The Upside Down

On the night of November 6, 1983, a 12-year-old Will Byers was taken by a monster called the Demogorgon to an alternative dimension called the Upside Down. Will experiences a week of harrowing survival in the Upside Down by hiding from the Demogorgon while his family and friends desperately search for him.
Each location on this map based in Atlanta where Stranger Things was filmed, tells a story describing the scenes and Will's state of mind.
update date: 2024.01.19
このマップ(地図)を見るNumber of spots : 8spots
Hawkins Library (filmed at 25 3rd St #7, Jackson)
7. Hawkins Library
Photo by Netflix/Courtesy of Netflix Chapter Seven THUD THUD THUD. My chest. THUD THUD THUD. Air drifts in my mouth. I gasp, all the air-filled in my lungs. I cough and cough. Is that you, Hopper? Hopper gives me an air mask. I breathe heavily. My mom sobs and cries, holding me in her arms. Mom…? She saved me. I’m safe. I’m finally safe.
Castle Byers (film location unknown)
6.Castle Byers
Photo by Netflix/Courtesy of Netflix Chapter Six Darling, you got to let me go... Should I stay or should I go? My body is shivering. I hear the monster approaching. I am alerted and frightened. My body freezes. He is back. He is going to get me.
Hawkins Laboratory (filmed at 1256 Briarcliff Rd NE, Atlanta)
5. Hawkins Laboratory
Photo by Netflix/Courtesy of Netflix Chapter Five Suit on, hook on. I am ready. I start lurching towards the slimy gate. I keep walking and hear the muffled static noise of my walky-talky. “Shepherd, come in. Confirm comm” I look around, it’s low visibility, I’m about one-click south of the rift. It’s all eroded here, covered in blood. I keep spinning, then suddenly emerging, a growl. “Shepherd, can you hear me?” I feel every nerve in my body in fright. I yell and scream. There’s something else… there’s something else in here!! It starts growling even louder. I run as fast as I can. Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out! No!!
The Harringtons (filmed at 8253 Carlton Rd, Riverdale)
4. The Harringtons
Photo by Netflix/Courtesy of Netflix Chapter Four The blood from my thumb trickles down to the water. Flashes of electricity suddenly burst. The swimming pool goes black. What’s going on? Something growls, then a roar. What the...? AHHHHHHHH. Nancy HELP!! Nancy!! HELP!! Nancy!!
The Byers (filmed at Fayetteville)
3. The Byers
Photo by Netflix/Courtesy of Netflix Chapter Three It's dark and cold. Goosebumps indulge my body, my teeth shaking. What is this place? Where is everybody? Mom? It's empty in the cupboard that I am hiding in. Hiding from that thing. Mom, is that you? I step out of the small isolated cupboard. Why are the Christmas lights everywhere? Mom? Are you there? Mom, can you hear me? I'm right here!
Mirkwood (filmed at Georgia International Horse Park)
2. Mirkwood
Photo by Netflix/Courtesy of Netflix Chapter Two The wind gushes on my face. It’s dark, but the lamps are still on. My bike light flickers on and off. That’s weird. It turns off for a second, then comes back on. I look up in a flash. WHAT WAS THAT. I gasp, swerving off the road. What was that!? I panic, I slip off my bike. I whimper and look up slightly towards the misty fog. Growls emerge. I run, I run so fast. My heart beats fast.
Hawkins Middle (filmed at 115 S Lee St, Stockbridge)
8. Hawkins Middle
Photo by Netflix/Courtesy of Netflix Chapter Eight "Eleven, stop!" I push Mike away. My eyes are bulging red. I glance at them one more time, knowing that this is going to be the last time. They were my family. I walk towards that thing with anger. No more!
The Wheelers (filmed at 2530 Piney Wood Ln, East Point)
1. The Wheelers
Photo by Netflix/Courtesy of Netflix Chapter One It's always fun playing Dungeons & Dragons at Mike's place with my best friends Mike, Dustin, and Lucas. When we were about to encounter the Demogorgon in the game, Dustin tells me to cast a protection spell. Instead, l fireball the monster. I rolled a 7. It got me, the Demogorgon.