Spetses, Greek Island(Haruki Murakami's essay stage)

When I first knew about Stroly’s map service, I thought of making a map of a Greek Island called Spetses. I never visited this place before but I become very interested of this island because it was often mentioned in Haruki Murakami’s essay.
In the essay, a map was drawn by Valentina and it really caught my attention. It was a bit weird but I couldn’t get over it. I become very interested and the way Haruki stated his short-term stay in Spetses was very interesting.
The book was published 30 years ago but I decided to draw it with the intention to introduce this island that had been in my mind from Haruki-san’s essay. I made further research about the place and I’ve seen many places that still remains. I would be very thrilled to visit this place one day.
update date: 2020.07.23
このマップ(地図)を見るNumber of spots : 9spots
Kalimera! A Greek greeting that means ‘hello’. Murakami said that, there are no other people who greets as energetic as the Greeks. He said that whenever he sees people in the city, they scream ‘Kalimera!’ At the beginning of the essay, there is an old Turkish song like this 遠い太鼓に誘われて 私は長い旅に出た 古い外套に身を包み すべてを後に残して (トルコの古い唄)
Anargyreos & Korgialeneios School of Spetses - AKSS
A school where a famous British novelist, John Fowles known for his book, The Collector, taught English in the early 1950’s.
Poseidonion Grand Hotel Spetses
Since the ceiling is very high and it faces the beautiful view of the port, it is considered as a 5-star hotel. However, 30 years ago, when the essay was written, the hotel was described to be a mismatched of old and modern interior design..
from Haruki's book ある朝目が覚めて、ふと耳を澄ませると、何処か遠くから太鼓の音が聞こえてきた。その音を聞いているうちに、僕はどうしても長い旅に出たくなったのだ――。40歳になろうとしていた著者は、ある思いに駆られて日本を後にし、ギリシャ・イタリアへ長い旅に出る。『ノルウェイの森』と『ダンス・ダンス・ダンス』を書き上げ、作家としての転換期となった、三年間の異国生活のスケッチブック。
Ekklisia Anastasi Church - Spetses
In Haruki’s essay, a description of a small church in a size of a minibus can easily be found in while strolling.
Cine Marina
According to the book, this movie theaters used to take a break during off-seasons.
Ciné Titania
This movie theater was open all year round. In Spretses, there were only 2 movie theaters, one took a break during off-season while the other one is open all year round. Funnily, there was a time when Murakami couples found a movie poster Bruce Lee and they were thrilled to watch, only to find out that it was only a Bruce Lee imitation movie.
I am very happy to find this restaurant and include it in the map. I remember being hungry whenever Haruki described the restaurant He mentioned that it was cheap and delicious. The shop is called ‘Patralis Shop’ and Mr Haruki said that there were two Patralis during that time.
Spetses Port
The landmark at the center of the map is drawn by Valentina.