191 Instagram Mitsutoshi has been in the peanut cracker business for 50 years since its foundation. The shop has been beloved by local residents. The name "Mitsutoshi" is said to be named after the first letter of the four brothers of the founder's grandfather. The shop uses soft brown sugar, mirin (sweet sake), and honey in dough, kneads chopped roasted peanuts into the dough, and bakes it using a unique method. The crackers have a reputation that their unique flavor and texture make you addicted once you eat.
Michi-no-Eki Shiotsu Kaido Ajikama-no-Sato
Address1765 Shiotsuhama, Nishiazai-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 529-0701 Operating HoursSummer 9:00-17:00: Winter (December to February) - 16:00 (extended by 1 hour on weekends and holidays) Regular holidaysTuesday TEL0749-88-0848 Official Website This is a roadside station along National Route 8 in Nishiazai-cho, Nagahana, which is above the northernmost part of Lake Biwa. Located at a transport interchange point of the Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe region, Chukyo region, and Hokuriku region, this rest stop is easily accessible, drawing many repeat customers. It offers a variety of souvenirs, such as Omi rice Koshihikari, fresh local vegetables, and lake fish including the eight rare fishes of Lake Biwa. You can also enjoy the taste of its proudest food menus, such as kamo-soba (soba noodles with duck meat), funa-zushi (fermented sushi), ochazuke (rice with tea poured on it), and lake fish tsukudani (preserved food boiled down in soy sauce). Recuperate from your trip fatigue by eating fresh ice cream or sweets using local blueberries.
umi no schole
Address1F, 13-29 Motohama-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0059 Operating HoursStore 11:00-18:00Cafe 11:00-17:00Cafe stand 12:00-15:00 Regular holidaysClosed on Tuesdays and New Year's holidays Official Website Instagram Facebook This is a commercial cultural facility built opposite the Nagahama Hikiyama Museum. It introduces the fermented food culture and provides opportunities to discover wisdom to enjoy daily life. This large facility is equipped with fermented food production rooms, such as a cheese production room, an aging cellar, a koji room, and a brewery. You can watch the operation through the glass. It also offers places for relaxing, such as a select store, a cafe, a gallery, a bookstore, and a workshop.
Address12-34, Honhama-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0059 Operating Hours10:00-17:00 Regular holidaysFriday TEL0749-62-1209 Official Website Instagram Facebook X(Twitter) This shop produces and directly sells processed sesame products focusing on ingredients and taste. Various healthy sesame products with a savory aroma are processed using its unique technique. Its signature product Gokujo Goma Abura (premium sesame oil) won the grand prize in Japan Food Selection. You may eat rice only with the aroma. Nagaha Mame, a soft and crispy bean snack coated with black sesame and soybean powder, has fans from a wide range of age groups.
Kinomoto Tsuruya Pan Honten
Address1105, Kinomoto 1105, Kinomoto-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 529-0425 Operating Hours8:00-16:00, Sundays and holidays 9:00-17:00 Regular holidayswithout a holiday TEL0749-82-3162 Official Website This is a local bakery founded in 1951 in the Hokkoku Kaido Kinomoto-juku district. Its signature product is Salad Roll, an oval-shaped loaf of bread with a lot of chopped pickled daikon radish with mayonnaise inside, which has been made since its foundation. It features a nostalgic and soft taste and an adorable retro look. Meanwhile, the local's favorite is Sandwich, which consists of fish ham in two slices of round bread. Check out the shop's appearance that preserves the atmosphere of the Showa period (1926-1989) as well.
Daiko Shoyu
Address1137 Kinomoto, Kinomoto-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 529-0425 Operating Hours9:30-18:30 Regular holidaysnon-scheduled holiday Official Website Hokkoku Kaido Kinomoto-juku is a place with rich underground water from Mt. Ibuki and is known as a brewery town, with many sake and soy sauce breweries. For about 170 years since its foundation in 1852, Daiko Shoyu has offered Japanese households delicious soy sauce made in Japanese cedar barrels. This aromatic soy sauce, made by a soy sauce brewery that places importance on offering products that people can trust based on its long history and experience, is suited as a small gift.
Biwako Restaurant ROKU
Address11-23 Motohama-cho, Nagahama-shi, Kanagawa 526-0059 Operating Hours11:00-15:00 (L.O. 14:00) 17:00-22:00 (L.O. 21:00) Regular holidaysWednesdays *Other irregular holidays Instagram ROKU is a French restaurant in Kurokabe Square and is easily accessible, a 5-minute walk from Nagahama Station. The atmospheric space is a renovated merchant house in the late Edo period, equipped with special seats in the second-floor Japanese-style room and special seats in the warehouse. Enjoy the dishes that bring out the natural taste of local seasonal ingredients grown in rich nature using a French technique based on its long years of experience.
Chuka Sakaba Arinosu
AddressEkimachi Terrace 1F, 3-24 Kitafune-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0057 Operating Hours15:00~ Regular holidaysWednesday TEL050-8883-4144 Arinosu is a small Chinese-style bar in front of Nagahama Station. This bar arranges menus so that Chinese food, which is usually served on large plates, can be ordered as small plates. This allows single customers to enjoy various kinds of authentic Chinese food. Many visit this bar alone and spend their time in their own way. Enjoy day drinking with Chinese beer, Shaoxing rice wine, or homemade sour with Chinese food.
Address10-5 Miyamae-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0053 Operating Hours11:00 - 16:00: *Monthly schedule will be uploaded on Instagram Regular holidaysMonday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday TEL0749-50-5119 Official Website Instagram This is a popular tea shop in Nagahama that offers completely organic hojicha roasted tea and matcha tea, about 40 types of tea drinks using cereals tea, wild grass tea, and black tea, and tea leaves. It also serves as a laboratory to develop original teas for clinics and restaurants in Japan, gaining deep trust from acupuncturists and yoga instructors. Spend a relaxing time in this "tea laboratory."
Zaimon Kogin(Charcoal -grilled puped pagic dish)
Address6-26 Asahi-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0056 Operating HoursLunch 11: 00-14: 00Dinner 17: 00-21: 00 Regular holidaysWednesday TEL0749-53-2838 Facebook Instagram It is an eel restaurant located near the "Black Wall Square", Nagahama on the east shore of Lake Biwa.The inside of the store, where the old private house has been renovated, has a calm atmosphere, and the skin is crisp and plump. From the evening, shift to the izakaya mode, and you can enjoy alcohol in a quaint atmosphere inside the store.
Address7-8 Motohama-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0059 Operating Hours10: 30 -Ends as soon as sold out Regular holidays[Regular holiday] Every Monday + last Tuesday / Holiday on holidays and rest the next day TEL0749-63-3663 Instagram X(Twitter) It is run in a nostalgic building with a 200 -year -old kimono wholesaler. You can taste the Yakisaba somen, which is cooked with a simmered juice and somen cooked with Nagahama's specialty grilled mackerel.
Address7-15 Motohama-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0059 Operating HoursWeekdays 10: 30-16: 00 Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 10: 30-17: 00 Regular holidaysTuesday TEL0749-62-0232 Official Website Instagram X(Twitter) A long -established store for 120 years. The local cuisine "Noppou Udon" is an exquisite taste made by a broth that has been carefully made by homemade udon. In a long history, we have been pursuing good old taste and new flavors that match the times. Please spend a leisurely time in a tasteful shop.
Santoku Santaro(Saba sushi / grilled mackerel sushi specialty store)
Address370-2 Higashino, Yogo-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 529-0527 Operating HoursBusiness hours: 10: 00-16: 00Santaro café: 11: 00-14: 30 Regular holidaysTuesday / New Year TEL0749-86-2105 Official Website Facebook Instagram X(Twitter) A specialty store for mackerel sushi and yakisaba sushi has been opened in a rural town where the border between Shiga and Fukui spreads the quiet rural landscape.Incorporating cafe menus, such as mackerel sushi, grilled mackerel sushi, loquat sushi, mackerel curry and mackerel sandwich using mackerel, can be enjoyed and enjoyed from small children to elderly people. We are aiming for making.
Address10-1 Omiya-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0054 Operating Hours11: 30-14: 30 (Final entry 13:45) 17: 00-21: 00 (Final entry 19:30) Regular holidaysIrregular holiday TEL0749-65-2588 Official Website A local restaurant where you can enjoy fish in Lake Biwa and natural duck (winter) for 130 years. A simple but simpler that can only be tasted here, even though it covers the negative image of freshwater fish and givier. Course is recommended and pre -ordered in advance.
Address392, Awai, Maibara, Shiga 521-0035, Japan Operating Hours9:00-18:00 Regular holidaysWednesday TEL0749-54-0128 Official Website Instagram This long-established confectionery shop in Nakasendo Samegai-juku has been in business for more than 100 years. It is located near Isame-no-Shimizu and Jizo River with baikamo (common water crowfoot) in bloom and is dotted with art museums and museums. Meisui Manju (steamed bread), Meisui Shokupan (a loaf of bread), and Yomogi Daifuku (mugwort daifuku rice cake) made using clear water are popular. Other favorites are fresh ice cream, shaved ice, and a dorayaki sweet pancake called Yorimichi, all of which have lovely baikamo (common water crowfoot) mixed in.
Cafe Kanou Shojuan Nagahama Kurokabe Branch
AddressBuilding 20, Kurokabe Square, 13-21 Motohama-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0059, Japan Operating HoursWagashi sales 9:00-17:00: Sweet 9:00-17:00 (L.O. 16:30): Dining 11:00-14:00 (Saturday, Sunday, and holidays only) Regular holidaysWednesday : *Subject to change at the beginning of the year, etc. TEL0749-65-0177 Instagram This is a Japanese-style cafe with black plaster walls in one part of Kurokabe Square. It offers relaxing time with a renovated 100-year-old traditional kominka house preserving its exterior appearance. You can enjoy sweets that incorporate both Japanese and Western tastes. The popular menu is Fuwamochi Dorayaki (Adult Mont Blanc), fluffy and chewy Japanese sweet pancakes with ricotta cheese and dried fruit inside and a lot of chestnut paste on top. The cafe also sells Japanese confectioneries that are suited as souvenirs.
Rantei Omelet Rice
Address14-19 Motohama-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0059 Operating Hours11:00 - around 15:00 (ends when sold out) Regular holidaysnon-scheduled holiday TEL0749-65-4170 This restaurant has a chic appearance outside but has a homey atmosphere inside. Rantei is famous for its omelet rice, whose eggs burst from inside when it is cut open. Other popular menus are hamburger steak made using Omi Japanese Black beef served with homemade demiglace sauce and Hayashi rice (hashed beef rice).
Soba-no-Sato Ibuki
Address1749-2 Ibuki, Maibara-shi, Shiga 521-0311 Operating HoursWeekdays 11:00~14:00 Weekends and holidays 11:00~15:00 Regular holidaysThursday (closed on Friday if Thursday is a national holiday) TEL0749-56-3092 This is an Ibuki soba noodle specialty restaurant run by the agricultural producers' cooperative corporation Breath Firm Ibuki. The recommendation is mori-soba (cold soba noodles on a bamboo plate), which allows customers to simply enjoy the taste of rich-flavored Ibuki soba noodles. You can also eat hikigurumi-soba (country-style soba noodles) from Monday through Wednesday and marunuki-soba (whitish soba noodles) from Friday through Sunday. On Saturdays and Sundays only, luxurious juwari-soba (soba noodles made from 100% buckwheat flour) is served in limited servings of 20 per day. Enjoy the differences between these menus. The local ingredients set meal "Ibuki," including soba tofu and soba miso, is also popular.
Address2064 Oura, Nishiasai-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 529-0721 Operating Hours17:30~23:00: *Reservations required: *Reservations must be made at least 3 days in advance. Regular holidaysTuesdays and Wednesdays *Subject to change TEL0749-89-1888 Official Website Restaurant SOWER is located in L'Hotel du Lac, a quiet Petite Auberge in Biwako Quasi-National Park. It is calmly situated on a hill overlooking the coast of Lake Biwa halfway down Kaizu Osaki. The restaurant features an open kitchen centering counter seats. The chefs dynamically prepare dishes in front of customers and serve and explain them to the customers. SOWER's meals are innovative. The staff carefully prepares food, mainly using neighborhood ingredients, to offer the Kohoku cuisine. With a focus on local and seasonal ingredients, SOWER uses locally harvested vegetables and fruit and sometimes natural herbs picked on the property. It matures the meat of deer hunted on neighborhood mountains and purchases live Lake Biwa fish caught using a Japanese traditional fishery called Eri ryo. The meals made with these valuable ingredients using various techniques, such as fermentation and aging, are so rare that they can be eaten only in this restaurant.
Address2054 Kamitanou, Maibara-shi, Shiga 521-0033 Operating HoursRestaurant 11:00 - evening (evening reservations only). Trout fishing experience is also available (reservation required, same-day fishing also possible). Regular holidaysTemporarily closed on Thursdays and for temple business TEL0749-54-0120 Official Website Samegairo welcomes customers with dishes using mountain stream fish and seasonal ingredients. This restaurant has been beloved as a hidden place of retreat in Shiga with beautiful greenery and spring water. The restaurant prepares fresh live trout caught from a fish pond in the river. It is grilled with salt over a charcoal fire or served raw. Enjoy this fish as a course meal or just order it.
Kanaya Kitchen
Address621-3, Awai, Maibara, Shiga 521-0035, Japan Operating Hours11:00-17:00: *Subject to close when materials run out. Regular holidaysEvery Wednesday TEL0749-59-3848 This restaurant and cafe is located near Samegai Station. In summer, baikamo (common water crowfoot) is in full bloom in Jizo River in the town, attracting many visitors. In a renovated private house, Kanaya Kitchen also exhibits and sells antiques and paintings. The popular food menus are donburi bowls using rainbow trout, a specialty of Samegai, Biwa trout, which is peculiar to Lake Biwa, and Omi Beef, a wagyu beef brand in Shiga. They are available only in limited quantities per day. You can also eat meals such as seared-rainbow trout oshi-zushi (pressed sushi) and soy milk rare cheesecake made from fresh local soy milk, and even take them out.
Address27 Katayama, Takatsuki-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 529-0272 Operating Hours11:00-14:30: *Close when sold out Regular holidaysTuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (open on national holidays) TEL0749-59-3206 In this restaurant with views of Tsuzura Ozaki Peninsula, Chikubu Island, and Okubiwako Parkway, you can watch cherry blossoms and greenery from spring to summer, autumn leaves in autumn, and water birds, such as Steller's sea eagles and whistling swans, and the peninsula covered with snow in winter. This Taisho Roman-inspired restaurant features soba noodles made from 100% carefully selected buckwheat flour. The restaurant uses organic vegetables, as much as possible, purchased from neighborhood contracted farmers and tenaga-ebi long-armed freshwater prawns shared by fishermen.
Milk Farm Ibuki
Address80 Ibuki, Maibara-shi, Shiga 521-0311 Operating Hours8:30~16:30 Regular holidays3 days off for New Year's Day TEL0749-58-0049 Milk Farm Ibuki has produced the old-fashioned milk brand Ibuki Milk in Maibara. The allure of this farm stems from its lovely retro package and friendly staff. It offers a variety of sweets, such as rich-flavored ice creams, including ones made from vanilla beans, yogurt, and gelato, attracting many fans. Founded in 1926, this farm has been beloved by local residents as a long-established Japanese confectionery shop.
Kasho Rokube Kurokabe Shop
Address10-27 Motohama-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0059 Operating Hours9:30-17:00 (varies depending on the season) Regular holidaysNew Year's Day TEL0749-53-2307 Instagram Facebook X(Twitter) This shop is pursuing to produce new Japanese confectioneries by focusing on the ingredients, tradition, and locality of Shiga Prefecture. The signature products include Nadai Kusamochi, a rice cake made with homegrown mugwort, Shiga Habutae Mochi rice, and Tokachi red beans, and Fuku Mitarashi, a dumpling coated with a glaze made from the local soy sauce Daiko Shoyu in Kinomoto. In the historical city of Nagahama with rich greenery and nature, the shop offers authentic Japanese confectioneries developed through the local history and culture.
How to use
How to use / Recommended Courses
Recommended Courses Refreshing trip for gourmet adults! 3-day/2-night model course to enjoy the deep Kohoku area(Japanese Site) How to use the map When you click on a pin on the map, the corresponding spot information appears. Button functions Opens the spot list. You can filter spots by category. Switches the Stroly map to Google Map. You can also switch it to other maps such as the satellite photo map. Clicking the button again returns the map to Stroly. Creates a URL (room function) only accessible by friends or family members. Shows map information, such as the title and description of the map. GPS functions Turn on GPS and your current location will be displayed on the map. (If you are within range of the map)
Hotel Yes Nagahama Ekimaekan
Address9-30 and 9-22 Minami-Gofukumachi, Nagahama, Shiga 526-0058 TEL0749-65-8080 Official Website It is a 2-minute walk from the East Exit of JR Nagahama Station. Located near Kurokabe Square, this hotel is a perfect base for sightseeing and business.
Ryokan Beniayu
Address312 Onoe, Kohoku-cho, Nagahama, Shiga 529-0364 TEL0749-79-0315 Official Website Facebook Beniayu would like to welcome guests, saying "Welcome back" rather than "Welcome." This is a lakeside inn with such hospitality. All guest rooms are equipped with a massage chair and a hot spring semi-open-air bath. A view of the Okubiwako area from the rooms facing the lake is magnificent, consorting your heart. Enjoy the dishes made with seasonal ingredients and Kokoku (lakeland) blessings and relax in an eternally slow time.
Nagahama Taiko Onsen Hamakogetsu
Address4-25 Koen-cho, Nagahama City, Shiga 526-0065, Japan TEL0749-62-1111 Official Website Instagram Facebook This hot spring hotel commands a panoramic view of the magnificent Lake Biwa. By placing importance on seasonal ingredients, Hamakogetsu also offers tasty dinners, such as Omi Beef and wild duck dishes, local food, kaiseki (traditional Japanese course) cuisine, and nabe pot dishes. Omi Beef grilled on a hot iron plate in front of customers is popular. All guest rooms face Lake Biwa, which reflects a different expression for each season. Bathtime is amazing, especially at sunset. Relax in the room with a hot spring open-air bath made of Shigaraki-yaki (Shigaraki ware).
Kitabiwako Hotel Grazie
Address4-17 Minato-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0067 TEL0749-62-7777 Official Website Instagram Facebook This resort hotel on the shore of Lake Biwa was built with the concept of the northern Italian city of Verona. It commands views of Mt. Ibuki to the east, a yacht harbor with a sunset visible to the west, and the vast Lake Biwa to the south. Sit back, relax, and enjoy yourself in this great location without minding the time. This hotel has three restaurants: a Japanese restaurant with the traditional taste inherited from a long-established ryotei high-end Japanese restaurant, an Italian restaurant that cooks carefully selected ingredients over a charcoal fire, and a pizzeria that grilles pizzas in a wood-fired kiln. Enjoy Grazie's proudest taste offered by these restaurants.
Hotel & Resorts Nagahama
Address38 Oshima-cho, Nagahama City, Shiga 526-0066, Japan TEL0749-64-2000 Official Website Instagram This is a resort hotel by Lake Biwa. Next to this hotel is Ho Park with its rich nature, containing Nagahama Castle. The hotel is 10 minutes on foot from Nagahama Station and easily accessible for sightseeing in Nagahama. It is so close to the shore of Lake Biwa that you can enjoy the spectacular evening scenery, which has been selected as one of the top 100 sunsets in Japan. The hotel offers food unique to Shiga, such as kaiseki (traditional Japanese course) cuisine and Western-style course cuisine using Omi Beef. On the first floor, there is a large bath and the Nagahama Taiko Onsen, a hot spring that becomes rusty due to oxidization when it comes in contact with the air.
Sugatani Onsen
Address36 Sugatani-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0277 Official Website Mt. Odani is known as a place where an important event of the Sengoku (Warring States) period took place. Located at the foot of the mountain, this inn has a renowned hot spring that the warlord Azai Nagamasa and his wife Oichi are said to have visited. Have a soothing time in this historical secluded hot spring. After taking a bath, you can enjoy the seasonal taste of local ingredients. Omi Beef is delicious, but the kamo nabe wild duck pot dish is also recommended.