Texas Centennial Exposition 1830-1936

Texas Centennial Exposition 1830-1936 thumbnail

Author    Chirpe, W Rodney
Author    Montgomery Ward Co., Inc.
Date    1936
Short Title    Texas Centennial Exposition 1830-1936
Publisher    Montgomery Ward Co., Inc.
Publisher Location    Chicago, Ill.
Type    Separate Map
Obj Height cm    46
Obj Width cm    61
Scale 1    None shown
Note    Color pictorial map of Texas, Includes historical vignettes on both sides and lower panels, historical notes and decorative compass rose oriented with the north to upper right margin. Shows landmarks, roads, farms, railroads, park, industry, agriculture, rivers, mountains and Native American settlements. Relief shown pictorially. Centennial Exposition was held at Fair Park in Dallas, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Texas's independence from Mexico in 1836. It was also a celebration of Texas and Western culture. W. Rodney Chirpe was an artist who achieved some success in commercial and advertizing design. His work was featured in an exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago in 1934.
State/Province    Texas
Subject    Pictorial map
Subject    Historical
Full Title    Texas Centennial Exposition 1830-1936 : presented by Montgomery Ward. Designed by W. Rodney Chirpe. Copyright 1936 by Montgomery Ward Co., Inc.
List No    11641.000
Publication Author    Chirpe, W Rodney
Publication Author    Montgomery Ward Co., Inc.
Pub Date    1936
Pub Title    Texas Centennial Exposition 1830-1936 : presented by Montgomery Ward. Designed by W. Rodney Chirpe. Copyright 1936 by Montgomery Ward Co., 

update date: 2019.08.03


Number of spots : 0spots