Lake Biwa Otsu Area Tourist Map
Produced by the Biwako Branch of the JTB Ryokan Hotel Federation!
Now you can easily check out attractive spots in Shiga and Omi with a digital walking map using Stroly.
You can easily look up information on sightseeing spots, attractions, restaurants, and accommodations in Shiga online using your smartphone or PC, so you can smoothly visit places you are currently visiting or places you have always wanted to visit.
The first issue is for the Otsu area. Please enjoy the illustrated map of sightseeing information around Shiga and Lake Biwa recommended by the staff of local accommodation facilities.
update date: 2024.10.05
このマップ(地図)を見るNumber of spots : 110spots
Omi Ogoto Herb Garden Experience
Address2-18-1, Yugoto 2-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0101 Operating HoursApril-November 10:00-16:00 *Reservation priority required Regular holidaysOpen daily (business calendar will be posted on the official website) Closed during winter months: Dec. to Mar. TEL:077-572-8881 Official Website Instagram Facebook Located on a hill in Ogoto with rich nature surrounded by the lake and mountains, this garden grows organic herbs without fertilizers or pesticides. This is a participatory garden that allows visitors to learn about a forest environment developed by the local community and experience herb-based activities. You can make herb lotion and aroma spray in a workshop or purchase original items, such as organic herb tea and marmalade-type yuzu citron tea. (Recommended by Biwako Hanakaido)
Otsumatsuri Hikiyama Exhibition Pavilion Experience
Address1-2-27, Chuo 1-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0043, Japan Operating Hours9:00-18:00 Regular holidaysMondays, Obon, Year-end and New Year holidays TEL:077-521-1013 Official Website This is an exhibition hall on the Maruyacho shopping street. It features townscape replicas, including a full-scale model hikiyama float. You will be given details about the history of the festival and the hikiyama floats in a festival mood created using the sound, light, and slide of the festival. It also exhibits video footage of karakuri (mechanical doll performance), which is one of the key features of Otsu Festival, an autumn tradition in Otsu. This is a spot for people to understand the festival more deeply and enjoyably. (Recommended by Biwako Hotel)
Otsu Hyakucyoukan Experience
Address1-8-13 Chuo, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0043, Japan Operating Hours10:00 - 16:00 (Tours may not be available when the museum is available for rent) Regular holidaysMonday TEL:077-527-3636 Official Website Facebook In 1997, the Otsu-no-Machiya-wo-Kangaeru-Kai group was founded to utilize and preserve machiya traditional townhouses in Otsu so that their existence is widely recognized to revitalize the town and develop a comfortable community. In 2000, the Machizukuri Otsu Hyakuchokan hall was opened. The committee members currently offer tourist information to visitors and manage the hall. This is the only machiya townhouse in Otsu that is open to visitors. You can experience lowering the bucket down into the well to get water (advance contact required). (Recommended by Biwako Hotel)
O'PAL Experience
Address5-265-1, Yugoto 5-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0101 Operating HoursReception hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Regular holidaysThursdays (closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays from January to February / open all summer) TEL:077-579-7111 Official Website Instagram You can enjoy water activities including kayaking, standup paddleboarding, and water balling, in a rich natural environment. It is also recommended to cycle places that have the original landscape of the old days, such as terrace paddy fields and countrysides in Mt. Hiei and Ogi. Enjoy your special holidays in the nature of Lake Biwa. There is nothing to worry about activities because even beginners and children will be given careful instructions. This shop also holds seasonal events. Move your body to the fullest to refresh yourself. (Recommended by Biwako Hanakaido)
Marina Ogoto Experience
Address5-10-56, Yugoto 5-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0101 Operating HoursMay-Sep 9:00-18:00Oct-Apr 9:00-17:00 Regular holidaysTuesdays, Year-end and New Year holidays TEL:077-578-4037 Official Website Instagram Facebook Marina Ogoto offers various ways to enjoy the day as a communication spot on the lake. You can casually try cruising through yachting and sailing experiences or learn it diligently through lessons. The clubhouse consists of a restaurant, a bar, and a marine shop, allowing customers to enjoy a resort atmosphere while eating tasty food and feeling the wind from Lake Biwa. A pool and a barbecue facility are also available. Feel free to contact the shop for details. (Recommended by Biwako Ryokusuitei)
Biwaichi Bike Experience
Address1-7, Hamaotsu 5-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0047, Japan Operating HoursRegular season 9:00-17:00 Tourist season 8:00-18:00 Regular holidayswinter vacation (holidays) TEL:077-548-6572 Official Website Instagram Facebook This is a cycling station on the Otsu Port to connect cyclists to Lake Biwa. It is one of the departure bases of the Biwaichi Cycling Route and has been beloved as a place where cycling lovers gather. You can consult on any inquiries about bicycles, such as rental, problems, repair, and supplies. It also offers sightseeing information and sells souvenirs. (Recommended by Biwako Ryokusuitei) The busiest times of the year are Golden Week (around the end of April to the beginning of May, including weekdays) and Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays from April 20 to May 31, and from September 13 to November 23.
滋賀県産のオリジナルヨットで琵琶湖をセイリング 2時間コース琵琶湖で少しアクティブな時間を過ごしたいあなたに、風だけで走るヨットセイリング体験がおススメ!セイリングが初めてという方でも、メイドイン滋賀のリブレ オリジナルヨット「Actus」で安心・安全に操船を体験いただけます。日本一の琵琶湖の湖上から、比叡山や琵琶湖大橋の雄大な景色を眺めてリフレッシュ!1艇貸切(1艇につき1人のインストラクターが専属でサポート)で、特別な装備や洋服に着替える必要もなく気軽にご参加いただけるプランです。女性インストラクターによるレディースコースもご用意しております。※1艇4名様まで(対象年齢 7歳 小学生以上・保護者同伴の場合は5歳から)【体験料金】お一人につき7,700円◎追加オプション※最寄り駅または近隣のホテルまで送迎の有料オプション(要予約 当日清算)※BBQ 特選近江牛コース 6,600円/特選近江地鶏コース 4,400円の有料オプション(要予約) 基本情報 〒520-0241滋賀県大津市今堅田3-23-19 URL 手ぶらでヨット体験!【完全プライベート】★ちょっとアクティブにヨットセイリング★特別な装備・着替え不要♪ 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
株式会社オートルモンルジャポン 葛の雫
深い山と川に囲まれた、自然豊かな里山風景の中に位置する、一棟のアロマ工房で、ナチュラルで優しい雰囲気を持つ木造の建物は、アロマの香りと重なり、心安らぐ空間です。アロマの抽出や各種ハーブの栽培をしており、またその効果についての知識が豊富です。生活に密接する使用方法などをフランスで学び、良さを広めるため地元の滋賀県でアトリエを構えました。日本に居ながらフランスを感じられるような体験を目指しております。犬好きスタッフがお待ちしております♪ 基本情報 〒520-0472滋賀県大津市葛川貫井町265-1TEL : 080-4245-5629 URL 【1日1組貸切プライベートプラン】深い山と川に囲まれた里山「葛川」で1日のんびりアロマデトックス体験 【愛犬同伴OK!!1日1組貸切プライベートプラン】愛犬が優先!!!自然遊び&アロマでデトックス 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
現役漁師の駒井様がびわ湖を取り巻く環境変化や魚の知識など色々なお話をご紹介しながらの漁師体験です。ただの体験だけでは終わらせない、その一歩先にある地域の文化や暮らしぶり、環境に対する取り組みなどを深く知る事で琵琶湖の恵みをより実感・体感できる2つの体験をご用意しました。 基本情報 〒520-0522滋賀県大津市和邇中浜78 URL 現役漁師の駒井様が案内します。琵琶湖の恵みを体感!伝統漁体験 【1組限定プライベートプレミアムツアー】現役漁師の駒井様が案内します。琵琶湖の恵みを体感!伝統漁体験 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
山科で育ち、琵琶湖疏水をこよなく愛するガイド(和ウトドア・福冨氏)が、二つの古都を繋ぐ道で、自転車だからこそ味わえるウェルビーイングな旅にお連れ致します。かつて衰退した京を救った琵琶湖の水。ゆるやかな勾配に沿って流れる琵琶湖疏水の流れの周囲には、そんな歴史の深さを感じさせる物の他に、季節ごとに様々な表情を見せる風景がたくさんあります。車ではゆっくり見ることができない、そして徒歩で目指す京都は少し遠い。そんな琵琶湖疏水の旅には自転車がぴったり。京都と大津、二つの古都を繋ぐ道には自転車でしか出会えない景色とタイムトリップ体験が待っています。◎料金:大人1名 15,000円(税込)◎催行人員:2名~(2名様以上にて催行いたします)定員は基本6名までを想定していますが、ご希望に応じて対応いたしますのでご相談ください。 基本情報 〒520-0806滋賀県大津市打出浜2-1コラボしが21 URL 水がつなぐ二つの古都・琵琶湖疏水と街道を巡るウェルビーイングな時間(ガイド付きサイクリングツアー) 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
オーパルは、びわ湖最大規模の水上アクティビティ・自然体験・学習施設です。びわ湖や比叡山をステージに、湖上や山野でのさまざまな体験プログラムを通して、身近な自然と触れ合い魅力を体感する特別な時間を楽しんでいただけます。専門のインストラクターやガイドが、しっかりサポートいたします。 基本情報 〒520-0101滋賀県大津市雄琴5-265-1TEL : 077-579-7111 URL 【エコブルーツアー】ガイド同行!カヌーでヨシ帯観察&ヨシ紙クラフト体験 【エコグリーンツアー/A堅田エリア】ガイド同行サイクリングツアー!!自転車で行く小さな旅の発見 【エコグリーンツアー/B坂本エリア】ガイド同行サイクリングツアー!!自転車で行く小さな旅の発見 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
老舗「松喜屋」にて近江牛を学んで食べてご堪能下さい。【体験】400年の歴史がある近江牛は、戦国武将たちが食した史実が残る日本最古参のブランド牛。宮内省御用達として、大膳寮に天皇が召し上がる近江牛を納めてきた松喜屋の歴史と、近江牛のおはなしをさせて頂きます。そして、融点が低い近江牛を「松喜屋流」の美味しい焼き方体験を通してご堪能頂きます。冒頭20分/近江牛のおはなし 20分~90分/近江牛すき焼きの美味しい焼き方と実食【松喜屋】明治16年(1883)日本の近江牛のすき焼き屋の元祖として、東京で「松喜屋(まつきや)」が開店しました。当時「すき焼きは銀座の松喜屋」といわれ、「庄蔵」はこの松喜屋に近江牛を一手に納入しました。そしてその、「銀座の松喜屋」が、明治・大正・昭和の三代にわたり宮内省御用達として、大膳寮に天皇が召し上がる牛肉(近江牛)を納めていた事実も忘れられません。そうした縁により「松喜屋」の暖簾を継承した三代目「西居義雄」は、瀬田川畔石山に店舗を構え、現在は、四代目店主「西居基晴」が石山の本店を営業しております。<<料金>> お一人様 スタンダードプラン 12,100円 プレミアムプラン 22,000円スタンダードプラン・・・近江牛・上プレミアムプラン・・・近江牛・極上<<催行人数>> 1~20名<<ご予約締切>> 2日前<<取消料>>前日50% 当日・無連絡100% 基本情報 〒520-0851滋賀県大津市唐橋町14-17TEL : 077-534-2901(10時~20時30分) 営業時間 10:00~20:30 URL 近江牛と松喜屋の歴史と絶品近江牛すき焼き調理体験 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
畳上の格闘技!競技かるた体験【体験】伝統文化としての優雅なイメージとはうらはらに、「畳上の格闘技」とも呼ばれる競技かるたは、瞬発力、集中力、記憶力、体力など多種の能力が必要です。培うためのトレーニングなどを、聖地にて体験下さい。かるたの歴史を学んだ後、かるた有段者の実演をご覧いただき、最後に競技かるたの楽しさを感じてください。初心者用の「決まり字かるた」を使用しますので、ひらがなさえ読めれば歌を覚えていなくても、気軽に体験することができます。【近江勧学館】学問を勧められた天智天皇の御事績を仰ぎ、近江神宮を母体とする教育文化団体として、日本の伝統的な精神文化の継承をめざし、主として青少年の健全育成に資する社会教育事業を行っています。さまざまな学校や企業、団体の宿泊を伴う研修にご利用いただいているほか、競技かるたの頂点を決める「名人位・クイーン位戦」やかるたの甲子園として知られる「競技かるた全国高校選手権大会」をはじめとした、さまざまな試合のメイン会場としてご利用いただいております。近江神宮の象徴ともいえる朱塗りの楼門や、近江勧学館を舞台とした試合の様子は、競技かるたを題材とした世界的な人気漫画 『ちはやふる』 の中にもたびたび描かれています。<<料金>> 1組限定(1~10名 但し土曜日のみ1~4名) 28600円<<ご予約締切日>> 20日前<<取消料>> 7~2日前50% 前日80% 当日・無連絡100% 基本情報 〒520-0015滋賀県大津市神宮町1番1号TEL : 077-524-3905 URL 【日本文化体験/1組限定】聖地にて百人一首かるた体験!! 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
江戸時代に大津で生まれた民画、大津絵を学び、実際に描いてみます。大津絵のメインキャラクター、鬼の顔を土鈴に描く魔除け鬼土鈴か、または大津絵にもある「三猿」を合羽摺りという手法で色紙に描くかを選べます。【体験】この体験では江戸時代の二大民画・大津絵の歴史や由来、特徴を学んだあと、楽しく絵付けをします。体験場所は三井寺の風致地区にある、大津絵師・故高橋和堂氏の工房だった一会和堂セミナーハウス。和堂氏の長女が、洒脱な大津絵の魅力や氏の生前のエピソードとともに、大津の深い歴史にも触れます。一見単純な大津絵ですが、いざ描いてみるとなかなか難しく、しかしそれがまた楽しい!との感想をよく聞きます。おもてなしの茶菓、お土産の「大津絵のしおりセット」付き。当日、「鬼土鈴」または「三猿」をお選び下さい。※体験前後の歴史さんぽのご用意もあります。リクエストベースですので、ご希望の場合はお問い合わせください。【民画大津絵】滋賀県大津市でおよそ 400 年前に誕生した独特な民画で、当時は“東の浮世絵、西の大津絵”と言われました。江戸時代初期、東海道五十三次の大津の宿場で軒を並べ、無名の画工が安価な仏画を描き売ったのが大津絵の起源だと言われています。貧しき大衆にとってその神仏画は鑑賞用ではなく、日常の礼拝や法要に使い回されるという実用性を持っていました。やがて時代の変遷と共に画題も世俗絵に推移します。浮世絵の影響も受け数々の美人画や武者絵が描かれる一方で、人物や鬼、動物をモチーフとする世相の風刺画や戯画も数多く描かれました。<<料金>> お一人様 大人(高校生以上):4,400 円 小・中学生:3,300 円 6歳未満は無料。<<対象年齢>> 原則として小学高学年以上の方 <<ご予約締切日>> 5日前<<最小予約人数>> 2名<<取消料>> 10~8日前:20% 7~2日前:30% 開催日前日:40% 当日:100% 基本情報 〒520-0035滋賀県大津市小関町 4-17 (長等神社楼門前)TEL : 077-532-2346 URL 【民画大津絵】街道の民画、大津絵を大津絵師の元工房で描いてみる 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
有限会社 藤三郎紐
1000年以上前に百人一首で蝉丸や清少納言も歌に詠んだ、出会いと別れの地「逢坂の関」。そこで150年以上もの間歴史を紡いできた、藤三郎紐での近江の草木染め体験や組紐体験です。実際の作業場におじゃまして江戸時代からの国内唯一の現役組紐機械「内記台」の音に驚いたり、昔ながらの技術で紐を手繰る職人の生活も見る事ができます。また大津市の無形文化財にも指定されたことのある三代目藤三郎が研究した草木染めは、その独特な淡く渋い色味に惚れ惚れすること間違いなし。そんな歴史を感じる体験をしてみませんか。 基本情報 〒520-0054滋賀県大津市逢坂1丁目25−11 URL 【1組限定プラン】百人一首で有名な逢坂の関で体験する近江の組紐体験 【1組限定プラン】百人一首で有名な逢坂の関で体験する近江の草木染め体験 滋賀・びわ湖ニューツーリズム「シガリズム」は、琵琶湖を始めとした 自然と歩みをそろえ、ゆっくり、ていねいに暮らしてきた滋賀の時間の 流れや暮らしを体感することで心のリズムを整える新たな旅の提案です。 詳しくはこちら
Make a Trip to Shiga with Cocokumark! Recommended Two-Night, Three-Day Sightseeing Course to Get Energy and Healing near Lake Biwa How to use/Recommended Courses
Open in a new tab(Japanese site.)
How to use How to use/Recommended Courses
Recommended Courses Make a Trip to Shiga with Cocokumark! Recommended Two-Night, Three-Day Sightseeing Course to Get Energy and Healing near Lake Biwa(Japanese Site) How to use the map When you click on a pin on the map, the corresponding spot information appears. Button functions Opens the spot list. You can filter spots by category. Switches the Stroly map to Google Map. You can also switch it to other maps such as the satellite photo map. Clicking the button again returns the map to Stroly. Creates a URL (room function) only accessible by friends or family members. Shows map information, such as the title and description of the map. GPS functions Turn on GPS and your current location will be displayed on the map. (If you are within range of the map)
Nango Onsen Futabaya Hotels/Accommodations
Address5-15-7 Nango, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-0865 TEL:077-537-1255 Official Website Futabaya is about a 10-minute drive from Ishiyamadera Temple, which is associated with Murasaki Shikibu—the author of the novel Genji Monogatari (The Tale of Genji). Enjoy its proudest Kokoku kaiseki (traditional Japanese course) cuisine made with the blessings of Lake Biwa and seasonal ingredients while watching the beauty of all four seasons of Seta River. Take a bath in a natural hot spring welling up from the mountains with Iwamadera Temple to recuperate from daily fatigue.
Biwako Grand Hotel Kyo-Ohmi Hotels/Accommodations
Address6-1 Otsukoto, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-0101 TEL:077-579-2111 Official Website Instagram This hotel is located on the shore of Lake Biwa. With the greatest view among other hotels in the Ogoto Onsen hot spring resort, it allows guests to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Lake Biwa from the lobby and open-air bath, both of which have the sunrise visible, and guest rooms with open-air baths.
Tennen-Gensen-no-Yado Kotoyu Hotels/Accommodations
Address3-9-5 Naeda, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-0102 TEL:077-577-3160 Official Website The location is a special scenic spot nestled between Mt. Hiei and Lake Biwa with rich spring water. Kotoyu is a hotel with hospitality that helps guests rediscover the charms of Ogoto. You can enjoy local Shiga ingredients and seasonal tastes to the fullest.
Ogotoso Hotels/Accommodations
Address6-1-24 Otsuko, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-0101 TEL:077-578-1390 Official Website Ogotoso is a small Japanese-style lakeside inn in front of the Ogoto Harbor. With the Hiei and Hira mountains behind, this inn offers a panoramic view of the magnificent Lake Biwa. A private bath is available for free (on a first-come-first-served basis). The hotel shows its particularity in food, such as kaiseki (traditional Japanese course) cuisine made by its owner, Omi beef dishes, and kamo nabe wild duck pot dishes. Spend a relaxing time in the private bath and casually enjoy tasty food.
Ishiyama Onsen Bodaiju Hotels/Accommodations
Address1-2-21 Ishiyamaji, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-0861 TEL:077-537-1187 Official Website With the sacred mountains with Ishiyamadera Temple behind and a panoramic view of Seta River, the only river flowing from Lake Biwa, Bodaiju is located about 800 meters from Ishiyamadera Temple, the 13th holy site of the Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage (the pilgrimage of thirty-three temples dedicated to Kannon). The Ishiyama Onsen hot spring features a simple radon mineral spring, but it has neutral pH values and is relatively safe for even people with sensitive skin. This hotel can be used as a basis for sightseeing not only in Otsu City or Shiga Prefecture but also in Kyoto and Nara prefectures.
Lake Biwa Otsu Prince Hotel Hotels/Accommodations
Address4-7-7 of Onohama in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-8520 TEL:077-521-1111 Official Website Instagram Lake Biwa Otsu Prince Hotel is located on the shore of Lake Biwa in the ancient capital of Otsu-kyo. This 38-story high-rise hotel has the convention hall Oumi, which is one of the largest in Japan, and all 529 guest rooms have a lake view. With Lake Biwa down below, you can enjoy the beauty of all four seasons from a guest room 136 meters above the ground. The location is the best for sightseeing in both Shiga and Kyoto as JR Otsu Station is 10 minutes by train, or two stations away, from JR Kyoto Station.
Ayaha Lakeside Hotel Hotels/Accommodations
Address3-12-25 in Oinohama in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-0801 TEL:077-524-2321 Official Website Instagram This is a Japanese-style hotel with a magnificent view of Lake Biwa and a classy Japanese and Western atmosphere that makes guests feel comfortable. Have a relaxing time by eating hefty Kyoto-style Kokoku kaiseki (traditional Japanese course) cuisine and taking a large hot spring bath overlooking Lake Biwa. Fresh hot spring water is directly delivered from the Atami Izusan Onsen hot spring resort, where its hotel branch is located. Among other hotels in Shiga Prefecture, Ayaha Lakeside Hotel is closer to Kyoto, which allows easy access to sightseeing spots. All the staff will do their best to help guests have a wonderful time during their trip.
Biwako Hotel Hotels/Accommodations
Address2-40 Hamacho, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-0041 TEL:077-524-7111 Official Website Instagram This is a resort hotel for guests to enjoy the lake view from guest rooms. You can relax in your room while watching a superb view of Lake Biwa. Its restaurant and bar offer dishes made with local Shiga ingredients. The large bath features an open-air natural hot spring. A free shuttle bus is available from JR Otsu Station, which is about 10 minutes away from JR Kyoto Station. This hotel is easily accessible but offers a resort-like experience in an extraordinary space that makes guests feel comforted and relaxed.
Enryakuji Temple Kaikan Hotels/Accommodations
Address4220 Sakamoto Honmachi, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-0116 TEL:077-578-0047 Official Website Instagram Mt. Hiei is located along the border between Shiga and Kyoto prefectures, with its top offering a stunning view of Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan. Founded by Saicho, also known as Dengyo Daishi, about 1,200 years ago in this Mt. Hiei, Hieizan Enryakuji Temple is the head temple of the Tendai sect. Enryakuji Temple Kaikan is a temple lodge in the precincts. As well as visiting the temple, you can learn the history, take a zen meditation lesson, and experience tracing the sutra in the quiet grounds.
Ogoto Onsen Yumotokan Hotels/Accommodations
Address2-30-7, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-0102 TEL:077-579-1111 Official Website Instagram Facebook Yumotokan is a long-established hot spring hotel in one part of the Ogoto Onsen hot spring resort with about 1,200 years of history. Guests can experience the best bathing time through their five senses in various hot spring facilities, such as Gesshin-no-Yu, which commands a luxury panoramic view of Lake Biwa, and Togenshoyo, which allows guests to leave themselves in an elegant atmosphere full of rustic beauty. The hotel features seasonal Kyoto kaiseki (traditional Japanese course) cuisine made by skillful chefs. Eat the food and feel the seasonal changes through your eyes, tongue, and heart. The true dining luxury is found here. Various types of guest rooms are available, such as ones with open-air baths and Hanare Karoi rooms with luxurious services. The relaxing space makes you feel refreshed both mentally and physically. Enjoy food made with Kyoto ingredients and a hot spring to the fullest in this hotel surrounded by silence and Japanese warmth.
Satoyumukashibanashi Yuzanso Hotels/Accommodations
Address1-9-28 Otsuko, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-0102 TEL:077-578-1144 Official Website Instagram Yuzanso is a hot spring hotel located on a hill overlooking Lake Biwa. All guest rooms face the lake, and even 57 guest rooms with open-air baths command a view of the lake. Every night, the Omi Folklore Library holds an animation screening of folktales that have been passed down in Shiga Prefecture. This hotel is easily accessible in 20 minutes from Kyoto.
Hotel Blue Lake Ohtsu Hotels/Accommodations
Address1-4-12 Hama Otsu, Otsu-shi, Shiga Prefecture 520-0033 TEL:077-524-0200 Official Website Hotel Blue Lake Ohtsu allows guests to view the calm surface of the lake, which reflects a different expression for each season. You can enjoy elegant cruising on the Michigan sightseeing ship from the nearby Otsu Port. With many sightseeing spots around, this hotel is in a great location for after-business and day-off activities.
Biwako Ryokusuitei Hotels/Accommodations
Address6-1-6 Otsuko, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-0101 TEL:077-577-2222 Official Website Located on the shore of Lake Biwa, Biwako Ryokusuitei is a hotel full of resort feeling for guests to enjoy a hot spring and food. This hotel puts its heart particularly into dinner, preparing each dish by hand. The resort-like facility Ao-no-Terrace was opened in the garden facing the shore. Have a relaxing time while watching Lake Biwa.
Biwako Hanakaido Hotels/Accommodations
Address1-1-3 Okoto, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-0101 Official Website Instagram Biwako Hanakaido is 20 minutes by train from Kyoto Station. Located on a hill of the Ogoto Onsen hot spring resort, this hotel is famous for its magnificent view of Lake Biwa and its hot spring quality with beautifying effects on the skin. Its distinctive Kyoto-based kaiseki (traditional Japanese course) cuisine is made using Omi beef and local ingredients. You can feel the mellow changes in the seasons in this hotel. Take your mind off daily worries and spend a luxurious, relaxing time in a carefree manner.
Hotel Biwa Lake Otsuka Hotels/Accommodations
Address1054-3 Minami-Komatsu, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-0502 TEL:077-596-1711 Official Website Instagram Facebook Otsuka is located in a calm and scenic area with the magnificent Hira mountains behind and Lake Biwa in front. The hotel is famous for its kaiseki (traditional Japanese course) cuisine made delicately with seasonal ingredients and its Japanese strolling garden. All guest rooms have a lake view and a massage chair. A large radium ore bath and private family baths are also available for free. Have a relaxing time in a retreat hotel in Omi-Maiko.
Hotel Biwa Lake Otsuka Hotels/Accommodations
Address1054-3 Minami-Komatsu, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture 520-0502 TEL:077-596-1711 Official Website Instagram Facebook Otsuka is located in a calm and scenic area with the magnificent Hira mountains behind and Lake Biwa in front. The hotel is famous for its kaiseki (traditional Japanese course) cuisine made delicately with seasonal ingredients and its Japanese strolling garden. All guest rooms have a lake view and a massage chair. A large radium ore bath and private family baths are also available for free. Have a relaxing time in a retreat hotel in Omi-Maiko.
Otsukemono Marucho Shop
Address13-14 Ohanagawa, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0031 Operating Hours9:00-18:00 Regular holidaysCelebration / festival / Wednesday irregular holidays TEL:077-524-5055 Official Website Instagram Twitter With a long history, this pickles shop focuses on bringing out the taste unique to Omi. It offers not only traditional pickles but also hit products, such as Mazechaina, which was awarded in the 4th T-1 Grand Prix (Japanese pickles competition). Pickles are indispensable as table staples. Thus, Senmaizuke (pickled thinly sliced turnips), the top recommendation in winter, and popular Akakon (red konjac), which was featured in TV programs, would be favorites among tourists as souvenirs. (Recommended by Biwako Hanakaido)
Ishiyamadera Pudding Honpo Shop
Address1-7, Ishiyamadera 3-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0861 Operating Hours11:00-17:00 Regular holidaysIrregular holidays (HP posted) TEL:077-548-6300 Official Website Instagram Facebook Twitter This smooth custard pudding specialty shop is located in front of Ishiyamadera Temple. Its homemade puddings using ingredients from Shiga have been beloved by men and women of all ages as a staple sweet at temple gate new for the current Reiwa period (2019 to present). The shop offers different puddings depending on the season, such as puddings made with strawberries from Kawanishi Farm in Moriyama City and puddings made with Shine Muscat from Sorairo Farm in Omihachiman City. For details, please contact the shop before visiting. They are also suited as a small gift. (Recommended by Ayaha Lakeside Hotel)
Maruni Fruit Shop Shop
Address2-10-7 Nagato, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0046 Operating Hours11:00-15:50 (take-out only on Tuesdays) Regular holidaysWednesday TEL:077-526-0444 Official Website Instagram Facebook Maruni is a long-established fruit shop founded in 1912. Its cafe space offers menus made with fresh fruit. The top recommendation is freshly squeezed juice using a lot of fruit, including the mixed juice of strawberry and apple. Fruit parfait and fruit sandwiches are also popular. You can casually enjoy the taste of seasonal fruit. Strawberries, peaches, and mangoes have fresh sourness.
Risuno Zakkaten Shop
Address701-35, Ikatate Kami Ryuka-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0362 Operating Hours10:00-18:00 (varies depending on the season) Regular holidaysPlease check the HP / Instagram for business days (irregularly open twice a week) Official Website Instagram Risuno was founded in 2021. It opens irregularly twice a week deep in the mountains. Carrying paper goods, miscellaneous goods, and food, this small general shop is full of lovely, fun, and tasty items that color your life or make you feel like giving them to your loved ones. While reading a message from the owner attached to each item, you can take your time shopping. (Recommended by Ayaha Lakeside Hotel)
Nakagawa Seiseido Chaho Shop
Address3-1-35 Chuo, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0043 Operating Hours9:00-19:00 Regular holidaysIrregular holiday TEL:077-522-2555 Official Website Saicho, also known as Dengyo Daishi, brought back a handful of tea seeds from China in 805. The tea seeds are said to have been sewn and grown in Otsu at the foot of Mt. Hiei and have become the origin of Japanese tea. Nakagawa Seiseido's Omi Tea, which has been developed through 1,200 years of history and tradition, is widely beloved by tea masters as the top tea brand with an exceptional flavor.
Ogoto Onsen Tourist Park (Footbath Cafe Coto Coto Cotton) Shop
Address2-17, Yugoto 1-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0101 Operating HoursOtoto Onsen Tourist Park 8:00-18:00Kotokototton 9:30-17:00 (Meals 11:00-LO 16:00) Regular holidaysNew year holiday season TEL:077-578-3750 Official Website Instagram Facebook Ogoto Onsen Tourist Park offers a variety of souvenirs and food. Inside the park, there are many relaxing spots, such as beautiful green lawns, benches, and a resting place overlooking Lake Biwa. A free footbath spot using high-quality Ogoto Onsen spring water is also popular. Drop by and recuperate from your trip fatigue. Among the local souvenirs, yuzu citrus jam is a recommendation. Rental bicycles are also available. (Recommended by Yumotokan)
Otsu Station Tourist Information Center OTSURY Shop
AddressViera Otsu, 1-3 Kasuga-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0055 Operating Hours9:00-18:00 Regular holidaysOpenly TEL:077-522-3830 Official Website Instagram The city's concept is "Otsu is cool (kinmai)." Kinmai means gorgeous, beautiful, or fun in the Otsu dialect. OTSURY offers not only sightseeing information, such as Omi beef restaurants, cafes, activities, and baths, but also a variety of souvenirs from Shiga Prefecture. Buy sweets, such as Japanese confectioneries from long-established shops and lovely baked goods, as souvenirs for yourself. Rental bicycles are also available. Please feel free to drop by. (Recommended by Lake Biwa Otsu Prince Hotel)
Otsue-no-Mise Shop
Address3-38, Mitsuiji-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0034 Operating Hours10:00-17:00 Regular holidays1st and 3rd Sunday TEL:077-524-5656 Official Website Otsu-e (Otsu paintings) are fork paintings that started as Buddhist paintings and have developed in their own way while incorporating the elements of genre paintings depicting daily life and humorous caricatures. They are said to have been drawn and sold around Otani or Oiwake in Omi in the early Edo period. They became popular as souvenirs or charms among those who traveled the Tokaido highway in the late Edo period and are now drawing attention from Western countries as an exhibition was held in France. Otsue-no-Mise is the only Otsu-e painting specialty shop in existence. (Recommended by Lake Biwa Otsu Prince Hotel)
Ganso Sakamotoya Shop
Address1-5-21 Nagatodo, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0046 Operating Hours9:00-18:00 Regular holidaysSunday TEL:077-524-2406 Official Website Facebook Sakamotoya is a long-established shop specializing in funa-zushi, fermented food famous as local cuisine in Shiga Prefecture. Funa-zushi (fermented sushi made with crucian carp) is a traditional preserved food with more than 1,000 years of history and has been designated as an Intangible Cultural Property by Shiga Prefecture. Requiring a lot of time and effort to make, it can be said as one of the soul foods for Shiga residents, along with other local luxurious delicacies. Among all, Sakamotoya's is favorable because it tastes mild even for those who try funa-zushi for the first time. The rice part called "ii," which ferments funa-zushi, is said to be effective for hay fever. (Recommended by Lake Biwa Otsu Prince Hotel)
Nami-no-Oto Shuzo Shop
Address1-7-16 Honkada, Oagata, Shiga 520-0242 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 Regular holidaysSaturdays, Sundays, and holidays TEL:077-573-0002 Official Website This is a sake brewery in Shiga with more than 200 years of history. Its brand Nami no Oto is said to have been named by a high-ranking priest of Mt. Hiei. Having the theme of offering sake to taste a laid-back time, this brewery produces a variety of Japanese sake with sincerity and care. Near the brewery, there is the high-class ryotei restaurant Yokaro, where you can taste special sake and its proudest unagi eel dishes while watching Lake Biwa behind the garden. Enjoy a relaxing time to the fullest while feeling a historical atmosphere. (Recommended by Biwako Hanakaido)
Kanou Shoujuan Sunainosato Shop
Address4-2-1 Oishi Ryumon, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-2266 Operating Hours10:00-17:00 *Opening hours differ for each facility. Regular holidaysWednesday TEL:077-546-3131 Official Website Instagram Facebook Sunainosato is located on the shore of Seta River, the only river that flows out from Lake Biwa, in Oishi-ryumon, Otsu. With Japanese plums and yuzu citron grown in a hilly area of 63,000 tsubo (approx. 208,264 square meters), it produces confectioneries in a harmony of agriculture and manufacture. Its representative product Amo is a confectionery that features plump, glossy bean paste made by carefully simmering Tanba Dainagon Azuki red beans soaked in sugar syrup with agar added. Sunainosato also has a Japanese confectionery shop, a restaurant offering food made with seasonal ingredients, a bakery and cafe, and a tea-ceremony room.
Uotomi Shoten Shop
Address1-16-14, Honkenda, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0242 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 Regular holidaysThursday TEL:0120-105-292 Official Website Instagram Facebook Twitter Uotomi was founded in 1930. This shop specializing in lake fish tsukudani (preserved food boiled down in soy sauce) is located in front of Ukimido Hall, one of the Eight Views of Omi. With the motto of being committed to work without cutting corners, the shop makes tsukudani by hand using an old-fashioned method. To enhance the flavor of fresh lake fish purchased from the local Katata Port, its tsukudani is simply seasoned with soy sauce and sugar. Of course, it contains no preservatives or additives. Products are available for order. Casually enjoy the authentic taste.
Ujigawamochi Shop
Address1-5-34 Minami-Shiga, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0011 Operating Hours9:00-16:00 Regular holidaysTuesday and Wednesday TEL:077-524-1536 The specialty of this Japanese confectionery shop in Minami-Shiga is Cha Dango (dumplings flavored with green tea). With an aftertaste of deep tea aroma and fresh bitterness, it features a rich and umami flavor that fills your mouth as you eat, leaving you craving for more. All of its products allow customers to experience the firm taste of green tea, including matcha dumplings, hojicha roasted tea dumplings, matcha daifuku rice cakes, matcha puddings, and hojicha roasted tea puddings. Daifuku rice cakes using seasonal fruit are also popular. Among all, strawberry daifuku rice cakes feature a taste with a delicate balance of a sour strawberry and white sweet bean paste.
Sajo-Towson Shop
Address1-3-22 Ishiyamadera, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0861 Operating HoursWeekdays 9:30-17:00Weekends and holidays 9:00-18:00 Regular holidaysTuesday TEL:077-533-3900 Official Website Facebook This is a Japanese confectionery shop near Ishiyamadera Temple. Its representative product Tabashiru is a soft daifuku rice cake-like confectionery with boiled Tanba Dainagon Azuki red beans inside accompanied by a crispy walnut. You can purchase it as a souvenir or eat it in its cafe space. Choose your favorite confectionery from eight to ten for your cafe set menu. Enjoy Ousu matcha tea (matcha tea brewed with a small amount of tea powder) while watching the elegant flow of Seta River. Sencha green tea and coffee are also tasty.
Homemade Chiffon Cake dimple Shop
Address2-18-30, Kinugawa, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0244 Operating Hours10:30-19:00 Regular holidaysMonday (Open on holidays. Tuesday is transfer holiday) TEL:077-573-4520 Official Website Instagram Its chiffon cakes are popular for their fluffy and moist texture. Once you eat one, you will be captivated by its ultimate fluffiness and moistness achieved through the original recipe of using meringue that contains a lot of air bubbles and the lowest limit amount of water without baking powder. The top recommendation is Lake Biwa Chiffon Cake, which is colored in beautiful pastel blue to represent the color of Lake Biwa using the natural coloring substance of an herb called butterfly pea. (Recommended by Biwako Hotel)
Kokonoe Miso Shop
Address1-7-18 Chuo, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0043 Operating Hours10:00-17:00 Regular holidaysSundays, holidays, 2nd and 4th Saturdays TEL:077-522-2184 Official Website Kokonoe Miso produces white miso (Saikyo-miso). Since its foundation in 1868, this miso brewery has been devoted to making homemade traditional miso. Sweet rice koji and umami-rich soybeans are fermented at low temperatures into white miso with a strong aroma and taste. The shop has a wide selection of miso, including not only its representative products Gokujo Shiro Miso and Tokusen Maroyaka Miso but also aka miso (red miso), akadashi miso (another type of red miso), dengaku miso (grazed miso), rice koji, and amazake (a sweet alcoholic drink made from fermented rice). It is sold by weight, an old-fashioned way of selling, which may make you nostalgic. (Recommended by Biwako Hotel)
Yaoyo Shop
Address2-9-4 Nagatodo, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0046 Operating Hours10:00-19:00 Regular holidaysSunday / irregular holiday TEL:077-522-4021 Originally started as a vegetarian cuisine shop in 1850 in the Edo period (1603-1868), Yaoyo is a pickles specialty shop. Its solid storefront shows some kind of richness in history and presence. Yaoyo proudly features its Nagarazuke pickles. Gourds, turnips, and cucumbers pickled in sake lees are said to have been a purveyor to the Imperial Household Agency from the Taisho period (1912-1926) until 1954. Its pickles with a firm umami flavor go well with rice. The shop also offers vegetables lightly pickled in sake lees to respond to changes in the food culture and health consciousness. (Recommended by Biwako Hotel)
Hirai Shoten Shop
Address1-2-33, Chuo 1-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0043, Japan Operating Hours10:00-18:30 Regular holidaysIrregular holiday TEL:077-522-1277 Official Website Hirai Shoten was founded in 1658. This long-established sake brewery has more than 350 years of history. Its representative brand Asajio was named after the Japanese poem "Asajio no shigeki nonaka no mashimizu wa iku chiyou tomo kumi wa tsukiseji" (the pure water of Lake Biwa, where grasses grow thickly, will never dry up even if drawn up for thousands of years) presented by Prince Shogoinnomiya Doukan. The owner prepares fermentation as the master brewer by preserving old-fashioned homemaking while catering to the present-day taste. This shop sells a lot of its produced local Japanese sake. (Recommended by Biwako Hotel)
Omanjudokoro Mochihyo Shop
Address2-5-37, Chuo 2-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0043, Japan Operating Hours10:00-18:30 Regular holidaysSundays, New Year holidays, temporary holidays TEL:077-522-7356 Official Website This Japanese confectionery shop was founded in the Horeki era (1751-1763). It sells mochi (a rice cake), sekihan (rice steamed with red beans), manju (steamed bread), and unbaked confectioneries and original confectioneries made depending on the season or event. This shop has been long patronized by not only local residents but also travelers due to its location along the Tokaido highway. Among all, daifuku rice cakes using seasonal fruit are popular. Grape daifuku and fig daifuku are available in autumn. Chubby daifuku rice cakes will strangely make you feel at ease. (Recommended by Biwako Hotel)
Sumibi Kappo Tsuru-Kikyo Gourmet
Address2-2-1, Seta 2-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-2134, Japan (at the foot of Meibashi Setagara Bridge) Operating HoursLunch 11:30 - 14:00 (LO 13:00) Dinner 17:30 - 21:00 (LO 20:00, drinks LO 20:30) Closed 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday and Wednesday every Thursday TEL:077-545-7837 Official Website Facebook This restaurant allows you to taste charcoal-grilled dishes of Lake Biwa blessings and wild game meat. To have customers enjoy the natural taste of ingredients, wild game meat is basically grilled over a charcoal fire and eaten with salt. Beef, pork, and chicken are carefully selected. Luxurious ingredients, such as willow gudgeon, which is endemic to Lake Biwa, natural pond smelt with roe, eels, and suppon soft-shelled turtle, are served in beautiful course cuisine. Have a special moment drinking its proud selection of liquor.
Kinoshita Ryoriten Gourmet
Address1036-34 Kitahira, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0503 Operating HoursLunch 11:30-15:00 (LO 14:00) Dinner 18:00-21:00 (currently Saturday only. Reservations required by 18:00 the day before) Regular holidaysMonday and Tuesday TEL:077-535-5967 Kinoshita Ryoriten is located in a residential area in Kitahira. As its name suggests, this wooden restaurant is run by Mr. and Ms. Kinoshita under a tree (under a tree is spelled "ki-no-shita" in Japanese). By leveraging their experience in furniture making, the couple built their desired space on their own. In this wood-based restaurant, you can eat carefully homemade slow food. It offers hamburger steak with demiglace sauce and cream cheese, pork fillet cutlet, and the meal of the week. Dogs are allowed in this restaurant.
Sarasoba Nagisaan Gourmet
Address4-4-16, Nionohama 4-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0801 Operating Hours11:00-15:00 (closes when sold out) Regular holidaysTuesdays, 2nd and 4th Mondays *Subject to change TEL:077-525-1915 Nagisaan is a restaurant in Nionohama, Otsu, specializing in sara soba (soba noodles served in a few plates with dipping sauce), which is rare in Shiga. Its peaceful Japanese-style building and garden create a tasteful atmosphere. This restaurant features high-end Japanese products for ingredients such as buckwheat flour, dried bonito flakes, and kombu kelp. Also famous are sliced duck, which is crisply grilled and stewed in homemade dashi broth, and saba-zushi, mackerel caught in seas around Japan marinated in homemade pickling vinegar and sushi vinegar. Sobayu (soba cooking water), which is served after the meal, and classy Lake Biwa-inspired ceramic plates also deserve attention. (Recommended by Lake Biwa Otsu Prince Hotel)
Osugi Gourmet
Address4-30, Chuo 3-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0043, Japan Operating Hours17:00-23:00 Regular holidaysSundays, holidays and irregular holidays TEL:077-526-3824 Instagram Famous for its eel shabu-shabu hot pot, this restaurant is frequently visited by food connoisseurs. You will be sure to be impressed by the fluffy texture of an eel served in shabu-shabu style, instead of being grilled. It goes well with its special ponzu citrus vinegar, which makes fatty eels taste refreshing. Enjoy it with popular a la carte dishes, tempura, and drinks from a variety of selections, such as local Omi sake and shochu liquor. Different limited-time liquor is also offered according to the season. (Recommended by Lake Biwa Otsu Prince Hotel)
Garando Gourmet
Address9-29 Matsubara-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0831 Operating Hours10:00-16:00 (LO 15:30) Regular holidaysMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday TEL:077-537-7433 Official Website Garando is 10 minutes on foot from Ishiyama Station. This is a sweets cafe located on a back street, featuring dishes using Yame-cha tea. The popular menu is season-limited shaved ice, served from April to October. Its fluffy, melting texture and authentic Japanese taste have captivated many people. You can also add toppings, such as boiled red beans and shiratama rice flour dumplings. Homemade ice creams, such as green tea ice cream and matcha green tea sherbet, are also recommended from November to May. Check the menus before visiting because they change depending on the temperature.
madocafe Gourmet
Address2F Shiga Prefecture Otsu Civic Hall, 14-1 Shimanoseki, Otsu, Shiga 520-0042, Japan Operating HoursWeekdays 11:00-17:00 Weekends and holidays 11:00-18:00 Regular holidaysMondays, 2nd and 3rd Tuesdays (open if Monday is a national holiday, closed the following day) TEL:077-525-5516 Official Website This cafe offers healthy and tasty food that makes the most of local fresh vegetables and eggs. The plate lunch of the week is luxurious, featuring seasonally harvested vegetables, which has been the favorite among customers since its opening. During cafe hours, madocafe offers waffles and a cake made of eggs and flour directly delivered from producers. Have a relaxing time while watching Lake Biwa, which has a different look depending on the season.
Omi Kadoman Gourmet
Address1-7-35 Chuo, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0043 Operating Hours[Weekdays]17:00~21:00(Last entry 20:00 / LO 20:30)【Saturday, Sunday, Holiday】Lunch 12:00~15:00(Last entry 14:00 / LO 14:30)DInner 17:00~21:00(Last entry 20:00 / LO 20:30) Regular holidaysWednesdays and other non-scheduled holidays TEL:077-525-2989 Official Website With over 120 years of history, Kadoman is a long-established restaurant that selects and serves only high-quality Omi Beef. The recommendations include sukiyaki, a pot simmering with sweet and mellow warishita seasoning sauce, and shabu-shabu, which can be eaten lightly with vegetables. Omi Beef Sukiyaki Course with Loin Meat and Omi Beef Shabu-Shabu Course with Loin Meat start from 10,000 yen (tax included) for 150 grams of meat. Their melting sweetness and soft texture make you feel satisfied.
Osakayama Kaneyo Gourmet
Address23-15, Otani-machi, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0062 Operating Hours11:00-20:30 (L/O 20:00) Regular holidaysClosed on Thursdays TEL:077-524-222 Official Website Kaneyo is a well-known eel restaurant founded in 1872. It offers various eel and carp dishes, including Kinshi Donburi, a crisply grilled Japanese eel on skewers with a thick three-egg omelet on top. It is said that Japan's best eel restaurant has been synonymous with Osakayama Kaneyo because Ujo Noguchi, a lyricist of children's songs, mentioned that "Kaneyo on Mt. Osaka offers the best eel dishes in Japan," in the Taisho period (1912-1926). There is also a casual-style restaurant. (Recommended by Biwako Hotel)
Nao Gourmet
Address3-1 Suehiro-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0056 Operating Hours17:30-23:00 Regular holidaysTuesday TEL:077-572-9711 This Japanese cuisine bar only uses Shiga ingredients and changes the menus depending on the ingredients purchased on the day. You can enjoy appetizers made with local ingredients, such as Biwa trout, Omi-jidori chicken, Omi-shamo chicken, and fresh vegetables. It has a wide selection of local liquor, with 20 types of Japanese sake always in stock. Located near JR Otsu Station, this bar is visited by not only tourists but also regular customers who have patronized the place since its opening in 2015. Be sure to make advance reservations before visiting. (Recommended by Biwako Hotel)
Izakaya Nanoha Gourmet
Address6-24-28 Shimosakamoto, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0105 Operating Hours18:00~24:00 Regular holidaysTuesday TEL:090-3729-7922 Official Website A 10-minute walk from Hieizan Sakamoto Station, this Japanese-style bar has some kind of nostalgic atmosphere that makes customers feel relaxed. The bar proudly recommends its fried chicken, which goes well with rice and liquor. You can order whatever suits your mood from the menus, such as fast dishes and the choice of the day. With a wide selection of liquor, including Otsu brand sake and other local sake, and smoking allowed on all tables, this bar is popular among regular customers. (Recommended by Biwako Grand Hotel)
Yakiniku Sakaba Mahoroba Gourmet
Address2-32-7 Naega, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0102 Operating Hours18:00 ~ 24:00 Regular holidaysEvery Thursday TEL:077-572-8115 Instagram Enjoy yakiniku Japanese barbecue, such as fresh meat and Omi beef innards, with its homemade sauce. This yakiniku restaurant is located in the center of the Ogoto Onsen hot spring resort. It was launched in 2021, with an aim to be a place that makes tourists and local residents feel comfortable. The restaurant features Omi beef dishes and other light meals. You are more than welcome to visit the place for drinking.
Miidera Chikaramochi Honke Gourmet
Address2-1-30, Hamaotsu, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0047 Operating Hours7 AM - 7 PM Regular holidaysopen every day of the year TEL:077-524-2689 Official Website Miidera Chikaramochi Honke was founded in 1869. Miidera Chikara Mochi dumplings are small rice cakes on a skewer coated with secret syrup and a lot of green soybean powder sprinkled on top. No additives or preservatives are used. This shop is open all year round.
Hiei Sankurou Gourmet
Address6-28-3 Sakamoto, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0013 Operating Hours10:00-17:00 (close when sold out) Regular holidaysMondays and the second Tuesday of the month *If the regular holiday falls on a national holiday, closed the following day TEL:077-578-1720 Official Website Instagram In the Sakaomto area at the base of Hieizan Enryakuji Temple, this shop is famous for its mugwort mochi rice cakes. Made from Koka's Habutae Mochi dough, a specialty in Shiga, and a lot of Japanese mugwort, this confectionery has a fragrant aroma. Each is homemade with care by mixing moderately sweet red bean paste and soybean powder. When you eat it, the aroma of fresh mugwort fills your mouth. You can order a set menu and eat it while watching the atmospheric garden. Takeout menus are also available. (Recommended by Biwako Hanakaido)
Okashidokoro Shimaya Gourmet
Address5-6-54, Honkenda 5-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0242 Operating Hours8:00-18:00 Regular holidaysMonday TEL:077-573-4620 Official Website Founded in 1985, Shimaya is well known for its strawberry daifuku rice cakes. The large strawberry goes well with the sophisticated white bean paste. Since being featured in the media, this confectionery has gained many fans all over Japan. The shop's ideal is to produce confectioneries that are so good for both the body and mind, while respecting the natural beauty and seasonal blessings, that customers do not hesitate to let their children eat them. Its Japanese confectioneries, which make the most of the natural taste of ingredients, are popular, including seasonal daifuku and various types of fruit daifuku, as well as strawberry daifuku. (Recommended by Biwako Hanakaido)
Pecorino Gourmet
Address1-18-5, Honkenda, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0242 Operating HoursSun-Thu 11:30-17:00Fri-Sat 11:30-21:00 Regular holidaysMonday *Open once a month on Sunday, but closed on the following Tuesday if Monday is a national holiday. TEL:077-572-8138 Official Website Pecorino is located near Ukimido Hall, which is famous for "Katata-no-Rakugan" (Wild Geese Alighting at Katata)—one of the Eight Views of Omi. It is an authentic Italian restaurant on the coast of Lake Biwa. Have a quality afternoon time while eating its lunch set menus featuring pasta of the week or gratin. The restaurant also offers cafe and dinner menus. Its soft beef cheek meat stew is made by simmering with a lot of local Shiga vegetables and meat for more than 15 hours. Have a laid-back time while watching the scenery of Lake Biwa. (Recommended by Biwako Hotel)
soratoco Gourmet
Address1-10-37 Imakata, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0241 Operating Hours11:00-17:00 Regular holidaysSunday and Monday TEL:090-6328-5407 Instagram This is a hideaway cafe in Katata. In a bright and warm building with white walls and wooden furniture, you can enjoy a lunch full of greens using homegrown rice and local vegetables. One of the pleasures of this restaurant's set lunch menu is its main dish, which varies according to the season. With a variety of dishes, soratoco's healthy and tasty lunch has many repeat customers. The restaurant has two lunch-hour periods. Advance reservations are recommended. There are also plenty of sweets available, such as Swiss rolls and Chiffon cake sandwiches. (Recommended by Biwako Hotel)
German Restaurant Würzburg Gourmet
Address5 Yumihama, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0811 Operating HoursLunch 11:00-15:30 (LO 14:30)Dinner 17:00-21:00 (LO 20:00)both closing 10 minutes before LO Regular holidaysIrregular holiday TEL:077-526-3500 Official Website Named after Würzburg in Germany, a sister city of Otsu, this restaurant offers authentic German beer, Franken wines, and home-cooked meals including sausages. In its building decorated in a traditional German style inside and outside, the staff in traditional German dress welcomes you. Party plans and course plans are available. Customers are also allowed to dine with their pets in outside seats.
Chikasada Gourmet
Address7-4 Tamanoura, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-2142 Operating Hours11:30 - 14:00 (LO) 17:00 - 19:30 (LO) *Close when sold out Regular holidaysEvery Wednesday and Thursday TEL:077-545-5224 Official Website Chikasada offers local Shiga dishes. In a relaxing wood-based space, you can enjoy the taste preserved for generations. Famous for its crispy eels grilled over a charcoal fire, this restaurant is crowded at lunchtime during weekdays with many customers queuing. Its carp cuisine is also popular.
Honkaku Sumibiyaki Unagi En Otsu Branch Gourmet
Address3-598-3, Yugoto, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0101 Operating Hours11:30 - 20:30 (LO19:30)Saturday, Sunday, Holidays / 11:00 - Regular holidaysIrregular holiday TEL:077-548-6528 Official Website En is a restaurant specializing in charcoal-grilled eel dishes using eels freshly prepared in the morning. Eels are grilled crispy and fluffy in a jiyaki style and served with a sweet heirloom sauce that has been matured while continually filled up with new ingredients, which is the key to the flavor. Through the glass on the counter, you can watch chefs grill eels and the smoke coming up from the grill, which makes you excited while you are waiting to be served. The restaurant is so popular that it may fill up fast at lunchtime. You should come early or make a reservation.
Omi Beef Farmhouse Restaurant Daikichi Gourmet
Address2-25-11 Imakata, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0241 Operating Hours・Restaurantlunch 11: 00-14: 30 (LO14: 00) Dinner 17: 00-21: 00 (LO20: 00) ・ First floor butcher shop 10: 30-17: 00 ・ Takes Out sales butcher shop at the same time We also sell in. Saturday / Sunday, holidays / 11: 00- Regular holidaysEvery Wednesday / 2nd Tuesday TEL:077-572-1129 Official Website Instagram Daikichi is a long-established restaurant founded in 1896, specializing in Omi Beef. It is run by an in-house farmer. Using local rice, soy sauce, and vegetables from Takashima, this restaurant offers Omi Beef yakiniku Japanese barbecue, sukiyaki, steaks, and value lunch meals. On the first floor is a meat shop that sells meat, homemade lunch boxes and prepared dishes for takeout, and retort pouch food, such as curry and hamburger steaks made with its proudest Omi Beef, which are suited as gifts. With a consistent production system from purchase and raising to processing of Omi Beef, Daikichi offers safe and secure products, menus using various parts of beef, and ways to eat beef. Its proudest Omi cattle are raised in an unrestricted environment full of nature while being fed with rice straw in Takashima and groundwater from a subterranean river in the Hira mountains. Please taste the difference.
Omi Beer Gourmet
Address3-24-37, Honkenda, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0242 Operating HoursTuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, 1st and 3rd Sunday:12:00-17:00Friday only:12:00-20:00 Regular holidaysMonday, Thursday, 2nd, 4th, 5th TEL:077-536-5222 Official Website Instagram Facebook By leveraging the flexibility of a small brewery, Omi Beer brews "fun and tasty" craft beer actively using ingredients from Shiga. The brewery offers not only standard products, such as Koji Ale, which features the refreshing acidity and umami flavor of koji and the flamboyant aroma of many hops, and Pale Ale with citrus-flavored hops, but also limited-time beer. No matter how many times you visit here, you will always find something to enjoy. Outdoor seating for beer opens at noon. Why don't you have a luxurious time drinking beer in the afternoon? (Recommended by Biwako Hanakaido)
Mifuji Shokudo Gourmet
Address8-6, Zessho 2-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0815 Operating Hours11:30 - 20:00 Regular holidaysfirst three days of the New Year (January 1st to 3rd) TEL:077-522-8135 Mifuji Shokudo is the must-visit place for people who want extra-large serving food in Shiga. All menus are surprisingly giant. Founded in 1959, this long-established restaurant is reminiscent of the Showa period (1926-1989) inside and outside. It is crowded with regular customers every day. A lot of celebrities' autographs on the wall are also impressive. Among a large variety of menus, such as rice dishes, noodles, okonomiyaki savory pancakes, donburi bowls, and pastas, katsu donburi (pork cutlet over rice) is well worth eating. A regular serving here is a large serving at other restaurants. You will need courage and determination to order a large serving in this restaurant. (Recommended by Biwako Hanakaido)
Ryusokairagi Hinodegama Michiko Associates Gourmet
Address1008 Kido, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0514 Operating Hours10:00-18:00 Regular holidaysTuesday TEL:077-592-2518 Official Website Instagram Facebook Twitter This pottery offers boxed lunch that promotes local production for local consumption and experiences of pottery-making and Japanese tea-brewing in a more than 250-year-old traditional house. Its product Ryusokairagi is referred to as a miracle earthenware with unique wavy lines. Since wavy lines are produced by such a simple coincidence that they cannot be acquired stably, Ryusokairagi potteries are said to be extremely rare. In its traditional kominka house with water reed roofing, designated as a Tangible Cultural Property, you can experience making earthenware with a wheel, brewing Japanese tea, or enjoy boxed lunch made with ingredients from Shiga (Wednesdays and Sundays only). (Recommended by Biwako Hanakaido)
Kaiun Soba Gourmet
Address33 Sonjoji-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0036 Operating Hours11:00-17:00 Regular holidays3rd Monday and Tuesday TEL:077-524-8262 This famous soba noodle restaurant is located in front of Enmanin Temple inside Miidera (Onjoji) Temple, always with many customers queuing. As suggested by its scenic storefront and name "Kaiun" (good luck), this restaurant has some kind of atmosphere that benefits those who visit here. You should first try hot Kaiun Soba noodles. Cold zarusoba noodles featuring the intense aroma of buckwheat should be eaten with a soba dipping base with a rich soy sauce and soup stock flavor. Once you eat here, you will understand why people are queuing. (Recommended by Biwako Ryokusuitei)
Bird Cafe Gourmet
Address1-7, Hamaotsu 5-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0047 Operating Hours9:00-17:00 Regular holidaysOpen daily (closed 12/16 - 2/19) TEL:077-548-7387 Official Website Instagram Located adjacent to Biwaichi Bike where cyclists gather, Bird Cafe was founded as a recreation place for all people who love Lake Biwa. Enjoy healthy meals made in an appropriate nutritional balance using ingredients that promote local production for local consumption, such as vegetables and locally produced chicken purchased from contracted farmers in Otsu. Many takeout menus designed for cyclists are also available. (Recommended by Biwako Ryokusuitei)
Saka Yamakawa Gourmet
Address10-5, Nagato 2-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0046 Operating Hours10:00-18:00 (Eat-in 10:30~LO 17:00) Regular holidaysMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday and the first and third Sunday of the month TEL:077-527-0088 Official Website Instagram Facebook This Japanese confectionery shop on the Nakamachi shopping street offers seasonal confectioneries made every day by hand using Takashima Dainagon Azuki red sweet beans homegrown in its owner's hometown Takashima. With the motto of putting its heart into making confectioneries with extra care while imagining the delighted faces of customers, this shop also produces seasonal offerings that make the most of the natural tastes of ingredients in Shiga. All items are available for takeout, which will be suited as gifts. "Adoberry" boysenberry shaved ice is phenomenal. (Recommended by Ayaha Lakeside Hotel)
gururi Gourmet
AddressSouth corner of Chuo Building 1F, 9-28 Hama-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0041 Operating Hours11:30-19:00 (LO18:30) Regular holidaysMondays and irregular holidays TEL:077-509-0397 Official Website Instagram This is a small cafe where people can read books, run by a couple who moved into Shiga as they were captivated by Lake Biwa. The cafe is named gururi because it aims to connect people to places, people to things, and people to people like a circle (gururi means around). It has many books and irregularly holds an event called "gururi's Book Night." Enjoy a peace and quiet time offered by the shop in your own way. (Recommended by Ayaha Lakeside Hotel)
bistro guccho Gourmet
AddressReal Ishiyama Building 1F, 17-14-2 Awazu-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0832 Operating HoursLunch 11:30 - 14:00 Dinner 17:30 - 23:00 Regular holidaysTuesday TEL:077-572-7881 Official Website This casual French restaurant offers gorgeous meals that make the most of seasonal local ingredients. Its dishes made with homegrown vegetables and vegetables purchased from contracted farmers are served with meat, such as beef, duck, and mutton, and its proudest sauce. The lunch course includes your choice of main dish, appetizer, soup, dessert, and drink (coffee or tea). At night, you can enjoy natural wine with a la carte dishes. Plates served on the table are famous for their beautiful arrangement. (Recommended by Ayaha Lakeside Hotel)
Uoseiro Gourmet
Address1-17-3, Honkenda 1-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0242 Operating Hours12:00-22:00 Regular holidayswithout a holiday TEL:077-572-0009 Uoseiro is a long-established restaurant with an attached ryokan inn near Ukimido Hall in Katata. A Japanese-style room in a more than 200-year-old building with atmospheric scenery commands a beautiful view of Lake Biwa. The attractive aspects of Uoseiro include different kaiseki (traditional Japanese course) cuisine offered for each season, kamo-suki (sukiyaki with wild duck meat), kamo kaiseki (duck course) cuisine, and natural willow gudgeon caught in the Katata Port. Enjoy the fluffy meat of willow gudgeon with moderate bitterness and a roasting aroma grilled over a charcoal fire. This meal attracts many visitors from across Japan.
Cafe Koan Gourmet
Address1224-2 Kido, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0514 Operating Hours09:00-17:00 Regular holidaysnon-scheduled holiday TEL:070-8471-5644 Official Website Instagram Cafe Koan is located a little north of Biwako Valley. Near Lake Biwa, this cafe proudly features its splendid view, fluffy castella cake, and coffee. Its homemade half-baked castella cake is popular for its unprecedentedly fluffy and gooey texture. This cake is also served in a variety of interesting arrangements, such as Brulee-style and French toast-style. Special drinks, such as ripe banana juice, homemade honey and lemon soda, and castella cake shake, also sound delicious.
Hieizan Minemichi Restaurant Gourmet
Address4220, Sakamoto Honmachi, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0116 Operating Hours10:00-17:00 (LO16:30) Regular holidaysWinter Thursdays TEL:077-578-2139 This observation restaurant is five minutes by car from the Todo district, where the Konponchudo main hall of Enryakuji Temple is located. The most attractive feature is its location. You can look down at the magnificent view of Lake Biwa from above through the window. This restaurant offers hamburger steaks and curry rice while Enryakuji Temple offers vegetarian cuisine. Enjoy the food made with great care using carefully selected ingredients. (Recommended by Enryakuji Temple Kaikan)
R cafe at Marina Gourmet
AddressLake West Yacht Club 2F, 1-2-20 Imakata, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0241 Operating Hours11:00-18:00 (LO 15:00) Regular holidaysTuesday TEL:077-571-6017 Official Website Instagram This harbor restaurant allows customers to enjoy lunch or cafe time while watching Lake Biwa. The restaurant, which is reminiscent of a southern holiday resort, offers graceful lunch courses and colorful a la carte dishes including Marina Burg hamburger steak with gravy, and poke with tuna and avocado. The top dessert recommendation is lovely and colorful pancakes, such as ones with chocolate banana or various kinds of berries and ones made in Hawaiian style. (Recommended by Yumotokan)
Osanpo (Omi Beer) Gourmet
Address3-24-37, Honkenda, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0242 Operating HoursTuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, 1st and 3rd Sunday 12:00-17:00 Friday only 12:00-20:00 Regular holidaysMonday, Thursday, 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday TEL:077-536-5222 Official Website Instagram Facebook Adjacent to the factory of Omi Beer, which brews craft beer unique to Shiga, this beer terrace offers smoothies and snacks. Two mothers raising children make safe and reliable smoothies. Enjoy colorful and fresh smoothies under the blue sky. Its distinctive premium beer, craft beer, and the brewery's proud non-alcoholic beer are also recommended. (Recommended by Biwako Hotel)
Honke Tsuruki Soba Gourmet
Address4-11-40 Sakamoto, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0113 Operating Hours11:00-15:00 (LO 14:30) Regular holidaysNew Year's Day, last Monday of each month, last Monday and Tuesday in August (open all year round in November) TEL:077-578-0002 Official Website Sakamoto flourished as a town built around Hieizan Enryakuji Temple and was also known as the home of a masonry group Anoshu. This soba restaurant is said to date back to 1716 when a man called Tsuruya Kihachi served soba noodles to visitors to Enryakuji Temple and Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine. It features a kaeshi soba dipping base of more than 300 years old, which is the heirloom sauce since the restaurant's foundation continually filled up with new ingredients, and soba noodles of high-quality buckwheat flour from Hokkaido. Enjoy the traditional homemade soba noodles that can be eaten only in Honke Tsuruki Soba. Its Irimoya-style (half-saddle, half-hipped) building has been designated as a National Cultural Property. (Recommended by Biwako Hanakaido)
Otsu Uochuu Gourmet
Address4-10, Kyomachi 2-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0044 Operating HoursLunch 11:30-15:00 (LO 14:00)Dinner 16:30-22:00 (LO 19:00) Regular holidaysWednesdays (closed on the third Tuesday of the month from February 2023) TEL:077-522-4428 Official Website Otsu Uochuu was built in 1905 and has been registered as a National Tangible Cultural Property. The building, which is reminiscent of a merchant home in the late Meiji period, and the garden in the back, designed by Ogawa Jihei VII (also known as the seventh Ueji), are beautiful. Enjoy a special time in a private room that maximizes the use of space. You can taste graceful meals that make the most of seasonal ingredients grown in Shiga, such as Lake Biwa fish, Omi Beef, and local ingredients. A variety of lunches, including Kayu Tekago Bento, are also popular. (Recommended by Biwako Hotel)
Kochoan Gourmet
Address1-15-9, Ohshogun, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-2145 Operating Hours11:30 - 14:30 (LO 14:00)17:30 - 20:30 (except Tuesdays) Regular holidaysThird Tuesday of the month TEL:077-544-6471 Kochoan proudly features its chewy, full-body udon noodles and sophisticated dashi broth. Popular among udon lovers for its crispy tempura and saba-zushi made of fleshy and fatty mackerel, this restaurant draws many customers, especially during lunchtime. Choose the Saba-zushi and Udon set meal or Saba-zushi and Tempura set meal to enjoy the spreading aroma of dashi broth and the luxurious taste of mildly vinegared saba-zushi.
R cafe Gourmet
Address934-1 Kitahira, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0503 Operating HoursWeekdays 08:00-18:00 (L/O 17:00)Weekends and holidays 07:00-18:00 (L/O 17:00) *Depends on the season Regular holidaysThursday *Depends on the season. TEL:077-596-1355 Official Website Instagram Facebook Twitter R cafe is a Hawaiian cafe on the shore of Lake Biwa. Hawaiian plate lunches, pancakes, and cafe menus are all homemade. With a focus on life with dogs, this cafe allows customers to dine inside and outside with their dogs. You can also enjoy music concerts, barbecues, and standup paddleboarding with your dog.
Tokkuri Gourmet
Address1F COCOLAS Otsu, 2-1 Kasuga-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0055 Operating Hours17:00-23:00 (L.O. food 22:00 / drink 22:30) Regular holidaysnon-scheduled holiday TEL:077-522-1147 Official Website Tokkuri is a Japanese-style bar in front of Otsu Station. Claiming itself to be Motenashiya (a restaurant with hospitality), this bar welcomes customers with various a la carte dishes, such as its proudest original dishes prepared with time and effort, and grilled dishes that make the most of the natural taste of carefully selected ingredients. It also features local ingredients and local dishes, such as seared Omi Beef, Biwa lake smelt tempura, lake fish tsukudani (preserved food boiled down in soy sauce), and Omi red konjac steak. Relax and enjoy the food and liquor in a modern Japanese-style private room. (Recommended by Lake Biwa Otsu Prince Hotel)
Omi Beef Restaurant Matsukiya Gourmet
Address14-17 Karahashi-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0851 Operating HoursLunch (weekdays) 11:30 - 14:00 (last reservation)closing at 15:00Lunch (weekends) 11:00 - 14:00 (last reservation)closing at 15:00Dinner 17:00 - 20:00 (last reservation)closing at 21:30 Regular holidaysNone (with irregular holidays) TEL:077-534-2901 Official Website Instagram Facebook This long-established restaurant is famous for spreading Omi Beef nationwide in the early Meiji period. On the first floor is a butcher shop designated as an approved Omi Beef shop that carries certified Omi Beef. It is committed to offering better Omi Beef. On the second floor is an Omi Beef hamburger steak specialty restaurant. It offers food with a luxurious taste in a relaxing atmosphere. Enjoy your favorite beef meal, such as steak, sukiyaki, shabu-shabu, or grilled barbecue.
Lake Biwa Canal Sightseeing
AddressKanonji-Mitsuiji-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0034 Official Website The best season to visit this canal is from early to mid-April. Cherry blossom trees planted on its bank are in bloom and look beautiful against the lake water running through the canal.
Omi-jingu Shrine Sightseeing
Address1-1 Jingu-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0015 Operating HoursSacred Staff Awarding Office 9:00-16:30 Clock Tower Treasure House 9:30-16:30 Regular holidaysClock Tower Treasure House is closed on Mondays except national holidays. Official Website Omi-jingu Shrine is enshrined as the ancestor deity of Uta Karuta traditional card game. Hyakunin Isshu competitive karuta card games have been recently featured in manga, such as Chihayafuru, and dramas. Especially, the Meijin & Queen title match, held at the beginning of every New Year, has become recognized.
BSC Watersports Centre Sightseeing
Address4-1 Minamifunamichi, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0516 Operating Hours9:00-18:00 Official Website Standup paddleboarding is an activity of standing upright on a surfboard and sailing with a single paddle. Standing on the water is a totally fresh experience.
Yanagasaki Lakeside Park Biwako Otsukan Sightseeing
Address5-35 Yanagisaki, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0022 Operating Hours9:00-22:00*Depends on each store Regular holidaysOpen year-round: *Closed several times a year for facility inspections TEL:077-511-4187(9:00~19:30) Official Website Instagram Facebook Twitter This restored cultural facility in Otsu was the former Biwako Hotel originally built in 1934 as the first international tourist hotel in Shiga Prefecture. It has a restaurant and a concession stand, and its English Garden features seasonal flowers. The site holds Spring Rose Festa annually from mid-May to early June, which allows visitors to spend a graceful time while watching about 3,000 spring roses of about 300 varieties.
Tennen Onsen Hiratopia Sightseeing
Address1039-2 Kitahira, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0503 Operating Hours10:00 - 21:00 (reception until 20:30) Regular holidaysOpen irregularly* May be temporarily closed on December 30 and January 1 TEL:077-596-8388 Official Website Hiratopia is a natural hot spring facility in a vast natural environment with a view of the Hira mountains. Its proudest open-air bath is surrounded by rich trees. This soothing place with natural aroma and wind makes you feel relaxed mentally and physically. With large baths, a restaurant, and a concession stand, Hiratopia would be the perfect choice for your trip. After hiking the Hira mountains, swimming in summer, or snowboarding or skiing in winter, drop by this facility and have a relaxing time bathing in a hot spring.
Hieizan Enryakuji Temple Sightseeing
Address4220, Sakamoto Honmachi, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0113 Operating Hours8:30-16:30, until 16:00 for the West Tower and Yokogawa. Subject to change depending on the season. Official Website Enryakuji Temple is the head temple of the Tendai sect with vast temple grounds on Mt. Hiei. It was designated as a World Heritage Site in 1994. The precincts in Mt. Hiei with cedar groves growing thick and deep possess a certain majestic atmosphere as the monastic center of Tendai sect, making visitors brace themselves up.
Ukimido Hall Sightseeing
Address1-16-18, Honkenda, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0242 Operating Hours8:00-17:00 Ukimido Hall, which is famous for "Katata-no-Rakugan" (Wild Geese Alighting at Katata) one of the Eight Views of Omi, has a temple name of Kaimonsan Mangetsuji. This hall was built by Eshin Sozu in the Heian period (794-1185) to pray for safety on the lake and enlightenment of the masses. The current building was reconstructed in 1937 and restored in 1982 to preserve the old atmosphere.
Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine Sightseeing
Address5-1-1 Sakamoto, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0113 Operating Hours9:00~16:30 Regular holidayswithout a holiday Official Website Located at the foot of the 378-meter-high Mt. Hachioji, also called Mt. Ushio, in the Hiei mountains, this shrine is enshrined as a guardian deity to protect Sakamoto, the town developed around Enryakuji Temple. Sanno Festival, its annual festival affectionately referred to as Sanno-san, is one of the three major festivals in the Kokoku (lakeland) region.
Karasaki-jinja Shrine Sightseeing
Address1-7-1 Karasaki, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0106 Regular holidayswithout a holiday Official Website This shrine is a beauty spot famous for "Karasaki-no-Yau" (Evening Rain at Karasaki), one of the Eight Views of Omi. In the precincts, there is a famous sacred 100-year-old Japanese pine tree, mentioned in the haiku poem "Karasaki no matsu wa hana yori oboro nite" (the pine of Karasaki is even hazier than the cherry blossoms) written by Matsuo Basho. This shrine has been known as a sacred place for purification since old times. Many Kyoto townsfolk and princesses visited this place for purification as one of the seven waterside locations where purification was conducted (Nanase-no-Harae) in the Heian period (794-1185). Also referred to as Onna-betto-sha Shrine, it is widely believed by women and is said to work for women's diseases and disorders.
Michigan Sightseeing
Address5-1-1, Hamaotsu 5-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0047 Operating HoursMichigan 609:40/15:00Michigan 9011:00/13:00Daily service Official Website Michigan is one of the famous cruise boats in Lake Biwa. It slowly sails on the southern area of Lake Biwa. The Michigan Sky Deck on the top floor commands views of the Hiei and Hira Mountains and the magnificent Lake Biwa.
Miidera Temple Sightseeing
Address246 Sonjoji-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0036 Operating Hours8:00-17:00 Regular holidayswithout a holiday Official Website Miidera Temple is one of the major cherry blossom viewing spots in Shiga. Cherry blossom trees are illuminated at night every year from early April. A tunnel of cherry blossom trees illuminated by lights at night is breathtakingly beautiful.
Saikyoji Temple Sightseeing
Address5-13-1 Sakamoto, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0113 Operating Hours9:00~16:30 Regular holidayswithout a holiday Official Website Saikyoji Temple is the head temple of the Tendai Shinsei sect, which has more than 450 branches in Japan. In this temple that has served as a center for training precepts and chants, chants are heard every day.
Seta-no-Karahashi Bridge Sightseeing
AddressKarahashi-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-2134 Official Website This bridge is considered one of the Three Famous Bridges of Japan and is also famous for "Seta-no-Sekisho" (Evening Glow at Seta), one of the Eight Views of Omi. Since the bridge was a military and traffic important point leading to Kyoto, many famous battles took place there, leading to the expression "whoever controls Seta-no-Karahashi controls the country." It is well known that the Japanese proverb "Isogaba Maware" (Haste makes waste) originated from this bridge.
Ishiyamadera Temple Sightseeing
Address1-1-1 Ishiyamadera, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0861 Operating Hours8:00-16:00 Regular holidayswithout a holiday Official Website This is the 13th holy site of the Saigoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage temples. Ishiyamadera Temple preserves the Hondo main shrine and Tahoto pagoda, both of which are National Treasures, and other national treasures and important cultural properties, including Buddhist scriptures, sacred texts, statures, and painting scrolls. Tsukimitei, the famous motif of "Ishiyama-no-Shugetsu" (Autumn Moon at Ishiyama)—one of the Eight Views of Omi, is located on a hill overlooking the clear waters of Seta River and was used as the Imperial throne by ex-Emperor Go-Shirakawa and subsequent emperors.
Tachiki Kannon Sightseeing
AddressIshiyama Nango-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0865 Operating Hours9:00-16:00 Regular holidayswithout a holiday Official Website This Kannon for protection against evil is located on the west side along Seta River. Climb up the long and steep stone steps to the precincts. Since Kobo-daishi is said to have sculpted the Tachiki Kannon statue when he was 42 years old, which is considered one of the ages of misfortune, this Kannon is widely famous as a Kannon that protects from evil and draws many people who pay a monthly visit every 17th of the month.
Omi-Maiko Beach Sightseeing
Address1547-1 Kido, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0514 Operating Hours9:00-17:00Opening period: July 1-August 31 Official Website A white sand beach spreads out around four kilometers. With green pine trees on the lakeside, Omi-Maiko Beach has been famous as a scenic spot since old times. The beach has been selected as one of the Eight Views of Lake Biwa as "Ryofu: Omatsuzaki-no-Hakutei" (Cool breeze: white beach of Omatsuzaki). In summer, it is the busiest resort in Lake Biwa, attracting windsurfers and swimmers.
Biwako Valley Sightseeing
Address1547-1 Kido, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0514 Operating HoursApril-October: 9:00-17:00, November: 9:30-16:30 (last up 16:00/last down 17:00) Ropeway operation period: April 23 (Sat) to November 27 (Sun), 2022 Official Website Biwako Valley is about five minutes by cable car from the foot of the mountains. The top of the mountains with a panoramic view of Lake Biwa has the Biwako Terrace, where people come from around the world. There are also fun activities for children and even adults, as well as a highland area overlooking Lake Biwa to enjoy beautiful nature. You may see the sea of clouds with celestial beauty, which is sometimes generated due to the site's unique climate with a huge change in temperature.
Sakamoto Cable Sightseeing
Address4244 Sakamoto Honmachi, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0113 Operating HoursMarch-December 8:00-17:3012-February 8:30-17:00 Regular holidaysDue to annual facility repair work, regular service will be suspended in early March. Please see the website for details. Official Website Sakamoto Cable is the longest cable car railway in Japan built in 1927. This 2,025-meter-long cable car railway takes passengers from the foot of the mountains to Enryakuji Temple in 11 minutes. Renovated in 1993, the European-style cable cars command a panoramic view of Lake Biwa through the large windows.
Fireworks Sightseeing
Address Official Website Enjoy fireworks and lights above Lake Biwa in Shiga in harmony with the fountain. Through fireworks, Shiga Prefecture shares Shiga Rhythm, a concept for a new type of vacation that allows people's hearts and minds to find its rhythm by experiencing the passage of time and living in Shiga, which has moved forward slowly and carefully with its nature, history, and culture, including Lake Biwa.